The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 700: Soul contest (8)

Let Inno **** the spores of the cloud insects, and the spores are radioactive and timed, and then use the spores to attack Inno. This is the plan proposed by the research team leader Feiyun.

Suddenly questioned, Su Su asked, "Ino **** human brains. It doesn't eat everything. How can you let him eat spores? It's still radioactive and invisible to the naked eye. ? "

Feiyun said: "The chief of the report, because it is invisible, will not cause suspicion. In addition, you raised the question about radioactivity, and you, and everyone here, can rest assured that the spores of the cloud insect are dormant The following is not radioactive, and the instrument cannot detect it. "

Su Duo said, "Then you can't let Ino eat your spores."

Feiyun said: "This involves the issue of traps. From the intelligence details stated by Captain Baizi just now, I heard a very important message that Ino is very hungry now, and they urgently need fresh brains. And Yi Nuo is a very important group that constitutes Taino society. We can use this ...

"People will not panic when they are hungry. We know that the food of Inno is the brain plasma of higher animals, especially the advanced carbon-based animals with wisdom, such as us Huaxia, Audley and Feng people. So Yi When Nuo is hungry, it also reduces reason and judgment. As for how to let Ino eat the spores of the cloud insect, I imagined this way:

"Make a kind of high-simulation person, either Huaxia, Ordley or Fengren, but I think the best choice is to choose the Ordley, because the 80,000 people they eat on the Lighthouse Star are Austrian This is less likely to cause suspicion to the Drae people. The so-called high-simulation people are essentially robots and do not have autonomous consciousness, so there is no moral problem to feed them to Inno.

"This highly simulated robot can deceive the detection equipment to a large extent. When Inno is now not a real person, it has already consumed its brain, and its brain is also fake, which is doped with a lot of cloud insects. spore."

Feiyun came here and stopped again, waiting for everyone's questions. This time Su Du didn't ask any more, but Bai Ziying asked the question.

But Tingying asked: "You mean, there are a lot of dummies in the zombie fleet. This kind of dummies can be almost real. It is difficult to find out whether it is true or false in a short time?"

"Yes, long," Feiyun answered.

"Even if your inferences are true, Ino is an indispensable part of the Taino civilization. But have you thought about it? At Lighthouse Star, more than 80,000 left-behind residents are not enough to eat, and you are now Where to get so many dummies?

"Long, yours is what I am worried about. The resources carried on the Bleach can only produce more than 300 such dummies." Feiyun said, "So, we need further research. See if you can come up with a better plan. "

Everyone showed a trace of disappointment. In the interstellar war, the use of biological weapons already had great limitations. But now we have to face enemies that are several times more powerful than Daming. It is even more difficult to use biological and chemical weapons against them.

Related issues have been discussed for a long time, and the task to be done afterwards is that within the next eight months, the research team must come up with a set of plans and then deploy them. After eight months, no matter where it goes, it must be deployed according to the established plan.

Several heads of the headquarters were off the assembly line. In the control center of the Feng people, several people continued to discuss, the special features of the Feng people, the flying cloud of the scientific research group, and the heroes of the assault group, Yun Yan and the high war.

Gao Zhan sighed: "What should we do? The headquarters has given us only eight months, in which we have to block the powerful Taino fleet ..."

Feiyun said: "I will find a way to see if I can make a better breakthrough."

Gao Zhandao: "But we have only eight months, and our warships and zombie fleets have this serious lack of resources."

The reason why it is a zombie fleet is because it is basically an empty shell. Every battleship in the fleet is an empty shell and is only for flight. Although the Battleship Blizzard is large enough, there is a huge gap in the resources required for the high-simulation dummy bait proposed by Feiyun. Just like what he did, only a few hundred dummies can be made, which is simply not enough.

Zheng Yunyan said: "I don't think everyone should be discouraged. As long as we work hard, it will not work, and we will have no way. Let's try our best."

Gao Zhan sighed: "It can only be so now."

Nobita said: "Although we can only do our best, we must do our best!"

Nobita looked at several people and said, "You have to understand that there are more than 200 million people in the Daming Navy ~ ~ Of which, there are 100 million Chinese people, 100 million Audrey Bodhi people, although you have a population of Feng people At least, but there are more than 10 million! Even if we fight our lives, we must stop the Tylenol! Give the headquarters the maximum response time. In this way, take a rest for a night, Ou Te, we will continue a soul investigation tomorrow If you do n’t go to so many people tomorrow, you will take two people, and we will go to four or five people.

"Also, I still don't understand many of your mind control skills. In this way, I will rest here tonight. You give me an assault training overnight. What do you think?"

Ou Te said: "Can it be possible, I just worry about the captain's body can eat up? The soul transmission of three or four times at a time is very exhausting, you have to study with me this evening without rest ..."

Nobita waved his hand: "We can't turn off that much. We came to participate in this operation. We were originally determined to die. We are not afraid of death. What can we do if we are tired? Anyway, I am a dual environment adaptor. I can also get used to eating and drinking. The master, brother Gao, you two will go back first. It seems that there are still half a year in eight months, but for us, it is very short, so we have to pay close attention. "

Zheng Yunyan said: "That line, I will go back with Gao Xian, Ou Te's right, you should pay attention to the body, do not complete the task when the time, but broke the body."

Nobita laughed: "Come on, I'm a special soldier anyway. What's this about?"

Zheng Yunyan confessed, and then left Daxiong, and left the Fengzu section with the high war, and returned to the section where the commando was. Walking on the way back, Gao Zhan had been utterly stunned, and Yun Yan asked: "What's wrong with you? You just met Daxiong just now. What happened?"

Gao Zhan said in a cut-out manner: "Yunyan, I like you."

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