The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 889: Coalescing

• Twilight Star, a star very close to the Sun, is 1200 light-years away from the solar system. The reason why it was named "Duyun" by Han Bing is not only because of the intention to express Li Qingzhao's Yongyu music, but also for a reason. It is a homophonic with her mother's name "Mu Yun".

It has five planets, from the inside to the outside: rocky planets Han Bingxing, Jiangpingxing and Qiufengxing, temperamental planets halo stars and fringe stars, these names are derived from Han Bing itself. She also gave them other names, in the order of inside and outside, in order to be: cloud Mercury, cloud Mars, cloud Venus, cloud Jupiter and cloud Saturn, which coincides with the five elements.

In addition to the five planets, there are other celestial bodies such as dwarf planets, comets and meteors.

The third planet, Autumn Wind Star, also known as Cloud Venus, is a very peculiar planet. It consists of two parts, the stone ball and the magic blade ball.

The so-called stone ball means that it is a smaller physical sphere, which is surrounded by a circle of dense and dense rocks at a distance of 1,000 kilometers from the stone sphere.

When viewed from a long distance, the circle of rocks surrounding the autumn wind star is more like the surface of the planet, and this group of rocks is the magic blade ball.

This structure is much like a lighthouse star, but the upper world that constitutes the autumn wind star is farther from the surface, reaching a height of more than 1,000 kilometers, and its density is also greater, far exceeding the hanging peaks and pumice of the upper world of the lighthouse star. To describe it densely, it almost blocked the sunlight so that it could not project to the ground.

After Han Bing arrived, the two names were redefined, the stone ball was called the surface, and the magic blade ball was called Yunding.

Since there are two upper and lower worlds, it means that the gravity of this planet must be anomalous. The anomaly of the lighthouse star comes from its 18 satellites, and its parent star has three stars.

And the unusual gravity of the autumn wind star is very difficult to conceive, because it has only one moon, and its parent star has only one star, that is twilight star. The autumn wind star is neither too close nor very far away from the star, so this abnormal gravitational balance made Han Bing puzzled for a long time, and was not known until later when foreigners invaded.

Said that after Han Bing came to Yixing Qiufengxing, he only flew for a few meetings, and soon came to the biochemical laboratory beside the test site, and saw the three girls.

Through the airlock, I entered the biochemical laboratory and saw that the three girls were already waiting, and they did n’t wait for them to speak. Han Bing smiled and said, “Let you wait for a long time. After returning to the earth, I also chased back to the earth, and it took a lot of effort to kill him. "

Until now, these girls do n’t believe that they are in alien stars, and they think that all this is not true. Han Bing took the three of them to sit down and began to introduce the ins and outs of the whole thing to them in detail, and showed them the video through the biological screen to solve the puzzle.

After about half an hour of explanation, they are completely understood.

The reason why Han Bing tells them in detail and protects them to survive is because she will live on this planet in the future, and for a long time, these three girls will be the only three human beings in the world. And she still needs their help.

Just never go back to earth like this, the three girls cried, Han Bing said: "Then if I want to tell you, you can live for a thousand years, are you still sad?"

Xiao Li said: "One thousand years? What about ten thousand years? If you can't go back, you can't be with your family, you can't enjoy the pain and happiness of the world. How is this different from the walking dead?"

Han Bing said: "The fact is that you are sad or painful. The food, drinking water, and air installations here will not last long. You are still the physique of the earth. If you want to survive, you must do it to you. A reborn transformation. "

"Ah?" The three girls shivered when they heard that they were going to be reborn.

"There is nothing to be afraid of," Han Bing said, "I have been transformed by Magic Blade by 10%, and 90% need to continue to transform ..."

"Is that still human?" Xiao Li asked timidly.

"Yeah," Han Bing sighed, stood up, walked around the room, and suddenly flicked the long bleeding wings, fanning them, scaring the girls to wow, and soon the blood wings were put away, and the vines began to grow again. And blooming flowers quickly.

Han Bing turned to look at the frightened girls with a smile, and said with a smile: "What are you afraid of? If I want to harm you, I will not do everything possible to protect you when I fight against Sato. We will be on this planet in the future I have lived for many years and thousands of years are possible. Do n’t think that you will enjoy here very comfortably. You have to do things for me. ”

"Do something? What do you do?"

"Protect this planet."

"Protection? Sister Han Bing, aren't you already very powerful? What kind of protection is needed?"

"I'm worried that civilizations from other planets will come here. It would be better if they didn't. Well, this is something to come. I'll talk about it later. The things here should be enough for you to use for three days? Next, I It takes about three days to merge with the magic blade.

"There are a lot of materials in the warehouse cave over there. You can go there to get it after you run out, or you can go out and turn around, as long as you wear protective measures. It ’s okay. Rest assured, no monsters will disturb you. Safety, as long as you are not too far from the test site.

"Would you like to come out and see how I will become the queen of blades? Come on ~ ~ Putting on protective clothing will not be dangerous."

Han Bing asked them to wear protective clothing. Together with the four people, except for the laboratory, they came to the test site in front of them. A large vine jungle, here is Yuntan, which is more than 1,000 kilometers away from the ground.

"Free time, don't go too far, it won't be dangerous," Han Bing said, spreading his blood wings, and flew up to meet the biggest vine in the test site. "Sister's Gate, let's see you in three days."

Han Bing flew her wings in the air, suspended in the air, the blood wings slowly retracted and disappeared, and a dozen vines stretched out to wrap her around. The clothes he wore were the same as the sick wear he wore when he came out of the hospital. At this moment, the vines were slowly torn to pieces.

After a while, Han Bing's entire body was in the vines, thick vines wrapped her body, and thin vines walked around her body, legs and feet, underarms, chest, neck ...

The three girls stood under the huge vines and needed to raise their heads to see Han Bing. "Sister Han Bing!" They shouted, but Han Bing could not hear that she was joining forces with the magic blade.

(End of this chapter)

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