The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 762: Xia Xingcheng

Mingyue, the granddaughter of summer, daughters of Bai Zixiong and Xia Xiaola, is a famous film star among the Chinese people of Daming. In her thirty years in the film and television industry, no one knew her relationship with Summer, and she was not the princess of the Kingdom of June. As a public figure, I only know that she is a star, nothing more.

But it shows that Yue takes a civil flight to the Wing of the Holy Light, wearing glasses and a mask, just to avoid being recognized by others, surrounded by reporters and fans, and tracked by paparazzi.

But it shows that Yue lives according to her own trajectory, makes the last movie during the contract period, and participates in several reality TV shows of Star TV (abbreviated as Star Castle TV). Seeing that the two-month contract period is coming to an end, she has been hesitating whether to change her life course according to the path indicated by her mother. This path is: politics?

Regarding whether to abandon the shadow in politics, his father Bai Zixiong and his grandfather also talked to her several times in the summer. In her Xia family, among the grandchildren ’s three children ’s descendants in the summer, as long as they are adults, they take the political or military route, even if their mother Xia Xiaola, although retired from the seat of the Queen in June , But still a member of Daming Senior Presbyterian Church.

Mingyue has been hesitating, and it is because of a person that changed her life trajectory.

The contract is about to expire, and the company has urged her to renew it many times. But she said that on this day, she would go to the "Endeavour" front ship to participate in a reality show, this show is the interest of military and civilian cooperation.

However, it is said that in the composition of Daming's fleet, the front ship is an important battleship of the fleet. Its size and flagship this time can also be regarded as a big guy. It is a kind of interstellar mothership, and its size is only half as large as the flagship.

The size of the flagship, the smallest is also more than 10 kilometers in length, such as Dreamcatcher, Phoenix, etc., the largest flagship is the Huaxia, reaching a length of 20 kilometers.

The Eighth Fleet has a flagship and four forward ships, as well as several other battleships, as well as four interstellar fortresses and a dozen chrysanthemum pestles. Chrysanthemum Pestle, as mentioned earlier, is to supplement other warships with energy, quite the same as the tankers of the earth people more than 100 years ago.

The position of the Endeavour forward is on the right rear of the fleet. The formation of the Eighth Fleet is like this: two front ships are on the left and right front wings, later they will be the flagship, followed by the Star Fort and various functional ships, and two front ships are forced out of the left and right rear wings. , And then many battleships made a spiral flight around the fleet.

But it shows that the reality show that Yuejin Endeavour is going to do is an event jointly organized by the company, the TV station and the military. The purpose of the company and the TV station is to drive ratings and make money, and the military's purpose is to recruit troops. Propaganda.

The reality show's name is "Who is the Big Hero". The organizer invited some stars to the army to experience the life of the soldiers for about a month, and also to train these stars as real recruits. Mingyue sent the company to a mirror to make a publicity, and nothing more, she did not participate in the training of recruits.

On the way to the front ship, Mingyue still took a civil flight, wearing a mask and sunglasses, and on the side were a broker, makeup artist and two bodyguards. Mingyue was sitting on the window seat. With one hand, he gently pushed up his sunglasses and looked at the space outside the porthole. Countless warships and planes shuttled back and forth.

The agent is reading an electronic newspaper and saying, "Sister, have you read it?" He pointed to the virtual newspaper and saw that there was a title in the content that said: What is the relationship between Mingyue and Xia Xiaola?

The following is a photo of Mingyue and Xia Xiaola at a roadside coffee shop and coffee. The following content is: This woman wearing sunglasses and veil looks like the Queen Mother of the Kingdom of June in appearance Xiaola, if so, what is the relationship between the big star Mingyue and her, and why would they be together?

The article also speculates that the relationship between her and her is a mother-daughter relationship, and it is known that Xia Xiaola is the daughter of Daming's summer officer, so this bright moon is likely to be the granddaughter of summer and the princess of the Kingdom of June.

The agent asked: "Sister, do you want to send a text to clarify this matter?"

Mingyue smiled faintly: "Why do you want to clarify, let them guess chant, without saying anything."

"But there is a black powder that says, sister, you are deliberately hyping yourself, to raise your value once."

"This is farting!" Mingyue said, "You all remember it for me, don't do anything, let them say it. You only need to remember one thing, that is, those who clear are self-cleaning, those who are muddy are self-turbid."

"OK, sister, listen to you. That contract is about to expire. Do you want to renew it? There is also a black powder saying that you deliberately threaten the company to raise the price for the contract."

Mingyue smiled and said, "Did I just say that? No matter what, we just do our own."

So far, Mingyue has not made up her mind whether to continue her acting career.

But it shows that after Yue came to the barracks, he met several stars who came to participate in the show. These people have different reputations. They were arranged in a reception room of a certain Marine Corps, and they each performed a scheduled performance in accordance with the director's eye to the camera.

Then in his free time, the director of the director group said to the stars who are just for fun in Mingyue: "Whether you guys think about it, you can talk about the remuneration."

Mingyue smiled faintly: "Director, I have also done a lot of shows, but this kind of devil-trained reality show is really too fake? Can it be true to the stars? At most it is to play It ’s just for fun, to trick the audience into believing. I ’m too lazy to participate. ”

As soon as Mingyue finished speaking, he heard a thick male low-pitched sound: "Yo, which big star, with such a big tone, still looks down on our training."

Mingyue looked down at the sound, and saw two non-commissioned officers walk in, the first one, the body's age looked like it was in its early twenties, a boxy Chinese character face, thick eyebrows, and a cold and proud mouth. Not at all. This person is the sergeant Xia Xingcheng of a special team, followed by a corporal.

Mingyue was about to return to him, and Xia Xingcheng continued: "Well, don't underestimate this month, it will make you live this way! Besides, some big stars, fine skin and tender meat, let alone one month, I guess Now ~ ~ I can't hold on for a day! "

When I heard him tomorrow, I could n’t help but say angrily: “Hey, what are you talking about? What ’s your name? You ca n’t say it or not! I ’m telling you, I ca n’t look down on the so-called star devil training camp this month . If I want to participate, I will directly sign up for the special team! "

"Yo," Xia Xingcheng laughed, "courage is commendable, but I'm sorry, our special team does not recruit female soldiers!"

"Then wait and see, I will let you see me in a month!" Mingyue said, leaving the military camp with anger.

"Brother welcomes you!" Xia Xingcheng shouted proudly in the back.

Half an hour later, Mingyue called the summer phone, "Grandpa, I don't care, you can get me in anyway!"

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