The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 730: Black Angel Falling (Continued 4)

The Bleach is 15 light-months away from the Techno III Civilization Fleet, and the largest reconnaissance radius of Ino's soul wave is only 1 light-month. But how can there always be Ino, and it is still a medium-sized Ino, how did it come over? Also escaped the investigation of Soul Wave!

Not just a medium-sized Ino, it also carried a large number of Techno fighters and launched an attack on the unpowered Ino. The attack did not last long. The enemies, including the Inno and Techno fighters, all equipment was shut down and stopped working, which is in contrast to the Bleach.

The Bleach, which was almost maimed, actually recovered its power at this time!

But it shows that the sky was awakened by severe pain, and I saw that most of the right arm and the entire right thigh were all below the base of the thigh. Blood spewed like a spring.

"Ah, ah ..." Tomorrow's pain, shouting, and a corporal picked up a piece of debris in his mouth and said, "Hold on, hold on!"

Tomorrow, it was trembling violently in pain, the battleship had recovered its power at this moment, and the voice of Bai Zixiong was also heard in the headset, shouting: "Who is on the edge of tomorrow? Hurry, take him to the nearest life-support cabin! Uncle, please guide them to the nearest path, hurry! Is there a robot online? Is the nearest robot next tomorrow? Hurry up the hibernation cocoon, or the cocoon in the life-sustaining cabin, to dismantle me violently, Send it over, send it over!

"Small, hold on, please, I'll be there soon!"

The two corporals carried the car out of the gun bay tomorrow, and tomorrow the teeth were tightly biting the metal fragments in the mouth, the blood was spitting in the mouth, and the whole body was trembling, and there was no sound of pain, sweating, Rolled his eyes.

A corporal carrying him cried and cried, "Tomorrow, you hold on, please, please don't die!"

"Mom, mom!" Suddenly shouted again tomorrow, "sorry, sorry, mom, sorry!"

"Yes, your mother is still waiting for you to go home," the corporal cried. "You can't die! Or your mother will cry to death, do you know?"

"I'm sorry, Mom, I'm sorry ..." Tomorrow's voice is getting lower and lower, the whole body, no, to be precise, most of the body is red with blood, he has lost one leg and one arm!

Before finally arriving in the survival cabin, he was stopped by two robots who were greeted halfway, and the two robots were carrying a hibernating cocoon. Two people and two robots hurriedly opened the hibernation cocoon, and then put it in tomorrow.

It was also at this time that Nobita ran over, holding tomorrow ’s hand tightly and said with tears: "Little ancestor, you hold on to me, without my order, no death!"

Tomorrow will be blurred. If you are angry, you will not be able to live. Nobita released him and watched him sealed in a hibernation cocoon. The robot energized the hibernation cocoon and froze hypnosis. Then transport the cocoon back to the life-sustaining cabin and reconnect the system power.

Seeing that he was carried away tomorrow, and then looking at the blood stains on the floor, Nobita could not help but howl and cried.

One hand rested on his shoulder, and when Nobita looked up, it was Lieutenant Colonel Zheng Yunyan, chief of staff. When Daxiong came over just now, she saw her falling on the deck and woke up from a coma. Seeing that she was fine, she didn't care about her and just came over.

"How is it?" Yun Yan asked.

"I don't know if he can still live. The entire right leg and the entire right arm are all gone, and the blood is running out," Daxiong said with a twitch in the corner of his mouth. "I can only freeze him now, I hope I can put it back when I go back He is alive. What about high war? "

"He ... he's dead!" Yun Yan cried bitterly, and because of his grief, his body was crumbling. Nobita lent her shoulders to cry on her.

"I, we," said Nobita, "count the battle losses first, and then cry slowly, okay?"

"Well," Yun Yan nodded, wiping tears.

This time it was inexplicably attacked, the damage level of the Bleach battleship was 68, the fuel tank was damaged, the Fengzu cabin was damaged, the scientific research cabin was damaged, the command cabin was damaged, and the ecological cabin was damaged ...


All 1oo famous Feng people were killed, including the scientific research team, including the logistics group, 1oo people were killed, 97 people, the assault group, 1o1 people were killed, 95 people were killed. Another life is unknown, it is tomorrow.

There were 3o1 people in the whole action group, 292 people died, and only one survived. The one with "1" is tomorrow. It is really difficult to judge whether he is dead or alive.

The remaining eight living people were scattered in various cabins of the wreckage of the Bleach. Nobita said to the savages: "Uncle, please tell all survivors to gather in the survival cabin."

"Yes, boss," the savage replied, "the headquarters has quantum communications to request a call, and it is Major General Bai Ziying, the General Staff."

"It's the elder sister ..." Nobita couldn't help panicking, how would he tell her?

"What do you want, Nobita? Savage is waiting for your reply." Yunyan looked at Nobita in a trance, reminding him.

"Ah, take it," Nobita recovered.

The two were standing outside the life-sustaining cabin, and now the entire Bleach is no longer intact, and the section from the life-sustaining cabin to the gun bay is slightly better ~ ~ Bai Ziying appeared in On the screen, he said: "Long and Queen June, they are still in soul transmission, and they have not come out, so let me communicate with you. Just now Ino attacked you, but the soul wave of Ino has been defeated by the Soul Master. ... "

No wonder that just now Inno and its Techno fighter suddenly lost momentum.

"Report your situation," Xiaoying said. "Is there any casualties?"

Nobita said: "The damage to the hull is nearly 7o, and the casualties are all gone!"

"What? The casualties are almost exhausted?" Xiaoying's voice was a little trembling. If the casualties were exhausted, that would include that her baby son might also be killed tomorrow. Could she not worry?

"Yes," said Nobita, "3o1 people, 292 dead, we only have eight people alive ..."

292oo, who is there? Why didn't you say it? Xiaoying was puzzled but didn't ask. She was worried about her son, but she didn't dare to ask. She couldn't receive the news of her son's sacrifice.

Daxiong went on to say: "All eight people have been injured to varying degrees, and there is another person whose life is unknown ..."

Xiaoying was silent, and Nobita also fell silent. The two looked at each other, and Xiaoying finally couldn't help but ask, "How about it?"

"He," Nobita bit his lip. "He is the one whose life and death are unknown."

"What are you talking about?" Xiaoying exclaimed, "What's going on? You make it clear!"

Daxiong couldn't bear to talk anymore. Zheng Yunyan interjected and said: "Tomorrow, he has no one leg and one arm. Due to excessive blood loss, he was afraid that he wouldn't survive, so he was temporarily frozen and hypnotic.

"Shut up! I didn't ask you!" Xiaoying almost shouted, "Bai Zixiong, you bastard, how do you take care of the little one? How could it be like this!"

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