The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 891: The past and present of Magic Blade

In the process of being fit, it is not just wrapped in cocoons, carrying out the improvement of ability and the evolution of biological level, but also the exchange of consciousness. From the exchanges, I learned that Han Bing's body changes. From the beginning of the injection of the virus, not only was she not killed by the virus, but instead, she made a qualitative leap in various body functions, and even fused with plants , To become the Queen of Blades, but its origin is not Angel 3.

In the exchange of consciousness, a voice reverberates in your mind: Do you think it is the so-called Angel 3 virus of your humans that has accomplished you?

"Isn't it? What will happen?" Han Bing issued his own question.

"It's me, a me who is about to die, needs a fresh soul to continue my life ..." The voice replied in this way, the so-called soul is not the dead soul after death, but refers to the spirit and thought of man . And people die like lights, and they die without death.

The voice continued: "I am an ancient creature with five million years of life. You can call me the magic blade. I am not a plant. I am a super creature. It is a creature with civilization. They call me a Zerg ..."

"They? Who are they?"

"Engineers, observers, and scavengers ..."

This is an exchange of consciousness. If you are talking face to face, Han Bing will frown at this moment because she does not understand what the three words said by Magic Blade and how they relate to each other.

"I promise we are really Zerg ..."


"Yeah, we, because of you."

Han Bing was silent, she knew very well that after she joined, she would no longer be a pure human being, but she did not regret it.

"One hundred thousand years ago," Magic Blade recalled, "I fought a battle with the observer, I failed, and completely lost the fighting power, the huge mother body and the endless insect swarm were all consumed in the war, In the end, there was only a heart of plants the size of a fist.

"Without my horns, I hide my true colors and hide here, hiding deep between the surface of the planet and the clouds. The planet Oyster Star 3, which is called autumn wind by you This planet of stars actually has a natural barrier that can hide me. It can prevent observers from finding me.

"It's not just this planet, even this entire 1 million cubic light-year star field can escape the eyes and ears of observers. You know, engineers and observers are everywhere in the galaxy."

(Note: The so-called 1 million cubic light-years can be imagined as a huge cube with a length, width and height of 100 light-years respectively, then the volume of this cube is 1 million cubic light-years.)

"I'm rooted here," the magic blade continued, "and I can escape my enemies, rejuvenate my wounds, regenerate, evolve, and use it to restore yesterday's domineering feminine. (Renote: all Zerg The chiefs are all female, including the magic blade, so you can't say male wind, only female wind.)

"But for tens of thousands of years, I have never been able to evolve to the best state at the beginning, and I have never been able to evolve to the interstellar level. The reason is that there is no suitable human soul. Only by combining with a suitable human soul can we have the next evolution! I ’m also starting to age slowly, and I ca n’t leave regrets for not being able to take revenge before I die completely. "

"So you chose me?"

"I didn't choose you, but fate chose you. Twenty thousand years ago, I launched a quantum creature and flew in the direction of what I thought might be a miracle at the speed of 0.1 times the light. It was originally more than ten thousand years. They can reach the earth, but they did not arrive until 60 years ago for various reasons.

"Who would have thought that the interception of this quantum creature was a group of people on your earth called the Woren. They studied for decades and successfully built a portal for me. Of course they did not know the truth of all this.

"With Quantum Creatures on Earth, I can remotely monitor and even control in real time. Soon I found you, I can't stop Sato from injecting you with viruses, and I can't stop Sato from killing your sweetheart, sorry, I witnessed all this, but I was helpless. "

"I don't blame you," Han Bing's stream of consciousness, "I'm very contented to be able to edge the enemy. For you, even if you want to take my life now, I will not refuse."

"I do n’t want your life. What I want is for you to continue my life. After the fit is completed, many of my memories will be integrated into your thoughts, so I do n’t die, and you do n’t have to die. You The original consciousness is there, and there will be no loss. Only, you will no longer be pure humans. "

"No problem."

"Although I can't stop Sato's crazy behavior, I can invalidate his Angel 3, that is, there is no Angel 3 virus in your body at all."

"So, I can't resist Angel 3 anymore?"

"It was true when you were pure human."

"But Sato also got an injection, and he didn't die."

"That's what I did."

"alright, you win."

"Do you hate me? My time is running out, and your conditions just meet my requirements, so I quickly selected you."

"I can't talk about hate, but now I feel very satisfied. It's just that I can't return to the earth, I have a little regret."

It turns out that the magic blade has such a history, it has a big enemy, a god-level civilization called the observer. In other words, the magic blade used to be or nearly existed in a god-level civilization. If the Magic Blade wants revenge, it must rely on Han Bing for continuous upgrading and evolution.

"After you have evolved to a certain degree, you can go on an interplanetary journey. UU reads the book to return to the earth. But that will be a long time ago. I also regret this matter, to you Caused confusion. "

"It's okay, just come casually, anyway, I have given you all to you."


The heavy rain continued to go crazy. Li Meier, Cheng Cheng and Zhang Xiaowei hid in the biochemical laboratory and looked at the outside world through the double glass doors of the air lock. The giant vine fluttered in the wind and rain. Cheng Cheng said worriedly: " Will Han Bing be hit by lightning? Then fall? "

"Ah? No?" Zhang Xiaowei said worriedly.

"Don't be afraid," Li Meier was very calm. "It's your destiny. In this world, our power is too weak. We must bear it silently for any result. You see, the rain seems to be a little bit, and it should be stopped Right? "

The heavy rain fell for half a day and one night. The next morning was also the fourth morning of Han Binghe. The rain finally stopped and the sun floated out of the sea of ​​clouds, shining light on the mountains above the clouds. In between, including the test field in front of you and the jungle of vines.

(End of this chapter)

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