The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 847: Elevator falling

A small-scale private coal mine, there is such a large space below the mine, it is really a bit incredible, Han Bing's suspicion is growing, and there is a Japanese injection, which makes her more skeptical, maybe it is hidden inside What a shocking secret!

She also heard a "bang" sound, like a gunshot. Isn't this the underground base of K terrorists? If that is the case, then I really have to be careful!

Coming to the elevator, a man in a white coat walked over and waited for the elevator with the two of them. The white man looked at the suit man and curiously looked at Han Bing. Han Bing had a strange look.

Han Bing no longer asks questions. She can already feel that there is a problem here, and the question is very big, it is useless to ask anything, and at this time it is impossible to withdraw from the whole body. Therefore, we can only act by chance and take one step at a time.

It didn't take long for the elevator to come up from below, the door opened, and another man in a white coat walked out from the inside and said nothing, passing by.

The three men entered the elevator, the suit man started the elevator, and the elevator carried him down. The elevator showed no floors, so Han Bing did not know where they were going.

And this elevator is not fully enclosed, it is an iron cage, you can see the elevator shaft outside. When descending to the next floor, you can see a square hole in the elevator shaft on this floor. Through the hole, Han Bing saw a few men in uniform walking around and their hands not far outside Li actually still holds: a gun!

Their uniform is not a police uniform, nor is it a common military uniform of our army, it is a camouflage uniform, Han Bing first thought of foreign troops! This so-called coal mine actually has heavily armed foreign troops!

This is incredible. Han Bing looked back at the suit man and saw that the suit man showed a strange smile, while the white man was expressionless.

Understand, this is an underground base of K terrorists, Sato must be hiding here! At the entrance outside, the guards were deliberately withdrawn in order to set a trap for Han Bing so that she could get out of the net.

Sato, Sato, I want to see what you want to do!

When you go down to the third floor, you can also see armed mercenaries with live ammunition in the corridor outside. The elevator continues to descend ...

When crossing the third floor, the elevator shook suddenly, and the lights in the elevator flickered. Sui Ou, a white man, scolded: "Ba Ga!"

He just finished scolding, the elevator shook again, the lights went out, and then descended to the fourth floor, and suddenly stopped, Han Bing saw several mercenaries wailing and wailing in the corridor outside. The gun shot into a corner, and a lightning flew out of that corner, hitting a mercenary, the man died on the spot, and then, a monster sprang out of that corner! Yes, it's a monster!

Before the response, the monster radiated a flash of lightning towards the elevator and hit the elevator all at once. All three of them shouted involuntarily, followed by the elevator and fell down suddenly. The light flashes and the alarm bell rings.

"Ah ..." the three men exclaimed.

"Boom!" The elevator

"Beep, beep, beep ..." The alarm sounded all the time.

The impact caused by the fall made Han Bing feel that her internal organs were about to be shattered, but she did n’t faint. She just fell heavily on the ground, watching the other two people. .

The elevator door was also tilted to reveal a slit, and the outside was flashed and flickered by the red police lights. Han Bing stood up hard and went to see the two of them. There was no movement at all, so he shouted, "Hey, you two, wake up!"

After all, he kicked it with his feet, and he didn't respond at all. Will these two devils die? Han Bing guessed, was this too much to fall? I am a girl and it's okay, the two of you guys hang up first!

Kicked two feet, but nothing happened. Han Bing was a little scared, wouldn't he really die? Then she bent down and tried to sniff, and indeed both of them were breathless. "Waste!" Han Bing scolded, so what should I do next?

She was thinking quickly, and quickly sorted out a few facts. One: This is very deep underground, at least a thousand meters deep, and maybe even deeper! Second, it is not a coal mine at all, but a secret underground scientific research base.

Third, this base is not state-owned, but it was illegally constructed by a foreign spy agency as a cover for investment in coal mines.

Fourth, these foreigners are Japanese, and they have weapons.

Fifth, there is no cell phone signal.

Sixth, and most important, there are monsters in it!

After thinking for a few days, Han Bing had to find a way to leave here and looked up. The elevator shaft was very high and the elevator was damaged. It was basically impossible to get up from the elevator. It was only out of the elevator. In this underground world, find a way out.

Since there are monsters here, we must find ways to avoid them, and if we encounter them, we must find ways to kill them! Then we need weapons, and these Japanese mercenaries have weapons. I do n’t know if the two four people in the elevator will have them.

Thinking of this, Han Bing searched on the man in the suit. Sure enough, he found a pistol and a magazine in his waist. The man in the white suit had no weapons.

Han Bing University has just graduated and has never been in contact with firearms. It was only during the freshman military training that the instructor once explained how to use the pistol, but never touched the gun, let alone fired live ammunition training.

I will go out in a while ~ ~ When looking for a way out, I have to face monsters, so I must be proficient in how to use the pistol before going out. She strongly recalled the firearm cover-up of the instructor four years ago.

First check the ammunition. There are already 8 bullets in the gun. With the attached magazine, she now has a total of 16 bullets. (Note: The new southern M57 pistol has a capacity of 8 rounds.)

Try again how to use it, and quickly found the insurance, as long as the insurance is opened, you can shoot.

Han Bing inserted the pistol in the waistband of the trousers and came to the door of the elevator. The door crack was too small to drill through. She pressed the doors on both sides and vigorously broke the side, but she could n’t open it. Can't get out. She stopped and looked out through the crack of the door, only to see a corpse lying on the floor at the door, covered in blood, with a crowbar beside her.

She reached out to reach the crowbar and took it in. This is a crowbar with a length of more than one foot with a bend, a pointed end, and a forked end.

Han Bing inserted the crowbar in the door crack and tilted it up. Finally, she lifted the elevator door a little bit, just to accommodate a person, she got out and saw a green thing as soon as she got out of the elevator. Wow screaming face coming.

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