The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 750: Angel's Oath

The Taino, limbs, and wings are a very peculiar race. Its mother civilization Taino, because it feeds Fino, a man-eating plant, is also called the angel of fear, or the angel of terror. .

The Tainuo people who have returned to Daming have abandoned this habit of feeding Fino with human bodies, so they no longer become angels of fear, but called "".

The Taino people's staple food is still Fino, but they no longer use human bodies to cultivate Fino, but use organic fertilizer, swill and other things to cultivate. This kind of cultivation method, Fino can also grow well, and can also provide high-quality pulp and juice to Technomen.

Fino, a carnivorous vine, has the ability to prey on animals, so in the history of the Taino people, live prisoners of war were thrown to this vine for predation, or killed to feed.

In the Civilization of Tylenol III, there was once the ruler would feed the sleeping Tylenol himself to Inno to give birth to the brain, and then the corpse to Fino. After the defeat of Civilization No. 3, 6o Wantano was captured, and under the reform of Daming, they basically returned sincerely.

Daming gave them a lot of freedom, such as sleeping without hypnosis, but waking up all day long, which is extremely extravagant for Tylenol, so in the process of transformation, they could n’t even believe themselves In the enemy's prisoner of war camp, they would actually live like heaven.

They call this kind of life that can be awake for a long time actually called paradise, which shows how cruel and inhumane the sleep system was.

They can live awake, not just awake. Each of them has their own space. This space is not as small as a mini fighter like before, but a single living room. Although it is less than ten square meters, this For them, it is simply a mansion!

They are the same as the other three races of Daming, they also need 6 ~ 1o hours of sleep 24 hours a day, they only need to sleep for eight hours a day after the surrender, and these eight hours are absolutely safe and do not worry about sleeping Sperm and sperm were secretly extracted while I was still alive, let alone worrying about what terrible creatures would be taken to feed.

After the surrender, in addition to other races, Tylenol has to perform military service, work, and enjoy the right to life. They do not have to pay extra, nor have any privileges. In other words, they will be equal to others, perform the same obligations, and enjoy the same rights and benefits.

People with strong abilities will also be rewarded. For example, the living space will be expanded. For example, the current Governor Hua Tianyu has more than 500 square meters of independent duplex living room.

In addition to these things, they did not dare to imagine, and what they even imagined was that Daming allowed them to fall in love freely! This makes these Tylenols who have been abstinent for life all crazy. How can they keep the benefits one after another like this?

These so-called "welfare" are no more ordinary things for the Daming people. They are not worth mentioning at all, but they can make the Taino people happy and grateful to Dade.

There are still things behind. After many years of surrender, although they also needed work to support themselves, Daming never asked them to perform military service.

Married Techno people can also get a set of 100 square meters of "level big" independent suites, and every Techno child will be rewarded with 1ooo contribution points. Because the Taino people breed by eggs, they do not have children, but hatch. In vivo fertilization, after spawning, hatch in vitro. If spawning naturally, you can only lay one egg at a time, and the spawning cycle is about three months. This is very different from humans.

However, they are different from other oviparous animals. Only fertilized eggs will be produced, and unfertilized eggs will be absorbed by their own bodies. Therefore, contraceptive measures are also taken in the surrendered Taino people and safe periods The practice of sex.

Every Taino child is brought up for free by Daming before he becomes an adult. This is the same as everyone else.

These benefits are a blessing to the Taino people, so at this critical moment, as the leader of the Taino people, Governor Hua Tianyu stood out and he would make a big contribution to Daming to report on what Da Ming gave to Taino. Grace.

"Since you want to arm and occupy the Snow World Star," Hua Tianyu said, fluttering his wings, indicating that he was very excited, "then there is no need to board the 6th battle, and if you board the 6th battle, there will be a lot of infantry, right?"

Hua Tianyu looked at the people on the line, he has been flapping his wings, indicating that he is very excited, he is very excited for the upcoming **** war, "We Taino, known as, for the 6th war is simply born. Advantage! We can fly. We are faster than any other Ming Ming at attacking insects, so if we are the main vanguard of the 6th war, the casualty rate will be greatly reduced and the results will be greatly expanded! "

For Hua Tianyu's request for a fight, Xia Tian did not immediately answer, but sat quietly there, fingers tapping the handrail gently and rhythmically. Hua Tianyu has been standing and waiting to answer ~ ~ The reason why he does not reply to him in the summer is because he has his own considerations. He wants to know what other people think of Hua Tianyu.

Sure enough, the commander of the Sixth Fleet said: "In the battle of the soul, you were killed and injured in the 6oo billion Taino. Now you only have 50 million people, and you suddenly have weapons. Revenge of 100 million compatriots? "

The others were silent. They had the same thoughts as the commander of the Seventh Team, but it was not convenient to speak directly, fearing that they might hurt others.

Hua Tianyu said: "I knew that some of you would have such an idea! Yes, at the beginning of the surrender, many of us did have antipathy and couldn't figure it out. Not bad. You said, I had this idea at the beginning. I hate that I became a prisoner of war in this way, and I never thought I would have to kill my enemies in the future!

"However, in the subsequent transformation, what Daming did to us was hardly imaginable. As long as we were adults, we were immediately hypnotized. We slept all year round and were fixed in the miniature fighter cabin. Freedom is only awakened when there is a war. When you sleep, you can be taken to Ino. It is Daming that gives us too many things that we dare not imagine, of course we like Daming's current lifestyle , Not willing to go back to the old life where he woke up to fight and slept at other times, and his life was not guaranteed.

"It was only after Daming that we realized that we are now worthy of being an angel! Do you think we will rebel? Will we give up this heavenly angel life and become the dark slave of the past?

"Sovereign Lord Master, we are sincerely surrendered, sincerely want to become Daming people, and vow to make great contributions in return for Daming to make us a real angel! So please believe me, believe us!"

(End of this chapter)

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