The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 792: Target Wormhole

The second lieutenant reported to Xiahuihui: "Your Excellency, our present position is 1.5 billion kilometers away from the dark sun star. According to the instrument, there is a spherical object with a diameter of 2700 kilometers away from us 260,000 kilometers away. However, we cannot see at all its existence.

"We were transported in a library in an urban ruin in Xuejiexing. It was a female soldier who did not know how to stop the attack of the swarm and protect the transmission device from being destroyed by the Zerg. Yes, otherwise ... "

Everyone understood what was going on. Although there are still many doubts, rescue is currently the most important thing.

Xia Xia said: "Little q, you immediately send a warship to rescue our soldiers at an unknown celestial body."

Tomorrow said: "Father, I have sent a battleship."

"No," said Summer, "send half of the troops!"

Although there are doubts tomorrow, he answered "Yes!" And executed the summer order.

Summer asked the second lieutenant again: "How is the situation of your landing troops?"

"Report your Excellency, we are the first batch to come out," said the second lieutenant, "I am not quite sure about the situation behind. You wait a moment, and someone comes out again, I will ask."

After a while, another soldier said: "The chief of the report, this hidden celestial body, it is a wormhole, through which you can instantly reach the light star 1200 light years away!"

As soon as this soldier's words came out, several people on the line were taken aback. Unexpectedly, the initial guess about the wormhole was indeed right. What was even more surprised was that this wormhole could actually pass through such a far-off starry sky of 1,200 light years! This is something humans dare not even think about!

So the mysterious disappearance of the scale armor was easily explained at the beginning, and they walked through the wormhole.

The soldier went on: "There is a very powerful alliance of interstellar civilizations over the wormhole ..."

Summer waved his hand. About advanced civilization or alliance of civilizations, it is not important for the time being. I will go back to the meeting and study carefully. Now the most important thing is the safety of the landing troops, so he asked: "How is the landing troops?"

"Chief, when we landed, we were killed in fifteen thousand, and retreat was probably killed in two thousand, so we still have about 3,000 people to survive. The sergeant major let me tell you that the remaining living people will all be transferred out, no fleet is needed. Landing and rescue, as long as you wait here in the wormhole. In addition, the computer host we brought downloaded a lot of snowman information and important information. "

Summer nodded his head and ordered tomorrow again: "Quickly dispatch heavy soldiers to the wormhole to meet. Note: First, do not pass the Star Fort, it is near the Snow World Star, and the Snow Base Star is your base camp for your fleet.

"Second, heavy soldiers are assembled near the wormhole. In addition to rescue our soldiers, the main task is to watch the dead wormhole. As long as something comes out of it, no matter what it is, it will be eliminated immediately!"

"Yes!" Answered tomorrow. After listening to the summer deployment, several people on the line were nervous.

Summer once again ordered: "Convene the military team, the military council, and all members of the Senior Presbyterian Church to go online immediately, and hold an emergency conference call, no reason should be absent!"

At the critical moment, it was still very popular in the summer. Facing the wormhole, this new thing may be a crisis or an opportunity for Daming. Can the highest level not face it with all its strength?

However, it was said that in Xuejiexing, on the way from the base to the city library, dozens of landing crafts flew over in turn, and the sky's plasma ball whistled. For such ultra-long-range "ballistic" weapons, all the landing craft can do is to perform mobile avoidance. Fortunately, the speed of these plasma **** is not too fast, otherwise, it is really not very good to avoid.

Not only that, there are endless flying insects all over the sky, and there are also worms like worms and insects. After all the landing craft left the base, the entire base was attacked by dozens of plasma balls. Flatten the base to the ground!

In the center of the city ruins, there is a building covered by a very large shield, this is the soul wave shield released by the moon. As we all know, since it is a shield, it must consume energy, and to form such a large shield to resist so many insect attacks, it is not enough to rely on the energy released by one person in the moon. After all, she is just a mortal, not a superman!

So in later research, I learned that the principle of the soul wave shield is to use all kinds of energy that may exist around to form a shield, that is to say, the soul master uses his own small energy to control the surrounding large energy to form a shield. Therefore, the effect of the soul wave shield will be very significant in the atmospheric environment, and in the universe, its power will be greatly reduced.

But it said that the landing craft kept coming to the door of the library to stop, put down many soldiers, entered the library, and then transported to the wormhole track more than one billion kilometers away through the shuttle, where to wait for the rescue of the fleet.

One of the officers and soldiers constantly pouring into the library lobby shouted, "Let me go! Do you want to rebel?"

This person is the brigadier, Xia Xingcheng hurried over to salute and asked: "What's the matter, Chief?"

The brigade commander was furious and said, "There are still many people behind who did not withdraw. These cubs just tied me to the boat."

Hearing what the brigade commander said, Xia Xingcheng immediately understood what it meant. It turned out that the brigade commander was about to withdraw from the base last time. People are waiting for the second wave of delivery.

For the safety of the brigade commander, several guards forcibly tied the brigade commander over. Xia Xingcheng said: "Chief, time is running out, you see ..." He pointed to the bright moon suspended in mid-air, and the Chinese tiger holding her from behind, "Xia Mingyue can't hold on for a long time, so we To evacuate as soon as possible. "

So far, the brigade commander said helplessly: "Then everyone evacuates quickly, I will stay at the end!"

Xia Xingcheng said: "Chief, I will accompany you with the last evacuation."

The Brigadier nodded his head ~ ~ and began to command everyone with Xia Xingcheng, and entered the shuttles in batches for transmission. You will be in space for a while. If the equipment is not sealed, it will cause loss of pressure and threaten your life. Do you understand? "

While being transferred step by step, the intelligence sent back by the reconnaissance drone showed that the base had been completely destroyed by the Zerg's plasma ball, and nearly a thousand people had not evacuated the base. Both the brigade commander and Xia Xingcheng sighed helplessly.

The endless Zerg has gathered around the library, and they can't penetrate the soul wave shield. A total of ten meters of height is accumulated at the edge of the shield. As long as the moon is finished, these Zerg will all tilt down.

Mingyue's body has begun to tremble violently, it seems that she has applied her soul wave to the extreme, and it will be unsustainable at first sight.

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