The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 795: Light star

Although Zheng Yunyan is not the surname of the Ming Dynasty, she is a princess bestowed by the emperor. She has been a celestial master for more than 700 years. She has also been a veteran for more than 700 years. So she hates being said that she has no children. , No one loves things like that, and now Xiao La is just taking her anger, if she does n’t look at Xiao La ’s loss of her beloved girl, Zheng Yunyan she does n’t care if you are Daming ’s first thousand gold, or she will yell at you Field, so she can only swallow her voice first now.

Seeing Xiao La's extremely collapsed appearance, the online tomorrow said: "I'm sorry, sister, this thing is caused by me. In this way, I personally take someone to save her!"

"Nonsense!" Xia Xuan cursed: "It is very obvious from this computer animation that Princess Mingyue is now subject to the Zerg. How can you save her? What if the Zerg is anxious and kills Mingyue?"

"What should I do?" Xiao La was very anxious.

Summer said: "Wait."

"Wait? How to wait?" Xiao Zha stomped her feet anxiously.

In the summer, I can't help but start a fire: "Cry, you know to cry! Bai Zixiong, take care of your wife, don't cry and cry, and disturb the army!"

"Dad you ..." Xiaola looked at Xia in surprise, and didn't believe that Xia would fall in front of everyone in this way. Especially in this month when Mingyue's life and death are unknown. It's so big, how much I love her in summer, but I have never scolded her like that. So she felt extremely wronged.

"Shut up or get out!" Summer again scolded, Xiao La grieved and wiped her tears, and no longer dared to speak.

Summer said: "Little Q, let your soul division continue to monitor the area where the moon is located, and withdraw all drones deployed on the snow world star. At the same time, continue to rush to the wormhole orbit, one is to pick up the brothers who are in trouble, and It is monitoring wormholes.

"Now analyze the few of us. Let me take my point of view. There are signs of life, indicating that the moon is still alive. The appearance of Ziguang means that the moon will not die. The departure of Ziguang means that the owner of Ziguang wants to leave. She Can't take care of this, but she saved Mingyue. So Xiaola, Daxiong, don't blame Ziguang, she might be really in trouble.

"The question now is, since Ziguang saved Mingyue, why didn't she bring her out? Or was it just the speculation that Ziguang had to leave when something happened. Secondly, Ziguang has determined that Mingyue will not be in danger. So Xiao La, you said what you were anxious just now Anxious, why cry? You are very smart, why do you lose your mind when it's critical? "

"Sorry Dad, I was wrong, I shouldn't be like this." Xiaola admitted the mistake.

Summer went on to say: "Since the moon is not dangerous, the drones installed in the snow world are useless, so they must be withdrawn and left on it, which will cause the zerg to resent it, which poses a threat to the moon."

Xiaola stopped talking, but Daxiong said, "My father, what should I do now?"

Summer said: "It's the same word: Wait. Just look at it and it won't take long for the moon to escape from danger and return to the fleet. Let's call the highest military team, the military council, and the senior elders' association. The library retrieved the information. "

In the Ming Navy, it is common to hold emergency conference calls. Sometimes it happens to be at a meal. At this time, some people will have a meeting while eating.

At this moment, the senior officials who went online also happened to have several people eating. In summer, they also ordered a Chinese meal. The staff were almost there, and the meeting began.

There are two main issues in the meeting. One is the origin of the Zerg. According to information, it is a god-level civilization called "Engineer". It was airdropped on Snow World more than 100 years ago. At that time, summer was just right. Still on Dawn 2, at that time, he was only a senior three student, and had just left the earth.

So through intelligence analysis and time period analysis, at that time, engineers and observers controlled the galaxy, and they did whatever they wanted. At that time, the "Yan Clan", a civilization higher than the two god-level civilizations, was in the distant Demon Cloud.

Summer calls the Yan civilization a "eunuch", and an engineer, a visitor, an observer, and a three-world coward.

Later, after Mira disappeared after being irradiated with purple light, both the punk and the peep disappeared, and no trace of them appeared. That is to say, this Yan civilization that emits purple light has a restrictive effect on both the punks and the peepers, and yes, they dare not continue to make inroads in the galaxy.

Through this kind of speculation, carrying out a scrubbing attack on the snow world star will not be met with the ambitions of the three cheap stars in the universe. So the next step will be to blow the snow world facts, but the premise is that the moon must be able to escape.

The so-called scrubbing attack carries out a full-scale carpet attack on the entire planet, so that any creature on the planet will not survive the attack, just like washing the floor with water, leaving no dust, this is the so-called scrubbing attack .

Anyway, the information that should be obtained is also obtained, so there is no need to worry about destroying the snow world star. This landing operation is to obtain information. Facts also prove that this operation obtained extremely precious information.

The most precious information is to let Daming know that there is a hidden celestial body in the orbit of the dark sun galaxy as far as 1.5 billion kilometers, that is, the wormhole called the "gate of hell", a diameter of 2700 kilometers. Spherical objects.

The reason why it cannot be said to be a planet or a planet ~ ~ Because most types of detection equipment cannot detect its existence, only its gravitational field can be measured. Through the calculation of the gravitational field, it is estimated that the diameter of the wormhole is 2700 kilometers.

The question now is, is this hidden object a wormhole? Was it really possible to cross it as far as 1,200 light-years away as the snowman said? But since the snow world can accurately tell where the celestial body is, what is the celestial body they call a wormhole?

According to the literature records of the snow world, the civilization of the snow people lags far behind Daming, and even Daming cannot detect the existence of wormholes. How did the snow people detect it?

When asking this question, the system computer suddenly showed: Before the end of the world, the snow people had been invited by the Left League, so the snow people knew the existence of wormholes.

Now when it comes to the Left League, the last question is the Left League. According to intelligence data, there is a star named "Light Star" at 1,200 light years away from the snow world. Three of its many planets are inhabited by various civilizations. It is also the distribution center of the Left League, so the light star system It is also called "the big interstellar market".

(End of this chapter)

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