The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 789: The end of the world (5)

Zergs that have evolved to the second level already have medium-range strike and defense capabilities (Note). Centering on the first city it captured, all military targets within a thousand kilometers distance have been attacked by plasma balls.

After three to five waves of plasma **** attack, the accumulated energy of the plasma worms is basically exhausted. At this moment, they will dig up the organic matter in the soil and directly generate plasma through the plasma reactor in the belly. The next round of attacks.

At the same time as the Plasma Worm attacks, the Advanced Soldier Nest continues to produce Plasma Worms.

The Advanced Soldier Insect Nest not only contains plasma worms, but also flame flying insects. While the plasma worms attack the surrounding military bases, these flame flying insects have been flying around and cruising. Once a missile or other human aircraft is present, it will immediately The plane flew over, jetting flames to extinguish it.

Ordinary aircraft is okay. For missiles, it will be detonated directly halfway, and there are several nuclear warheads. The entire 1,000-kilometer range has been severely nuclearly polluted.

While the Zerg defend and attack the targets within a thousand kilometers, the mother nest is still producing worker insects, and the flying cysts of Bingxun will drop these worker insects to a distant place to form cocoons. Generate new soldier nests and various defensive tower nests.

Since the Zerg contributed its first city, it has not arrived in just 24 hours, and has captured more than 100 cities in a row. Humans are losing ground, all kinds of weapons are used, intercontinental missiles, nuclear weapons, biological and chemical weapons, these have been unable to stop the expansion of the Zerg.

On the seventh day when the Zerg descended on the Snow World star, the third mother nest was born, and the upgrade evolved to the third level. The first big 6 of Xuejie Star was completely occupied by Zerg. On this big 6, there are several mother nests, and the number of worm units has reached billions. On the tenth day, the number was huge. The Zerg began to invade the other big 6s.

In less than half a month, the entire planet fell completely.

On the fifteenth day, the Zerg has evolved to the fourth level and can attack enemies on the orbit.

The Snow World star "Hope" orbiting space station, the last Snow World star human, floating in front of the porthole, looking at the Snow World star in front of me, I saw flickering spots everywhere on the planet, that is the aperture produced by the nuclear bomb explosion .

The last human kept calling: "Geocontrol, please answer when you hear it!"

But there was no response, "What the **** is going on?" The astronaut cried, and finally he saw dozens of light objects rise from the planet and came straight to his space station. He looked at this in horror. One of the plasma columns rushed to hit the space station.

At this point, the last human of Snow Realm has not escaped the catastrophe brought by the Zerg.

The 15-minute multimedia introduction ended, Sheng Qiang said: "The Snow World Star civilization was completely destroyed in just half a month, and no one survived! The last few of us hid here to make this 3D computer Animation is to tell people later that you know the power of Zerg. Although our civilization has perished in half a month, we have detected several important sets of intelligence, and we will tell you again, one is Remind you to pay attention to your own safety and protect yourself. Secondly, if possible, help us get revenge!

"Please keep in mind that I will tell you the information and record it with your computer system.

"The first group of information: Airdrop the Zerg civilization, its name is 'engineer', it needs to be emphasized that the engineer civilization is a god-level civilization, the so-called god-level civilization, it is a lot more powerful civilizations over us, in your When you are not sure about defeating it, please do not approach it easily, remember!

"At the same time, I want to tell you that the engineer's nest is 62,000 light-years away. The following is its detailed dynamic coordinate data in the Milky Way, please record it.

"The second group of important information: In the dark sun galaxy, in addition to the snow stars, there is also a dark planet, whose average radius around the dark sun star is 1.5 billion kilometers. This dark planet, we call it the 'gate of hell' '. The gate of **** can't be found by ordinary observation methods, and it can only be seen after a close approach.

"It is more accurate to say that it is a dark planet! It is more accurate to say that it is a wormhole! Because crossing it can instantly reach the 'interstellar market' that is 14oo light years away.

"The Gate of Hell is not a naturally formed celestial body, but a man-made celestial body, the manufacturer is a formal engineer civilization.

"The so-called big interstellar market is actually a civilization exchange place in the Left League. It is a galaxy with more than a dozen planets and three of them have smart civilizations resident on it. The star of this galaxy is called" Light ".

"Left League, full name: Starry Star Goddess left leg knee interstellar civilization alliance, a total of 156 stars and 212 civilizations joined. The following is the left league's detailed information, please record.

"Our Snow World star is a very backward civilization. When we first received the invitation of the Zuomeng, we suffered the devastation caused by the Zerg, and it should be noted that the gate of **** is too far for us. , Because our technology is unable to reach such a far place, let alone cross it to the light star.

"The third group of important information: I, Shengqiang, in addition to being a class computer, or a space-time shuttle. I can send you to the vicinity of the gate of **** ~ ~ It should be noted that open After space-time teleportation, I will activate a ten-meter-diameter mask, so the teleport target cannot be too large, otherwise it cannot be teleported.

"At the end of the world, due to our limited technological capabilities, we cannot survive even if we pass on our own individuals, so this shuttle has never been used ..."

Shengqiang continues to introduce other things, but the latter is basically not important. When it introduced these things, this Xuejiexing computer has already downloaded a lot of data by the base computer.

So the next thing to face is, is all this said by Sheng Qiang? And with such a large amount of information, the two most important points are, is there really a wormhole in the space of 1.5 billion kilometers from the dark day? The second is whether this Shengqiang can really open the space-time teleport to the wormhole?

Xia Xingcheng conveyed Shengqiang's message to the base's brigade department while still not forgetting to express his thoughts. At the end of Shengqiang's introduction, the channel suddenly heard the voice of the captain of the 6th boat anchored at the side of the Tiankeng: "Sergeant Major, there is movement in the pit, it seems to be a bug."


(Note: The so-called mid-range is set according to current human standards, that is, the range of medium-range ballistic missiles: 1oookm ~ 3oookm)

(End of this chapter)

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