The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 756: Please fight

What the old uncle said is nothing more than telling people that in Daming, not only do they have fighting power, they will also enjoy it. However, the model of Taino society that all people are soldiers does not improve the combat effectiveness, but it also allows people to live in a hell-like nightmare.

Hua Tianyu said to all the people in the auditorium: "In ten years, there will be ten years, we will be able to reach the dark sun galaxy," said here, he motioned to play the slide of the dark sun galaxy, "See, in In this stellar system, there is a planet, the dead snow star, the planet we are going to.

"According to information obtained from intelligence investigations, there is a very scary creature on this planet: Zerg. As for what kind of creature this Zerg is, I believe that in a year, there will be very detailed introduction materials. Everyone will understand it very clearly.

"But what we know so far shows that this Zerg occupies the entire planet, and this planet is very suitable for our survival and supplementary resources. So we must occupy this planet, and the Zerg is the largest one we occupy the planet. Obstacles. Not only that, there is also a scaled armored interstellar fleet staring at the planet ’s orbit.

"So, to occupy this planet, war is inevitable.

"Originally, we live a carefree life in Daming, we don't worry about eating or worrying about our clothes, we only need to work in peace, and we only need to abide by the laws and regulations. Lord Zun asked for battle, I asked to join the Daming Navy, asked the Ming Navy to recruit troops from our Taino, and asked to form a navy 6 team composed of Taino.

"We can't live in such a fruitless life. In Daming, people still don't believe us and look down on us. What should we do? Then we have to prove it to them!"

Tian Yu said that he was looking at the people in the meeting place. The meeting place was suddenly bustling. At this time, a person ran up and picked up the microphone and said: "Master Governor, you don't need to say anything. We respond to your call. Ask for good results. Brothers, do you want it? "

With the encouragement of this person, there was a sensation in the venue immediately, and the slogan shouted in unison: "Defend Daming, serve Daming!"

Seeing that the mobilization was almost done, Tianyu stretched out his hands and pressed in the air, signaling to everyone to calm down and said: "I thought everyone was not enthusiastic and passionate enough at first, it seems that I was wrong. But I still worry about a problem It ’s been about eighty years, we have n’t touched any weapons, and now Tylenol, most of them are second-generation and third-generation, and they wo n’t fight at all. So what I worry about is that we can still Can't do it? "

The agitator said: "Don't you say it, Lord Governor? There are ten years left. Can't we train a unit in ten years?"

"Yes!" The people at the venue also began to respond.

Tianyu once again motioned to everyone to calm down and asked: "That is to say, we have to fight, we must make achievements, we need to serve results, is that okay? Since that is the case, I can continue to think of Lord Goddess to fight? Very good! Our Taino people are still bloody! "

Then Tianyu said again: "Very good, I am very pleased. The next thing you all want to do is to go back, do a good job of ideological work for the residents under your jurisdiction, mobilize everyone to fight actively, respond to the conscription, we want to let God respect adults Look, we Taino need not be bad! "

The mobilization meeting went smoothly, and Governor Hua Tianyu convened several SAR officials to hold an internal meeting to discuss specific matters.

Then all the officials in the meeting place went back and started to arrange them separately. The whole thing was busy for about three days. In the Taino district of the "Wings of Light" of the Star Fortress, almost all buildings and streets are covered with various banners and colorful flags.

All kinds of slogans are overwhelming, most of them are grateful to Dade, and they are serving Da Ming, what's more, there are "battle angels, galloping fields", "yesterday is a ghost, today is a person, tomorrow is an angel" and so on, and so on.

At the same time, the Taino District attracted tourists from all over the place, and other places inside Star Fort also visited other Star Forts. The entire SAR is about to explode, and these days are full of excitement, like a holiday. The SAR also organized various events, such as a parade of floats, a beer and fried chicken festival or something.

Not only that, the Internet is even more lively, and in just three days, the official website of the SAR has exceeded 100 million views, and the overwhelming number of posts in the official website forum are constantly being refreshed. As if the entire Daming netizens were gathered in the official website forum of the Techno Special Zone, the netizens who posted were easily divided into three factions. The supporters fully supported the Technoles in the war, the opposition strongly opposed, and the third faction. It's just watching the bustle.

The netizens of these three factions initially had the majority opposition, but slowly, the number of supporters began to increase, the corresponding number of opposition began to decrease, and many people joined the supporters at the beginning of the onlookers.

The management of the forum also raised a vote on whether to support Techno's participation in the war. Within three days, the number of supportive votes rose from 3o to 6o.

Three days after his birthday in the summer, he took a group of people to the Tyno District for inspection. Several important officials of the headquarters accompanied, as well as other fleet commanders and several king emperors from various countries.

On the spaceship, Bai Ziying and Zheng Yunyan were sitting beside him, as were the couple Xing Wen and Emperor Yongle. As for the old "Four King Kongs", Huangfu Arctic and Sudu were both commanders of the fleet, so they are no longer in the naval headquarters.

In the summer, he looked at the accompanying people and smiled, "I don't know that Hua Tianyu has made some preparations."

Zheng Yunyan said: "I think that with the help of tomorrow, he must be well prepared. According to this palace, Hua Tianyu has done his homework to participate in the war. He must succeed in the war."

Yongle said: "As a Mingming people ~ ~ is of course obligated to work for Daming. I appreciate this."

Summer asked: "So the emperor, do you think you can let the Tylenols go to war?"

"of course."

Xia Tian said: "It is necessary to master weapons to participate in the war. They have lived in Daming for so many years and now suddenly return the weapons to them ..."

"Xia Aiqing," said the emperor, "Are you still not worried about them? At that time, there were 600 million Tainuo people, and you all looked at nothing. Nowadays, there are 550 thousand Tainuo people, but are you worried?"

Bai Ziying said: "Emperor, although there were many enemies in the past, they were all in our opponent's position. Although they are few now, they are in our interior. So Lao Xia took it into consideration and took it for granted."

Yongle said: "Thinking back then, the battle of Jingnan, I ascended the throne, many battles, expanded the territory, and united the world!"

Hearing this, summer nodded secretly as if he had an idea.

End of this chapter

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