The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 732: Battle of souls

The commander-in-chief of Daming Naval First Fleet's flagship Dream Chaser Star Commander, Major General Bai Ziying is commanding the whole army. The Commander-in-Chief, in the summer, took a soul-wave matchup with the Ten Thousand Soul Master on the Ino of Minguo No. 3 on the Phoenix, known as the Battle of Souls.

After learning of the news that Aiko was maimed and her life and death were frozen, she was desperate for life for a while, but soon she adjusted and sent a large number of ships to the heaven where the Bleach is located for rescue work, trying to drift this far away Nine people in space were rescued.

Someone in the Soul Master's team woke up from time to time, like Xiaoying conveying intelligence and summer orders. So when she was disconnected from the Bleach, a Soul Master woke up and conveyed to her the command issued by the summer through the video:

"Headman," said the Soul Master, "Your Excellency ordered you to change course now, adjust the course to the direction of the Dark Sun Star, and meet the Techno Fleet!"

While listening to the order, Bai Ziying quickly called up the star map that marked the waterway. The current zombie fleet and Tylenol III are on a waterway. The destination of this waterway is Dark Sun Star.

However, the current course of Daming Navy formed an angle with Tylenol. The target was the 31st star 1600 light years away. At first, this route was taken to avoid Tylenol. Now Tylenol is about to be defeated. , So it ’s time to change back to the fairway.

The current speed of Daming and Tylenol is about 1x. If Daming revises the course, he will meet the Tylenol fleet at some point in ten years. Summer ordered this, that is, he was fully confident that he would win Tylenol, and he already had the intention to annihilate Tylenol.

In this case, execute the command, and the Soul Master said again: "The battle of the soul will continue for about three days, so in the next three days, the **** orders you to replace him with the wisdom of the entire Ming Navy!"

"Yes, can you tell me the specific situation on the battlefield now?" Xiaoying asked.

The Soul Master replied: "All Ino have made a move. We are trying to control more radio-based creatures from infiltrating into the enemy. So the time will be a bit long."

"Well, if you don't eat or drink for those three days, can the consul be able to do it?" Xiaoying asked without worries. She is now in a relationship with a boyfriend and a friend, but this relationship has not been disclosed.

Soul Master said: "This is no way, now only God and Queen June, the soul wave of his father and daughter is the most powerful, so the two of them will stick to the longest time. But you can rest assured that the head, we Of medical experts have taken measures to give them infusions to ensure physical strength. "

Xiaoying nodded, saying that she understood, and ended the call with the Soul Division, she began to issue orders to the whole army: all six fleets of the whole army changed the course, headed to the dark star, and maintained a maximum speed of 1x. Combined with the course of the Tylenos, the channel was fine-tuned so that it was expected to meet the Tylenol fleet ten years later. All course adjustments must be completed within 4 hours.

After all the deployments have been completed, one day has passed. On this day, Bai Ziying was haggard, and the scope of the lane change work was too large, so the workload was very heavy. He and the "Four King Kong" shuttled back and forth between the major fleets. A busy day.

In the evening, she could finally relax with a sigh of relief and take a hot bath, sleeping beautifully. But she was worried about the summer, and went to Phoenix again.

Summer is still asleep, in a soul battle with the Taino, Queen Shawra of the Kingdom of June is in the cabin next to him, and in that cabin are female genius soul divisions, both father and daughter Infusion. Xiaoying wore a mask and looked at them.

Of the 10,000 Soul Masters, more than 3,000 have been unable to hold on and retired early.

Because of the long sleep, it requires infusion to supplement nutrition, and there is also the problem of excretion. This is all cared for by the quasi-person, so the male and female soul divisions must be separated in different cabins.

The love affair between Bai Ziying and Xia Xing has not been disclosed, so Xiao Ying can't be too overtly exposed to visit Xia Xing, so as not to let others see it. However, his love affair is already a public secret in the Ming Dynasty society. Who does n’t know?

Xiaoying didn't stay long before going back. She still went back to her battleship Huluwa. In the son's room, she looked at her son's picture and couldn't help crying again, "What can I do? Even you I can survive, but I do n’t have a hand and a leg. How do you live in the future! "

After taking a bath and sitting on the bed, although tired, she couldn't sleep. Girlfriend Roland Xue called and asked about the situation. Xiaoying told him the truth about her son.

Luo Lanxue ’s son was also on the edge tomorrow night. Hearing that his good buddy had only half his life left, he cried and said, "Aunt Xiaoying ~ ~ Do n’t be too sad, he will be tomorrow. It will definitely be okay! He is desperate and will survive! "

Xiaoying nodded with tears, and chatted with Xiaoxue for a while before going offline to sleep.

Three days later, in the summer, the father and daughter were the last group of soulmakers who woke up, and the war on the soul of Tynomin ended with a victory of Daming.

After the battle of the soul was over, and the summer did not care about the rest, a meeting of the command cabin was immediately held to discuss the next plan. The venue was set on a spaceship other than the Dream Chaser.

The venue was set on the third fleet of the interstellar fortress "New Honey City", in the palace of Xia Xiaola, in addition to the summer and his four King Kong and chief of staff Bai Ziying, as well as the Queen of the Sky Kingdom of Kelly. Kelly is the daughter of Queen Dorothy.

There is also Queen Xia Xiaola of the Kingdom of June and Emperor Yongle of the Dawning Ming Dynasty.

In addition to the leadership, there are many military officers, mainly intelligence officers and soul divisions. These people are probably more than two hundred people, and the venue is crowded. Because it is a military meeting, it needs to be absolutely confidential, so there is no The media is public.

The first is the report of the Soul Master:

All the large, medium and small Techno in the Techno fleet are infected with blood-radiation radiation sickness and cannot be treated. They have already died, and at least more than one billion Technos are infected.

The Technos have at least lost ordinary warships and various types of aircraft, and more than 10 billion Technos died in the fighting. The main reason for the failure was: Ino was infected with a virus, which caused the disorder of the soul wave, and then all the equipment of the entire fleet was shut down. As a result of the chain reaction, many warships collided.

Another reason is that part of the Taino people were infected by the leapfrog and brought the virus back to the battleship, infecting more Taino at a very fast rate. It is possible that this virus will be infected in the future. Let more Tylenol die.


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