The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 825: Battle of Insects (4)

In a dense forest in the mountains, where you can see the overwhelming zergs, flying attackers around a central point, shooting venom, flames, plasma beams and plasma towards this central point, and the central point From time to time, flying insects fought back.

"Uncle, I have found Han Bing," Mingyue Connected tomorrow, and said, "Now I am within 300 kilometers of my center, which is my safe range, and outside, please clean up with all my strength, thank you."

Originally, various signals were shielded on the insect star, and even the soul wave was shielded, but since Han Bing came, this shield disappeared, so Mingyue can be contacted with tomorrow, and when he was in the fleet, Mingyue was also So I can receive Han Bing's distress signal.

It was determined that the fleet had been commanded to launch a cleaning attack on the entire insect star tomorrow. Mingyue also began to drive the battleship around the coordinate center where Han Bing was located, and launched an attack on the flying Peysen Zerg. I saw the entire field of vision, Insect blood fluttered around the sky, venom splashed, and the insects howled.

The battleship was also violently bumpy, and Xia Xingcheng saw a **** scene through the porthole, because in the field of vision outside the porthole, basically red flesh flew across, he could see more flying insects flying from all directions Come and join the battlefield.

While shooting at the dense swarms of insects, Mingyue did not forget to ask for help tomorrow: "Uncle, you will wipe out the swarms around me first! If you continue this way, I won't be able to persist for long!"

The entire insect star battlefield extends from the ground into space. Thousands of warships carry a spiral flight cluster around the insect star in low orbit (note: orbit within a height of 1,000 kilometers). The star is tightly packed, and the densely-fired plasma cluster bomb with no target on the ground of the insect star is bound to wipe out all the Peysen zergs on the entire insect star.

This plasma cluster bomb has the same power as a nuclear weapon, but it has the advantage over nuclear weapons that it does not cause nuclear pollution, is a pure energy weapon, and can attack all creatures within the range of the ground explosion.

So the whole planet is like a flower. Even with this carpet-like attack, there are still many evolved worm swarms flying away from the planet, rushing out of the atmosphere, into space, and into the fleet, but soon all were wipe out.

Seeing that the warships of Mingyue are bearing the powerful firepower of the Peysen Zerg, the fighters they are carrying are slowly being depleted, and the zergs that besieged Han Bing are also rapidly consuming. They are not only attacked by the ships controlled by Mingyue. There was also a counterattack by the inner Hanzong Zerg, which can be said to be enemies on the inside.

Mingyue looked calm, but Xia Xingcheng looked worriedly at the sky of swarms and flying flesh and blood, worried that Han Bing would not come down by then, and the battleship he was riding was about to be destroyed.

Asked online tomorrow: "Mingyue, how are you doing? Should I send a warship to support you?"

"Uncle, I need you to continue to clear my surroundings. Under the condition of ensuring safety, you can send a battleship to board 6." Mingyue said, "I can still stick here for a while, but I don't know how Han Bing is now. . "

"Then good luck."

The battleship has been persevering, and at the same time, there are Han Zing's Zerg in the center of the swarm. Mingyue stopped from time to time, closed her eyes and meditated, and said after a while: "Han Bing is still safe for the time being, she is still not breaking the cocoon in the cocoon."

After ten minutes of stalemate, the flying insects from around suddenly became less, no longer black flying, but sporadic three or two flying, Mingyue knew that the cleaning of the eight ships started. Effect, the surrounding Zerg has been almost eliminated.

As long as the external pressure is reduced, the internal worm swarm can be quickly cleared, so Mingyue accelerated the siege. By the end of the day, her own unmanned attack aircraft had been exhausted, and there was still a lot of admiration in front of her. The Ethan Zerg is besieging Han Bing's insect cocoons, and the human reinforcements have been delayed.

And Han Bing's Zergs are gradually decreasing, and they can no longer support it, and Mingyue can't wait. Suddenly, there is a roar, and a large wave of shock waves passes through the hull and through the shield, covering the entire insect in front of him In the battlefield, I saw countless bugs in the swarm burst, flesh and blood flying!

While exerting her mental power, Mingyue suspended her body again and used it only once. After a while, she fell from the suspended state on the deck. Xia Xingcheng hurried over and hugged her, only to see that she was weak and paralyzed in him. In her arms, her eyes became pure white again, and her skin also began to turn white. The blood was exposed from under her eyes and under the skin. She became Queen of Blades again, but the antennae behind her did not grow.

Mingyue said feebly: "Fool, are you afraid of me getting hurt when you approach me?"

"Not afraid," Xia Xingcheng said.

"Help me stand up," said Mingyue, standing under the support of Xia Xingcheng, stood up, and looked out to see that the remaining Peysen Zerg had been almost wiped out with the roar she had just made.

It can be seen that in the dense forest, there are several coniferous trees with white worm filaments connected in the middle, and there is a huge worm cocoon in the middle of the worm silk. It should be Han Bing in the worm cocoon.

"Go, let's go down," Mingyue said.

Xia Xingcheng looked outside and confirmed that there was no danger, and said, "I will go with you."

The battleship was stable, hovering in front of the cocoon, Xia Xingcheng was well-dressed, took his weapon, and came out of the hatch with Mingyue, and landed on the ground under the projection of blue light.

The two stepped on the thick snow and entered the dense forest. In front of them, from time to time, there were magic blade flying insects flying back and forth. These flying insects were much smaller than the Peysen flying insects. People are recognized as allies, so do n’t attack them.

"Sister Han Bing!" Mingyue shouted ~ ~ The two came to the forest and saw a huge insect web on top of their heads, like a spider web. On the earth, many insects will toast, but will not form a web, and the spiders that will form a web are not insects.

However, both the Peysen Zerg and the Demon Blade Zerg will spit the net. The huge net in front of them is the net made by the Sword Zerg Stalk. It is about three meters from the ground.

The two came under the big net, and saw the cocoon in the middle of the net. Han Bingguo's body was wrapped in it, and her body was also hugged.

"Sister Han Bing, can you hear me speak?" Mingyue shouted below, seeing that Han Bing was fruitful, and turned back to Xia Xingcheng, "Don't look, turn your face!"

(End of this chapter)

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