The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 909: Holy Light Civilization (1)

But it said that a battleship flew out of the 96 # invisible celestial body. This is a battleship that is not too large, only more than 100 meters in length, and the initial speed after flying out is not very fast, and it starts rapidly. slow down.

The moment the battleship flew out, the 96 # invisible object immediately restored its gravitational stability, which means that there was no gravitational fluctuation.

In the space around 1 million to tens of millions of kilometers around the autumn wind star, a total of 108 invisible objects were found, numbered one by one, 96 # is one of them.

As soon as she flew out, Rose asked, "Your Majesty, what should we do?"

Han Bing didn't speak, obviously thinking, but Rose said: "Get rid of it, which is a humble warship!"

Rose said that the swarms she led began to move on and off. Han Bing was afraid of her recklessness and quickly said something to stop: "Wait, will the elders have any opinions?"

Elder Elders, the elder of the Presbyterian Church, said: "My goddess, my opinion is whether to communicate with it first. After all, what kind of background does it have? We don't know anything. It will be disadvantageous. "

Han Bing said: "Ides is right, I support his point of view. Rose, learn a little."

It is said that Quantum Biology showed that there was a connection request from the earth, and Han Bing took it over, but it was Jiang Ping, 72, who was in a wheelchair and under the vines of his villa. At this time, Jiang Ping was already ill, and his abnormal weakness was obviously a dying year, and time was running out.

"Oh, Brother Jiang Ping, why are you alone outside the house, nobody cares for you?"

"Binger, I know I'm running out of time. I just want to meet you and talk to you. How are you doing now?" Lao Jiang asked with a trembling voice.

Han Bing pretended to be relaxed: "I am fine now. The Magic Blade is steadily developing, and the Twilight Galaxy is also a peaceful scene."

"Then why do you still wear a helmet and drive a hunting angel, flying so fast in space?" Jiang Ping said, "Binger, are you in trouble? Tell me, okay?"

Han Bing was about to answer, Rose said: "Your Majesty, I received a message from the other party, but unfortunately I couldn't read it."

As soon as Rose finished, Elders, the elder, said immediately: "The message is accompanied by a decoded file, which is being deciphered."

Han Bing said: "Don't act rashly and wait until the content of the communication is deciphered." Then he said to Jiang Ping: "Brother Jiang Ping, an unknown warship flew out of the 96 # invisible celestial body. , I do n’t know what to do. "

"Then you still hide me?" Jiang Ping said pretending to be angry. "Don't you trust me? I can give you an idea too."

"I'm worried about your body, Brother Jiang Ping."

"No problem."

A moment later, Ides reported: "Master Goddess, the message has been cracked."

"Send it to me to see."


Ides then sent the deciphered message, the full text is as follows:


Unknown civilization, you (we), we are members of the left knee interstellar alliance, Holy Light of Civilization, and now send you a message through a probe spacecraft launched into your galaxy. I do n’t know if there are humans in your galaxy, and if so, how far have you evolved? If so, please come back and welcome you to join the left knee alliance family. Only when brothers and sisters are together can we develop better, faster and more steadily, and can we unite to ensure our own safety. When invaded by an unknown powerful foreign civilization, you can get help from the alliance. Please give a reply within 12 hours of receiving the rest, otherwise, we will see that you have no civilization, and send a fleet to colonize.


After reading this telegram, Han Bing was silent. The dwarf guys of the Presbyterian Church clashed. Each of the presenters expressed their opinions. Some advocated immediate restoration, some ignored it and watched its changes, and some advocated the warship. Capturing for research, and so on ...

"Binger," Jiang Ping shouted her name softly.

"Brother Jiang Ping, I'm here." Han Bing replied.

In the Magic Blade civilization, although Han Bing is as cold as her name and as cold as the Queen of Ice, she has never been so cold to Jiang Ping. Although the two are separated by thousands of light years, Jiang Ping is already sad.

"Can I analyze my opinion?" Jiang Ping asked.

"Well, you say nothing, brother Jiang Ping. My general and the elders are listening."

Jiang Ping started his analysis: "Binger, before I start, I want to say the Hessian Law."

"Well, Brother Jiang Ping, I heard you said, a very brain-burning rule of survival in the universe."

"Yeah, but it's very practical. According to this message, we have to understand whether this so-called holy light civilization is good or malicious. I personally think that regardless of whether his starting point is good or malicious, we It must be classified as a suspected malicious civilization. "

The so-called category of suspected malicious civilization refers to the uniform treatment of malicious civilization without knowing the good and evil of the other party's civilization and being unable to determine the other party's benevolent civilization. Such civilizations of unknown good and evil are called suspected malicious civilizations, including malicious civilizations and civilizations that cannot be determined as goodwill.

Jiang Ping went on to say: "Let's take a look at this message: 'Please give a reply within 12 hours of receiving the rest, otherwise, we will see that you have no civilization, and send a fleet to colonize', this sentence Very problematic. Because civilizations are divided into high and low levels, it is very likely that lower-level civilizations will not receive their inquiry messages, or higher-level civilizations. Even if they receive this message, they will not be able to reply ... "

"Brother Jiang Ping ~ ~ What do you mean," Han Bing said, "This holy light civilization may judge our civilization by whether we can reply to the message, even if there is civilization in the twilight galaxy, as long as If the degree of civilization is lower than their judgment standard, they will invade in a big way? "

"Yes, I mean that, although I don't know if Holy Light will do this, but we have to take it easy."

Han Bing nodded, thinking that Jiang Ping said very reasonable.

Jiang Ping again said: "Anyway, there are still 12 hours left. We might as well study it carefully, and then look at the first half of the paragraph. There are two if, at first glance, it is a bit grammatically wrong because it has made repeated mistakes. Perhaps it was a mistake in the translation process, but we can easily see the problem from these two ifs.

"The first if, if there are humans in the twilight galaxy, he wants to know to what extent we have evolved, which is very important for them to decide whether it is peace or force, or ignore us to determine the next action ..."

Including Han Bing, the three female generals and the elders are listening to Jiang Ping's analysis.

(End of this chapter)

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