The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 859: mercenary

There is a long passage in front of them. The two of them are moving forward and on their way, the two of them have introduced themselves.

Jiang Ping was only 26 years old. He was a very good criminal policeman, tall and handsome. He was very surprised when he learned that Han Bing was just a college student who had never experienced any military training but had such outstanding military qualities.

Han Bing said: "I don't know what's going on. I guess it has something to do with Angel 3."

"Angel 3?"

"Well, Sato injected me with a grade virus," Han Bing smiled bleakly, "I don't know when I will die, but I must find him and avenge Brother Feng!"

"Sato has escaped from the university for three months."

"Yes, he injected me three months ago."

"Han Bing, it's been three months, and the virus hasn't been done. This shows that you won't be okay. Rest assured."

Han Bing knew that he was comforting her, so she had to smile, thinking to herself: How do you know how powerful this virus is! Although there has been no poisonous death for three months, every night, Han Bing will have a body spasm for about an hour. When spasms, her body will twitch, and it is very painful. In order not to worry her mother, she never dared to say it, but she only bear it silently.

This long oblique upward passage finally came to an end, and came to a large underground hall. Han Bing actually saw two rows of container wagons! That's right, the train wagon, there are tracks underneath, and there are two tracks that lead to the outside, and the rolling shutters on the rails are closed.

"Here, have you been here?" Han Bing asked.

Jiang Ping shook his head. "Did you see a small door over there? Should you go out from there." Jiang Ping pointed to a small door next to the rolling gate.

The two were holding a gun and warned to walk forward, not only to pay attention to the surroundings, but also to pay attention to the roof. Han Bing had tasted the pain of the vine monster, so he had to guard. When going to the small door in the corner, you need to pass the two containers. When you passed the edge, you heard the sound in the container.

Jiang Ping held the pistol in both hands and walked towards the door of the container. Han Bing raised his ears and listened to the sound inside. Something was hitting the box. However, he could hear a very subtle electric current, and he would not hear it if he didn't listen carefully.

Han Bing mumbled, "Electric monkey!"

"What?" Jiang Ping asked.

"It's the kind of monster that can discharge, Brother Jiang, you come to open the door."

The meaning of Han Bing is to let Jiang Ping slowly open the door, so that he will not be seen by the point monkey, and Han Bing is facing the door of the container, all the danger is left to Han Bing.

Jiang Ping was a little embarrassed. Anyway, he was also a man. How could he be protected by a girl, it was too shameless. Han Bing seemed to see his worries and said, "Relax, Brother Jiang, it's a small case for me to deal with the electric monkey! Come on."

After all, I just pulled Jiang Ping to the door and said, "Ok, I'm ready, let's go!"

Jiang Ping had to do as she said, pulling on the door knocker and slowly pulling it out. When only one slit appeared, Han Bing had already seen the electric arc inside, and it was confirmed that there was an electric monkey inside. He directly dropped a grenade into it.

A loud explosion shocked Jiang Ping, Han Bing had ran to the door, facing the inside with a burst of fire, he heard the wailing cry of the electric monkey. "C1ear!" Han Bing said, pulling the door all open with him, and I saw that there were two electric monkeys inside, all of which were killed.

Jiang Ping gave him a thumbs up, "Yes, sister!"

Another Zhuang box also suddenly sounded, and the sound of bumping, Jiang Ping said: "I will come this time."

"no problem."

The two came to another container. Han Bing went to pull the door. Jiang Ping held the gun in both hands, facing the door nervously, and said, "Open the door, I'm ready."

"Wait," Han Bing said, "without the sound of electric current, it may not be an electric monkey, or some other monster." After all, he kicked the box hard.

"What monster would that be?" Jiang Ping asked, his expression still extremely nervous.

"I don't know," Han Bing looked relaxed, but as soon as he finished speaking, he heard someone shouting in the container: "he1pme!"

The two looked at each other, "Someone inside?"

Han Bing opened the door, and Jiang Ping entered with a gun. Han Bing followed closely, and inside was a white man. Jiang Ping put a gun on his head: "Hurry, who are you?"

The man said a Japanese word with a horrified expression, and the statement was mixed with "Rosta, Rosta!"

Han Bing kicked over: "Will the special people speak human language?"

The white man said in stiff Chinese: "Close the portal, there will be monsters coming over!"

"What do you mean?" Jiang Ping asked.

Han Bing immediately signaled him not to ask anymore, but said: "Attention, someone!" She had heard footsteps, "and more than one person."

Having said that, she had come to the door quietly, stretched her head out and then quickly retracted it back, and saw that the door in the corner of the wall did not open, and the sound of footsteps came from that door. Han Bing waved back, beckoning him out.

Jiang Ping held the white gown man's waist with a gun and held him out. Han Bing said to the white gown man: "Shout in Japanese, let them not shoot! We are ourselves."

Han Bing said that the gun was aimed at the door, waiting for the moment when the door was opened. The white man Xintian shouted in Japanese at the door.

Han Bing now knows that besides agile mechanics, she also has a very sharp sense of hearing. She can even hear how many people are behind the door and how far away she is from the door. She raises one finger, then raises two, and raises three When there was a finger, the door opened and a mercenary with mp5 appeared at the door. When he saw three people, he froze for a moment and shouted loudly in Japanese.

Xintian translated: "He asked who you are."

Jiang Ping said: "You tell him that you are a Chinese policeman, he can't remember it, let him surrender immediately!"

Han Bing could not help but looked at him ~ ~ Speaking like this, wouldn't it be obvious to irritate each other? But then he understood it when he thought about it. When the other party heard that he was a policeman, he would definitely shoot with a gun, then he had reason to fight back.

Xintian just translated Jiang Ping ’s words and translated. Han Bing saw that the mercenary ’s finger was about to pull the trigger. How could he wait for him to shoot? Han Bing fired a long time ago. Bingao fell to the ground, and the muzzle swept toward the sky.

Han Bing is not only good at hearing, but his eyesight is also awesome. So far away, he can see the other party's micro-actions.

After killing a mercenary, Han Bing said, "Watch out for safety!" He rushed towards the door.

(End of this chapter)

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