The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 842: Forget the past

A civilian spacecraft sailed from the New Hope flagship to the Star Fortress of the Wings of Holy Light. Mingyue and Xia Xingcheng were also among the passengers. The two were dressed in casual clothes and only in ordinary economy class. After the Battle of the Swarm, the two of them were also granted special leave for three days, so they took advantage of the opportunity to take a trip to the Wings of the Holy Light.

The two sat in the seats near the window and looked at the flying shuttles outside the porthole. Xia Xingcheng said with emotion: "Finally ..."

"Finally what?"

"Finally, this is no longer necessary to be with Queen Han. She should now return to her domain in Snow Realm."

"Do you dislike her so much?"

"If you don't like it or not, you just feel awkward," Xia Xingcheng said his true thoughts.

"Because she is the Queen of Zerg?" Mingyue asked. "But I also have the blood of the Queen of Blades in my body. I have many similarities with her ..."

"I love you, I just worry that you will become a Zerg permanently and never come back."

Mingyue was silent at the moment, and one thing had been bothering her, and she dared not tell Xia Xingcheng, because she had had a fit with Queen Quinn of Peysen, and the gene had changed a lot, although it was suppressed. It's possible that she won't do it in the future, but one thing she is very worried about.

What worries her is that she is very likely not to be pregnant. This is the last thing she likes to see, but she can foresee that this possibility is very high.

Seeing his wife suddenly stop talking, Xia Xingcheng asked, "What's wrong?"

Mingyue smiled and paid it: "It's okay, it was just a sudden trance, probably because it was too tired."

Before long, the spacecraft reached the Wings of the Holy Light. Just after getting off the spacecraft, Xia Xingcheng received a phone call from Huahu. It turned out that he had also asked for leave in the Taino Special Zone of Wings of Light. , Invite him to come with Mingyue as a guest.

Just when he called Huahu, Mingyue suddenly felt uncomfortable beside him, and there was a tingling feeling in his chest. Like something foreign in the clothes, she reached out and pulled it in her clothes pocket. When he got up, he pulled out a small puppet with a length of about five centimeters, which was just in his palm.

Mingyue looked at the puppet in his hand curiously, and said to himself strangely: "What is this? When was it in my clothes?"

The puppet looked like a girl. When Mingyue was staring, the puppet's eye blinked suddenly, scaring Mingyue's jump, but following her, she understood everything and shouted at the puppet: " Sister Han Bing! Why are you ... "

"What's wrong with the moon?" Xia Xingcheng asked after finishing the phone call.

"Oh all right," Mingyue said hurriedly, and then put his hands behind his back.

"Are you all right? Then let's go."

Mingyue and Xia Xingcheng traveled together on the streets of the Wings of Holy Light. Since they were going to visit Huahu's home, they had to buy some gifts, so the two began shopping to see if they could buy something to bring with them.

But it shows that the hands behind the moon, the wooden puppet slowly changes in her palm, a thin vine grows out, the longer the longer, along the moon's arms and back to her earlobe Next, and opened a very small yellow flower, speaking to Mingyue's ear:

"Hee hee, sister, it's sister me."

Mingyue didn't dare to speak, she asked with consciousness: "It's you deity? How can you become so small? Don't you come here."

"Relax, my sister, I will play in this city for three or two days, and will definitely not cause you any trouble."

After the vines finished speaking, they shrank back, and finally the little puppet broke free of Mingyue's hands, fell to the ground, and bounced, falling into a flowerbed on the roadside.

Mingyue did not dare to look back, afraid of causing Xia Xingcheng's suspicion, he could only use the soul wave to investigate things behind him.

The puppet fell into the flowerbed, and a lot of vines grew, and a grid formed in the flowerbed to support the soil and flowers above. In fact, the lower part has gradually become empty. It turns out that the puppet is absorbing the flowerbed The following substances.

The wooden puppet continued to grow vines, getting bigger and bigger, and eventually turned into a cheongsam beauty, lying in the flowerbed, all of which were covered by the plants in the flowerbed, so no one on the roadside could notice it.

Han Bing stood up in the flower garden, patted the dust on his body, and walked out of the flower garden, with his hands on his hips and his hands on his eyes, looking up at the artificial sun above his head, and said softly, "Awesome, back again The mankind is here, handsome guys, handsome men, the Lun family can't wait, I want to ... "

Mingyue and Xia Xingcheng have reached the corner of the street. Mingyue can see through Han Yu that Han Bing has saved a very handsome man and walks happily on the street of the Wings of Holy Light. Mingyue shook his head involuntarily, thinking: "I hope this fairy does not cause trouble."

The two of them came to Huahu's house in the Mingyue Summer Star City, and Ming Anqi and several Tylenol comrades were waiting. Several people ate a meal at Huahu's house. The original food of the Taino people is very simple, only the Fino tree. Now through so many years of transformation and adaptation, they can also enjoy the food of the Huaxia people.

But he said that through this way of changing his body, Han Bing often came to the Wings of Light and two other interstellar fortresses to find healthy men for her pleasure. After the event, there would be no consequences. With regard to her behavior, she will open her eyes and close her eyes tomorrow, as long as she does not cause trouble or expose, she will follow her.

Soon, Xia Xingcheng and Mingyue returned to the fleet again. On the battleship Xingyue, they continued their military career.

In this way, two and a half years passed quickly. In addition to regular military inspections of Xuejiexing, the Eight Ships also began to build factories for mining and material processing.

Finally, summer led the huge Daming Navy to the Dark Sun Galaxy, and received Han Bing on the flagship Dreamcatcher.

In the command hall of Dreamcatcher, Han Bing, wearing a gorgeous evening dress, came to the eyes of summer gracefully, making everyone present bright.

Xia Xia said: "Queen Han, after more than two years, we finally met. You yourself are much more beautiful than I saw in my dreams. It can be described by the sky and the country."

Han Bing smiled slightly: "Mr. Xia ~ ~ You have won the prize, you also know that I am a Zerg, and will be the most magical, and what you see is not my original appearance, so do n’t be blamed Deceived by your eyes. "

After a brief greeting, the two began to discuss the formation of alliances and joint attacks on the Zuomeng star field.

Three days later, on the terrace of the USS Dream Chaser, Han Bing and Han Bing stood in front of the railing and looked up at the stars. Summer said, "Han Bing, can you tell me about your experience?"

Han Bing sighed: "It's really unbearable."

(After finishing this volume, the next volume will be the main line of Zerg!)

(End of this chapter)

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