The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 850: Fire Monster and Toad Nest

Han Bing is wearing a shirt and denim hot pants, as well as board shoes, and her hot pants do not wear belts. Therefore, the pistol and flashlight can only be inserted in the waistband. The grenade is attached to the trousers. There are two pockets behind the leather pants. One pocket holds the mobile phone, the other pocket has two magazines. Magazines.

In order to carry more bullets, she actually put a magazine in her bra. I originally wanted to put a magazine in my pocket, but I gave up when it was inconvenient to move. So now, besides eight bullets in her pistol, she also has seven magazines, for a total of 8 + 56 bullets.

No more bullets can be brought, and Han Bing is sorry to prepare to continue on the road. Next is to drill down from the opposite roller gate, and on the side of the roller gate is a fallen post, blocking the sight on the right and blocking the way. If you want to go to the front of the roller gate, you must climb over this column .

Han Bing installed the weapon bullet flashlights, holding the crowbar in his hands and approaching the pillar. He suddenly heard a stab sound. The sound came from the right. I saw an arc flash on the right and could hear " "Angang" strange call.

Rosta! Han Bing reacted immediately, quickly hid in the left corner, gently lowered the crowbar, and picked up the pistol. Hearing the strange noise of the monster behind the pillar and the sound of electric arc, Han Bing understands that this monster is better than leapfrog. She leaned her head quietly and saw a monster with a height of one person:

Limbs, walking upright, flashing arcs on the body, four or five arcs came out of the body, striking the ground and walls on the side, and there was a crackling sound. If you are electrified, you will be injured. This made Han Bing think that when she fell in the elevator, she saw a scene where a discharge monster killed the mercenary with an arc.

This discharge monster has an ugly and terrifying look, a rough scaled skin, and green like the leapfrog, and is walking towards the place with electricity.

Lying, what should I do, what should I do? Han Bing asked himself again and again. * Yes, the old lady fights with you! Han Bing rushed out and fired continuously at the discharge monster. The electric monster wailed and suddenly released an arc to hit Han Bing.

"Ah ..." Han Bing was thrown by the arc and landed on the pair of boxes. The electric arc struck the body, and it felt like the whole body was torn apart, and it was painful.

As soon as Han Bingfu fell to the ground, he did not care about the pain and quickly got up. He saw that the electric monster bent over and it was probably injured. He held a photoelectric arc ball in one hand and was about to charge Han Bing again.

It was only after the power was turned on that Han Bing couldn't stand it. Then how could it be powered on a second time? She quickly drove money to the discharge monster in succession and knocked off all the bullets.

Finally, the discharge monster wailed and fell down, letting go of the electricity, and there was no movement. Han Bing put away the pistol and walked out. Because she was uneasy, she picked up the crowbar and slammed at the discharge monster.

"Call you to me, teach you to me!" Han Bing said while smashing.

After replacing the magazine, Han Bing took the crowbar in his left hand and the gun in his right hand. Although the crowbar is bulky, it is indispensable when it is critical, so she is reluctant to throw it, but it is inconvenient to carry in her hand, and it is a bit troublesome to carry so many things on her body.

Han Bing came to the rolling gate. The rolling gate was half-open and there was a box under it, so he needed to bend down to get in. Han Bing was lying on the ground and looking inside. I saw that the other side had a lot of boxes. There was a narrow passage in the middle of the box. I didn't know if there were any ghosts in it.

At this point, I'm afraid it's useless. Han Bing can only bend in with a scalp.

When you come inside, you have to walk through the narrow passage in front of your eyes, and it will be a little wider in front. Han Bing slowly walked forward, beware of monsters.

I was really afraid of what came. Suddenly, a leapfrog jumped and threw it. Han Bing shot a shot at it. Without a stick, the leapfrog died on the spot. But it didn't end. A few frogs jumped out of the corner and rushed towards her.

Han Bing started work with his left and right hands, shot a little further, and hit it with a crowbar. She could not even think of herself. She had never touched the gun. She was so good at the moment, basically one shot or two. Jumping frogs further away require two shots to kill, and crowbars closer can be hacked to death.

After a while, a shuttle and eight bullets had been hit, and the bodies of several leapfrogs were lying on the ground, but the leapfrogs behind them sprang out continuously.

"Fuck it, did I get into the toad's nest?" Han Bing scolded, and continued to swing the crowbar with his left hand, and withdrew from the magazine with one hand with his right hand, and pulled out a new magazine in his pocket. :

Just a second ago, the magazine just struck a small arc in the air in front of the leg and was about to fall.

One second later, Han Bing had pointed the empty magazine's pistol at the half-empty magazine and slammed it up, and at the same time raised his leg, he saw that the magazine was hit by the pistol on his thigh and quickly entered the magazine, with a snap , The magazine has successfully entered the warehouse!

Han Bing stayed alone, but he didn't think he had such a good skill! Even if he has practiced martial arts since childhood, it is impossible to be so agile and fast? But she should not be allowed to think too much, she has already started the fight,

One-handed second change of magazines in one go. As soon as she changed, she started shooting. At this time, there were two jumping frogs in front of him. Han Bing smashed the crowbar with his left hand, kicked with his right leg, and solved two at the same time. The pistol kept on, killing the slightly farther one.

In this narrow space, I heard constant gunshots, frogs unceasingly, and the crackling sound hitting the body of the jumping frog, flesh and blood flying.

In just half a minute, Han Bing had consumed three magazines and killed at least 20 jumping frogs, and finally it became calm. Looking at the corpse on the floor, Han Bing rested a little, loaded the bullet, and moved on.

In addition to this narrow passage, we came to an open place, with a platform in front and a platform opposite, separated by a deep trench with a width of more than ten meters in the middle. Han Bing came to the edge of the platform and looked down. I saw that this was a very deep ditch, and there was rushing water below.

This is an underground river, Han Bing once again scolded, this Japanese devil really works ~ ~ can actually build the base in such a deep underground. How was such a huge underground base built across the sea?

There is a hanging basket on the side of the platform, which is used to carry people and objects in the past. There were two corpses on the ground opposite the platform. Han Bing took a closer look and saw that the corpse was wearing mercenary clothes.

Now all I have to do is take the iron gondola to the opposite side. There is a button on the wall. Han Bing guesses that the gondola should be activated. She pressed it down. Sure enough, the gondola started to buzz, and she quickly jumped up. The hanging basket is

Today is 52o, which means I love you. I want to say to three people:

Mom, I love you! I love you my wife! Daughter, I love you!

(End of this chapter)

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