The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 768: Assembly waiting

The military port is divided into two parts, the outer port and the inner port. Tianlai's novel Outer Port is in contact with space and can park two battleships and several transport ships at the same time. The inner port is inside, a large square and related cabins, which are used for personnel assembly and material transfer.

There are huge portholes between the outer port and the inner port to allow people inside to see the outside, and there are air lock passages. If the personnel of the inner port want to board the ship, they must pass through the airlock channel, and the ships entering the port must dock with the airlock to allow the people in the inner port to board the ship.

At the same time, there are also many air locks in the port. At the moment, the doors of these air locks are all closed. The halls of the inner port are full of 6th War soldiers, including Chinese and Taino. After the company of A Company came, they were also put on hold in the port hall.

Calling everyone to gather the number, company commander Lei Mingdian said: "Let everyone rest in place, it is estimated that we have to wait for a while, we can not board the ship."

The entire inner harbor was bustling. Mingyue and Huahu stood together. Both of them threw weapons and marching bags on the ground. Huahu fluttered his wings, hovering in front of Mingyue, and said, "Star, we will kill insects together in the future, but you can rest assured that I will protect you."

Mingyue said: "You protect yourself first, when will you board the ship, when will you board 6, now there is no specific time, you are hanging like this, you are not tired? Save some physical strength, okay?"

The Huahu came down, folded his wings, and sighed, "Okay. I said the big star, you don't have to have a cold face all day, okay? I know you are a beauty among Huaxia people, but I'm not Huaxia People, so you do n’t have to be cold to me, and I wo n’t have a spark of love with you. ”

Mingyue couldn't help laughing because of him: "OK. You moth"

"Don't call me a moth?" Hua Hu said, "I'm your guardian angel."

"Okay angel, ask you a question, are you handsome among the Taino?"

"Of course it is, and it's very handsome. I don't tell you that when I was in college, there were many girls who liked it. Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Am I?" Mingyue listened to him and smiled bitterly, saying neither yes nor no. His eyes glanced aimlessly at the noisy crowd, but he saw Xia Xingcheng calling not far away. Turning her head inadvertently, she happened to meet her gaze, and Mingyue hurriedly avoided her gaze, and answered Huahudao: "No."

She has had several boyfriends in the thirty years since her filming, and two of them have already reached the time of discussing marriage. The result is that they have no problems, so she is in her early fifties, and she is still the only woman left.

Huahu stretched out his hand, and the landlord Mingyue said, "Otherwise, let's talk about the target?"

Mingyue laughed: "Okay."

Although she replied in this way, she knew that it was impossible for her and Huahu. The two of them are of different races, and their physiological structures are vastly different.

In Daming, there is only one pair of cross-ethnic combinations, that is, summer and Mina, which is a special case. Others have tried, but all ended in failure.

Hua Hu hugged her for a while, and then released her, said: "Sit for a while, it's too early anyway."

The two sat down on the marching bag and Huahu said: "But Sister Mingyue, I think our big devil seems to like you."

The big devil is Xia Xingcheng's nickname, Mingyue said: "He? Impossible!"

"What's wrong, you two are relatives to the watch?" Hua Hu asked. Due to the population plan of the Huaxia people, a large number of close relatives existed, so the watch function has not been cancelled for more than 100 years, while the industrialized population The plan has slowed down.

Mingyue smiled and shook his head and said, "That's not true."

"Why is that impossible?"

"He? I don't look down on it, just like a savage."

"But you are not too." Hua Hu originally intended to say that she was also like a savage, but stopped.

"Yes, the people in our Devil's Camp are savages, including me, a female savage. Oops, don't ask, in short, it's impossible for me and him."

She couldn't tell the reason why the two were impossible. If there was no reason, then there was no reason. Mingyue couldn't help turning his eyes again, only to see that Xia Xingcheng had finished the phone call and was talking with his partner Hua Longfei.

In the lobby of the inner harbor, I waited for three hours and did not board the ship. While waiting, some logistics staff brought in food and drink to prevent everyone from getting hungry.

While waiting, some soldiers have begun to scold, and they have scolded the leadership for unintended deployment. Among them, just a few steps away from Mingyue, she just heard a soldier say: "It's a pig brain!"

Mingyue was eating, immediately put down the lunch box and ran to the past, Huahu quickly shouted: "Hey, goddess, don't cause trouble."

Mingyue walked over, and the soldier who scolded her for being a pig's brain was a Chinese as well as her. Mingyue walked over, pointing at his nose and saying, "What are you talking about? What do you dare to say again?"

The soldier was a corporal. When he saw the bright moon running violently, his head said, "I called them pig brains, why?"

"What's wrong" Only one word was said, Mingyue had already lifted a foot, kicked the man, and fell to the ground with a bang, everyone was surprised to watch this mutation.

Mingyue walked over a few steps and said to the corporal lying on the ground: "You have remembered for the old lady, never scold people!"

"Did I scold you?" Corporal said, holding his stomach, "It is worth your heavy hands! I want to complain to you!"

"Then remember, I am Xia Mingyue, a senior soldier of the a company, and report anytime."

Another soldier said: "Isn't she the big star? Why is her temper so explosive? Fortunately, it's in the military camp. If it is in the society, it has been exposed by paparazzi."

Mingyue looked fiercely around the next four weeks, and was hurried away by the rushed Huahu, saying, "Sir, goddess, can you get rid of the old man? I really convinced you, why don't you fight anymore!"

"He scolded people, I just refused to accept it!" Mingyue was still angry, and the commander of the eight ships was her uncle tomorrow, so how could she allow someone to scold her uncle, since she entered the devil camp, she and the devil The lunatics in the camp became wild like www ~ ~ Huahu took her back to the marching bag and continued to eat. Xia Xingcheng came over and asked, "Xia Mingyue, what is your situation? Immediately We are going to fight, we need to build a solidarity between our comrades. Can you be honest with Lao Tzu? "

Mingyue said, "Then I will try to be restrained."

"You'd better not cause trouble to Lao Tzu."

Xia Xingcheng was scolding the moon, and the voice of the female officer suddenly came from the trumpet: "Please note all officers and men, please prepare to board the ship."

(End of this chapter)

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