The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 740: Purple Light Goddess

The so-called "no coincidence is not a book", that is something that is often said in deduction. In reality, such a "coincidence" in probability theory, the possibility is almost close to o, so it is almost impossible. .

Summer thought of this and became suspicious. How could there be so many coincidences in this world? He and Bai Ziying have been together for more than thirty years. At this time, because of the treatment of tomorrow, it is necessary to know who the father is tomorrow, and it is so coincident that it is his summer!

Summer expressed his doubts to let Xiaoying help her analyze what the conspiracy was behind this matter.

Xiaoying didn't understand the intention of summer at first, but asked: "Why, can't you accept the fact that Xiaoq is your biological son?"

Xia Xia said: "No, I suddenly know that he is my son, I am very happy, but also very sad. He is happy that he is our two children, sadly, he is so young Of sin. "

"Then you have any doubts?"

"I just think that all this has been arranged by people." Xia Xia said his doubts.

"You mean that this is also related to Ziguang?" Xiaoying asked. She knew what was happening to Ziguang. Seeing that Summer nodded and assumed her inference, she could n’t help but also fell into contemplation. While thinking, she felt she was about to unravel the truth, so she stood up suddenly and was curious in summer Looking at her, Xiaoying was pacing back and forth in the room, sometimes looking at his son Xiaoq lying in bed, and sometimes looking at his lover summer.

"Did you think of anything?" Summer questioned.

Xiaoying said: "I didn't expect anything, I was just doing my guess. Lao Xia, you can see what I said makes sense. Regarding Ziguang, you have many kinds of speculations. We might as well speculate on this possibility. . "

"Which possibility?"

"Mila is still alive!"

To be honest, after so many years, Mila ’s first love for him in the summer has begun to blur. It has been more than 80 years. In the past 80 years, summer has experienced too much. Just feelings have gone through two paragraphs.

So when Xiaoying said that Mila was still alive, he was no longer as excited and excited as before. So he just indicated Xiaoying with a faint expression.

"I'm just guessing, excluding many possibilities, and expanding in a linear way:

"At the beginning, Mira was teleported through the sky cocoon, and it was indeed transported to the Polaris spaceship, but she and the spacecraft disappeared under the purple light. This is the first purple light. Before this purple light, the hand behind the scene was called The Luke, who is one of the three cheapest guests in the universe, and the peeping guest also stirred up the muddy water.

"Three cosmos of the universe, we now and regardless of why they do it, what is their purpose, we will ignore him first, because, we do not know. One thing is, after the emergence of the purple light, the guest and the peeper Then it disappeared, and there was no news related to them.

"When Ziguang appeared for the second time, you were exiled to the lighthouse star after the war against the sinking thief. This purple light saved your name and gave you many special abilities, such as a variety of environmental adaptability, radiation resistance, and resistance. Pressure difference, anti-temperature difference, etc. Although you have not tested the following items, I guess it should be there. From my brother Bai Zixiong, I can feel that all of you who have been exposed to purple light should have these. characteristic.

"People with special abilities, at the beginning, were only your old Xia, and later there were three more people, that is your daughter Xia Xiaola, my brother is your son-in-law Bai Zixiong, and your granddaughter Mingyue. Have you I thought, why are you four?

"So my guess is that Mila is not dead. Not only did she not die, she became a very important person in this purple light civilization. This purple light civilization is probably the **** of one of the three cheapest cosmos you said.

"After Mira became an important person in Ziguang civilization, she couldn't meet you because of various reasons, so she kept watching you secretly and protecting you, so she only saved you with Ziguang and gave you special abilities.

"This special ability is not hereditary and can only be possessed by purple light irradiation, so you and Xia Lan, son of Queen Minare, do not have this ability. Your daughter Xia Xiaola has this ability because she is irradiated. Here it is, but genetically speaking, she is not Minar ’s daughter.

"So who is Xiao La's mother? It's Mila! She gave her daughter the ability to be in love with her. Lao Xia, don't worry about it, Mila does have her to do so. Reasonably, you and listen to me slowly analyze:

"Why did she implant her egg into Miner's body to accept your sperm and thus have a child with you, that's because she loves you so much. Lao Xia, don't be excited, listen to me Isn't it good? When she saw you and Minaar in secret ~ ~ and marry her and have children, as a woman, anyone will be jealous and uncomfortable! This is the nature of women, is it not? ?

"But Mila has a hidden word, she can't come out to see you, let alone stop you both, she can only bless you silently. But at the same time she also hates her own man, watching it being enjoyed by other women, sorry , Please forgive me for using such a word.

"Mila ’s heart is unbalanced, but the man she loves has to have children with other women, so she has an amazing decision. If she ca n’t be with you in this life, she will have a child with you. So she will Xia Xiaola got her own egg implanted into Mina's body.

"She loves you, and she also loves Xiaola, so she also irradiates Xiaola with purple light, so that she has the same ability as you and may still pass you, which is also possible.

"Speaking of which, we will talk about our son tomorrow. This is also related to your first love, Mila."

Xiaoying said so much in a breath and stopped. Summer asked: "Is this going to have anything to do with Xiaoq? You wouldn't want to tell me that Xiaoq is Mila's egg?"

"That won't," Xiaoying laughed. "Xiao q was produced in a factory. Whose egg is there in the gene bank? There is no way to falsify it, so Xiao q is indeed our son. I The reason why Xiaoq is related to Mila is because something behind is very strange, and I have to make such a guess.

"Before I start, I want to say that this Mila is a very kind woman. Although she is an important person in a divine civilization, she is not a panacea, so she ca n’t stop Xia Lan ’s death, and she ca n’t stop it. Little Q's disability. We should understand her. "

So what is the relationship between q and Mila tomorrow?

(End of this chapter)

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