The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 774: Rush out of the worm

The mountain is covered with conifer pine trees and covered with thick snow. Most of the landing craft landed on the side of the mountain, and the marines on the other side of the mountain were retreating toward the top of the mountain to avoid the coming insect attacks.

So the soldiers on the other side of the mountain also rushed towards the top of the mountain to help the soldiers on this side retreat. When Mingyue Huahu and Xia Xingcheng ran halfway with the crowd, a human defense line had been established on the top of the mountain. From time to time, plasmons could be seen shot through the gaps in the trees.

Trees were destroyed, snow and mist splashed, insects screamed screams, and insect blood, venom, and minced meat were flying around.

Mingyue really had no strength at all, and she couldn't run without breath. Xia Xingcheng looked anxiously, and grabbed her shoulders to carry her back.

Mingyue shouted: "No, I can do it!"

"Can be a fart! Little nonsense!" Xia Xingcheng said to force her back and ran, said while running: "Huahu, firepower protects us!"

"Yes, boss!" Huahu said, waving his sword toward the back while flinging, throwing the blade out, no matter whether it was in front of him, but he could see bugs coming up, and from time to time bugs were hurt by the blade Suddenly worm blood and venom sprayed up, and some were cut and continued to catch up.

Mingyue hooked Xia Xingcheng's neck in one hand and held the pistol in the other, shooting sideways backward.

"Ah!" A scream came from around, looking sideways, it was a pair of large steel teeth stretched out by a marine soldier who was stretched out by a vise worm that rushed up and clamped his body at the waist. Living. I saw the shield on his waist flashing, and at the same time I could hear the sound of the secondary Lazra, which was the sound of the shield consuming energy against the external force.

And the soldier shot at the huge vise worm, just fired a shot, and heard the sound of the card, the shield was damaged, and the pliers were clamped down, the soldier screamed in horror, and then With a bang, the whole body was clamped in half by worms, blood donated, and the intestines were dragged out of the elders, and the soldier was killed on the spot.

Mingyue was terrified when she saw this scene. Shouted: "Run!"

Xia Xingcheng is also running dead. He is now carrying the moon, he ca n’t take weapons, he can only run, and he yells towards the sky while running: "I said angel ancestors, you kill hard!"

Although the flying Taino can fly, at this time, due to chaos, they cannot take care of the Chinese people underneath. Those who are fast, continue to hug the Huaxia people, and those who have no time can only watch the Huaxia comrades killed by insects.

At this time, there were more flying insects coming from the sky, impacting the flying Taino people, so now the Taino people can't even take care of themselves, how can they control the walking Chinese people.

At the top of the mountain, the Taino people flew down to meet. The entire battlefield was in chaos, and there was no way to contact the headquarters.

During the retreat of Mingyue, three people saw several vise worms rushing over, and the weapon was too late to kill them. Among them, the vise worm was about to catch the Chinese tiger.

In anxiety, Mingyue's "Ah" roared and stretched his palm towards the back. Several people could feel a fan-shaped shock wave rushing past, and then formed an invisible air wall in front of Huahu, a dozen tigers Clamp bugs hit the gas wall one after another, and fell to the ground.

Mingyue shouted: "Run!"

Huahu screamed, "Oh," he quickly ran away.

Mingyue roared all the time, trying to release the powerful airflow to block the attack of the insects. Due to the release of the air wave, the pistol also fell in the snow. The three men retreated towards the top of the mountain in panic.

The sound of company commander Lei Mingdian suddenly came from the channel: "Crazy man, where are you?"

Xia Xingcheng shouted: "Commander, hurry and come to support us, we are together with Xia Mingyue, two people are injured, a large number of seeds besieged us!"

Lei Mingdian also said: "I saw you, we will come over immediately!"

In a few moments, several Tylenos flew over and bent at the bugs in front of Huahu. Seeing the support coming, Mingyue was relieved, and his body became paralyzed. With her slack, the gas wall behind disappeared immediately.

The few vise worms rushed up again, and when the tiger retreated, he fell to the ground again. He could only fall back on the ground and back again and again, shouting: "Run, run!"

Fortunately, the few Taino people flew over and shot desperately at the bugs in front of them, which gave Huahu relief.

One of the flying Taino was Hualong Fei, and asked, "Huahu, why don't you kid fly?"

"My wings are hurt and I can't fly!" Hua Hu said helplessly.

Xia Xingcheng shouted: "Don't chat, hurry and take this lady away!"

Hua Longfei agreed to "Yes", flew down, picked up the moon, and flew again. Xia Xingcheng shouted: "Withdraw, withdraw quickly!"

Two more Techno men flew down, holding Xia Xingcheng and Huahu respectively, flying up and retreating towards the top of the mountain. And at this time, a large wave of attacking drones descended from the sky, shooting wildly at the worms. I saw flying insects being shot down and reptiles rolling in place.

The blood of insects is flying in the sky, and red flesh and dark green venom are everywhere in the forest, flying in the air!

The soldiers who received support were relieved and slowed down. While retreating slowly, they fired from time to time.

Mingyue was held in the air by Hualongfei, she had fallen asleep, and she knew nothing. The Taino holding the Huahu scolded: "Hey, want to die! Stinking rogue!"

Huahu shouted, "Ah, you are a woman!"

The Techno man holding him scolded: "The old lady is born to be a woman. If you want to do this again, I will throw you down!"

Hua Hu embarrassedly said: "I'm sorry, physiological response, I can't control it."

The female Techno man blushed and hugged him towards the top of the mountain. He said while flying, "If you don't see your wing hurt, I'll throw you down, stupid rogue!"

Huahu repeatedly apologized: "I'm sorry I'm sorry!" When approaching the top of the mountain, he whispered: "Dare to ask the girl's name?"

"Don't tell you!"

Everyone basically flew to the top of the mountain. Mingyue was arranged to rest on an air cushion. The others were lying on the top of the mountain, watching the battle in the hillside forest, and the drone fighting against the swarm.

Hua Hu called out, UU reading was thrown on the ground by female Tylenol, holding her **** and shouted: "Hey, you woman, why are you so uncomfortable?"

Xia Xingcheng is going to look after Mingyue, and he has no time to take care of him. Then, Hualong Fei of the same kind descended beside him, laughing and saying, "What are you doing just now?"

Huahu scratched his head and said, "I was held in her arms. If I was not careful, then what ..." Speaking of which, he stopped embarrassedly.

"Which?" Hua Longfei chased after him.

"It's warped."

"Haha, it's no wonder people don't hit you! It's not that your kid is so happy

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