The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 884: Battle of Rosta (8)

Han Bing was shot by acid dart, Jiang Ping asked with concern: "Han Bing, how are you doing?"

Han Bing swallowed Jiang Ping behind him with pain, and said, "You avoid it."

Just after pushing Jiang Ping behind, another acid dart hit Han Bing's right shoulder blade. Sato continued to laugh, followed by two white shots, connecting the two acid darts. After Han Bing was shot, he lost all his mana and lost his fighting power. Several more white silk shot over, wrapped her up and lifted into the air.

"Haha, Han Sang, you still can't do it! You still follow me!"

Han Bing's left arm and right shoulder blade began to smoke, and the bones and flesh were corroding together. Han Bing endured the pain and did not speak.

Jiang Ping on the ground shouted: "Han Bing, don't promise him, you can't compromise!"

"Haha, little thing," Sato said to Jiang Ping: "Do you want to join in the fun?"

After all, a dozen acid darts flew in the air and shot at Jiang Ping, Han Bing shouted, "Don't hurt him!"

The acid dart did not hit Jiang Ping, but suspended in front of him. Sato asked: "Why not? Oh understand, because he is your new lover, isn't he?"

"This is a grudge between you and me," Han Bing said. "It has nothing to do with him, you let him go!"

"Han Bing, don't worry about me, I fight with him!" Jiang Ping said as he shot at Sato.

"Jiang Ping not!" Han Bing made a statement to stop him, but Jiang Ping had already shot.

"Death!" Sato said angrily, and immediately an acid dart with white silk shot into Jiang Ping's chest. Jiang Ping screamed, and his body immediately became paralyzed, and the skin and muscles of his chest began to corrode quickly.

Jiang Ping was bound by dozens of white silks and gathered in midair.

"Brother Jiang Ping, Brother Jiang Ping!" Han Bing shouted back, but Jiang Ping had closed his eyes, his complexion turned purple, and his body twitched.

"Hahaha, those who follow me and those who pervert us die!" Sato laughed wildly, flying back and forth in the computer room, between the screens.

"Brother Jiang Ping, Brother Jiang Ping ..." Han Bing kept crying, looking at the dying Jiang Ping, very sad. She Han Bing can withstand the corrosion of acid darts, but Jiang Ping cannot do it, and he will die soon!

Qiu Feng died for her and was killed by Sato in front of her. Now Jiang Ping is also going to die for her. The murderer is the same person: still Sato.

Han Bing was crying, the computer room was shaking, the whole base was shaking, and Sato continued to laugh.

"How is it? How is it? Han Bing, without you, I'm the king, this world will tremble at my feet! Hahaha ..."

"Not necessarily," Han Bing spit out these two words gently.

"What are you talking about?" Sato asked.

"Ah ..." Han Bing suddenly looked up and shouted, and the whole machine room tremble violently, and there was a continuous drop of rubble.

"What's wrong? What's the matter?" Sato asked panicly, looking around in panic. Seeing Han Bing sneer, he asked, "It's you, is it you again?"

Once again, Han Bing shouted, and the floor began to loosen, and suddenly a thick tree vine sprang up and quickly grew up, and then there were tree vines emerging from the break.

"Stop, stop now!" Cried Sato.

There are non-stop trees and vines growing out, and you can hear the crackling sound of the wire mesh breaking, the wire mesh binding the Han Bingjiangping duo also broke, and there are a lot of thin to wrap the two. A very thin red blood vine was inserted into the body from the wounds of the two, and venom and acid flowed along the blood vine.

With a crackle, several acid darts were dragged out of the body by the blood.

The space in the computer room is getting smaller and smaller, all of which are occupied by vines. Sato launches an acid dart against Han Bing or Jiang Ping and is quickly blocked by the vines. Sato dodges in the middle of the vines, he wants to run in front of Han Bing and fight her close, but he is separated by the vines.

Jiang Ping still kept his eyes closed. Han Bing looked at him and said, "Brother Jiang Ping, it hurts a little. You have to bear with it." But he was deaf to Sato's existence.

I saw dozens of delicate blood vines plunged into Jiang Ping's body, from time to time sucking out the poisonous blood in his body, and injecting plant essence into his body.

"You are a monster! You are a monster!" Sato exclaimed. He really couldn't understand Han Bing's practice.

Jiang Ping was plunged into his body by blood vines, and was entangled by many vines, fixed on his body. And Han Bing also has blood vines inserted into her body from time to time, and more and more, and finally saw hundreds of blood vines connected to her body in a scattered state, and can't tell whether it is stuck in the body, or Sing from the body.

The vines have occupied the computer room, and there will be no gaps. Sato comes to the anti-theft steel door and looks at the door hard, shouting: "Open the door, open the door, let me go!"

Han Bing walked through the jungle of giant vines with countless blood vines and came behind Sato and said, "The engineer has the key to open this door. Unfortunately, you just killed him. Don't bother. It's a palmprint lock. You can't get out! "

Sato wanted to flap his wings, but he was entangled in the vines, and the acid dart couldn't force it out. With a slap, a thick vine entangled his wings, with a slap, and twisted it off. sound.

"Han Bing, I'm wrong, let me go, I will tell you all my methods of animal control, okay?" Sato began to beg for mercy, "so that you can be invincible in the world, unify the world. Let me be your most loyal Servant, I will assist you. "

"Okay," Han Bing sneered.

"Really?" Sato rejoiced, but then a thick vine twisted off his other pair of wings. "Ah ..." Sato yelled, "Don't you agree? Why is it still like this?"

Han Bing ignored him, but continued to roll thick vines ~ ~ one after another, twisting his hands and legs one after another, Sato shuddered in pain, and kept wailing.

"Tell you," Han Bing finally said, "You listened to me sentence by sentence. Brother Qiufeng didn't agree, the girl killed by you didn't agree, the three girls who couldn't come back in the strange star, they Don't agree, the scum of the unscrupulous, let it die! "

A purple light gleamed in Han Bing's eyes, and a thick vine was violently inserted from the back of Sato's head, then emerged from his mouth. Sato uttered a whine, he was speechless in pain, but he was not dead yet.

"Is it painful because I can't die?" Han Bing asked coldly. "Relax, I will let you end the pain quickly."

Thick vines are constantly inserted into Sato's body, tearing his body to pieces, even so, Han Bing has not let him go, let the vines absorb the remains of Sato's body, every drop of blood, every drop of venom, every cell It was fully absorbed by the plant, and Han Bing faced it from beginning to end, watching Sato devoured, crushed and raised, and his bones were gone.

Finally, Han Bing burst into tears: "Brother Qiufeng, I will avenge you!"

(End of this chapter)

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