The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 766: Snow Zerg

The Eighth Fleet reduced the deceleration time from ten years to three years, and finally came to the Dark Sun Galaxy.

The Dark Sun Star, or "Barnard's Star", is a red dwarf star that has been introduced many times before. It is 6 light-years from the Earth and the lighthouse star. It has a rocky planet, known as the Snow Star.

In the mystery of the sky, Snow Realm is not called Snow Realm. The name was raised by Bai Zixiong. As the captain of the operation of the Devil ’s Cave, when he went to the Suzaku universe, he landed on the connected universe. "Snow World" on a planet, so this planet has been given its name, and is known as the Snow World Star.

It has two satellites, Xueyue A and Xueyue B. Snow World Star has a mass and volume similar to Earth, gravity is 8 times that of Earth, and its atmospheric composition is extremely similar to Earth. Therefore, on Snow World Star, the Huaxia people can survive without wearing any equipment, while the Audreys and Feng people still need Wearing nose ornaments, the Taino people, like the Huaxia people, can survive without auxiliary equipment.

Therefore, the landing force chose to be composed of Chinese and Taino.

During the three years of the voyage, the Soul Master has carried out thousands of soul wave investigations on the Snow World star, its two moons, and the entire dark sun galaxy, and found no traces of the scale armor, nor found it. Traces similar to wormholes.

But there is a very detailed understanding of the Snow World Star Zerg. For example, the most famous one is the plasma worm that fights the scale armor, and there are many other types of bugs.

In the introduction to the Zerg data, the Snow Star Star Zerg is very similar to the Zerg definition as follows: it is intelligent, social, and takes the body as the evolutionary route, or integrates technology into the biological population of the body.

The biggest features of Zerg are as follows:

One, a single Zerg society is composed of four categories: queen, male, worker and soldier, and the Snow Star Zerg also has a unique type: worm nest.

Second, all the individuals in the Zerg society are male except the male, but only the queen is a complete female. All other worker and soldier insects are incomplete females, or they do not have the mating with males. Only the Queen has this ability. The purpose of this is entirely to maintain the absolute dominance of the Queen in the Zerg society.

Third, the queen is the soul of the whole Zerg society. Only it has complete thoughts and can dominate the whole Zerg society. Only the queen has the ability to mate with males. Zerg society does not have the concept of close relatives, which means that the queen can mate with any male, including those bred by herself.

All other insects, including male insect workers and soldier insects, do not have their own ideas, and they are solely under the direction of the queen.

Fourth, Zerg has no language, and their communication is brain waves.

This is the general structure of the Zerg society.

The Zerg of the Snow World Star was investigated in more detail:

The Zerg here is a single Zerg society, which means that it only occupies a small territory. Such a Zerg society is called a swarm, which is equivalent to the tribe of ancient humans, but humans are backward, every individual All have independent thoughts.

Above the insect swarm is the alliance. An alliance basically occupies a whole continent. The alliance consists of a central insect swarm and several joined insect swarms. The queen of the central insect swarm is the queen of this alliance. The queens of the group are all descendants of the Queen of the Alliance (strictly speaking, daughters and granddaughters, because all queens are female.)

Occasionally there will be two or more alliances on a continent. In this case, there will be wars. In order to compete for the territory, there will often be insect alliance battles between the alliances.

Although the appearance of the alliance is unified, there are often wars between swarms and swarms. This is the swarm battle. In general, it is all about competing for territory.

Before the Eighth Fleet conquered Insect Star (also known as Snow Realm Star), it is necessary to give a detailed introduction to the Zerg family of Snow Realm Star. This is also the result of thousands of soul wave investigations by Soul Masters in the past three years. .

In terms of insect swarms, first of all, it has a queen, a large worm with wings, but it cannot fly. Not only can it not fly, it is difficult to even climb, because its size is too large. It is an approximately cylindrical object. Due to the difficulty of walking (crawling), half of its body is buried in the mud and half of it is exposed. The diameter is at least 20 meters long.

Because the queen has neither combat ability nor life self-care ability, it completely depends on soldiers and insects to protect itself and worker insects to feed itself, so in a sense, it is not only the queen, but also one of the worms. Taiwan reproductive machine, so it is also called the mother nest.

In the Snow Star Worm, the worm nest is a special kind of individual. They are also a species of the zerg, which means that the worm nest is also alive. In other zergs, the concept of worm nests may not exist, but the snow world star zergs have, and the worm nests are also complete females, and they all have the ability to mate with males.

Because the queen is also a kind of insect nest, it is also called the mother nest.

In the whole swarm society, all individuals are bred directly or in brief from the mother nest.

There are thousands of males in a swarm society, and these males travel between the nests. Male insects, like worm nests, have no combat power and no ability to live, so it is also a reproductive tool in a swarm society.

The mother's nest, the queen, mates with males to breed worker insects. Under the spiritual control of the mother's nest, the worker insects can dig the earth to form a soldier's nest. The soldier's nest, like the mother's nest, does not have the ability to fly and crawl. Half of the body is in the soil and half is outside. The body is huge and comparable to the mother's nest.

The soldier's nest will mate with the male insects and breed the soldier insects. Soldiers and worms are important individuals in the swarm society because they have combat power and are aggressive. The plasmaplasma introduced earlier was bred from the soldier's nest, and its powerful combat effectiveness is evident.

At present, all the worm swarms of the Snow World star do not yet have the ability to leave the homeland, nor do they have the ability to travel interstellar. So they are still relatively primitive Zerg, but they have super fighting power.

The requirement of the Ming Navy for the Eighth Fleet is that in the process of attacking the Snow Star Zerg, the use of biochemical weapons and nuclear weapons is prohibited, and all weapons that damage the environment are prohibited! Because the subsequent fleet will live on this planet for a long time when colonizing the dark sun galaxy, so it is necessary to protect the environment, which creates great difficulties for the eight ships to occupy Snow World ~ ~ However, before the landing operation that was about to begin, the head of Xia Lei, a certain unit of the Marine Special Forces, was visiting Sergeant Major Xia Xingcheng. Re-trust, in the future landing operations, you must protect Xia Mingyue's safety. "


"Because she is the granddaughter of the consul, she is dear."


"Ah what? Can it be done?"

"Relax, Chief, and guarantee the completion of the mission! But ..."

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