The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 916: Battle of Wormhole (2)

The battle of the Swarm vs. Human Race is about to start. The coach of the Swarm is the big queen Han Bing, and behind the scenes is Jiang Ping, who is far away on the earth 1200 light years away. Han Bing ’s old love and military division is called Jiang by the Magic Blade. King.

About to experience the first large-scale interstellar war in life, Han Bing is somewhat unconfident. Although she has a huge swarm, Jiang Ping has given her full courage and confidence and has been encouraging her and saying to her : "Show me your most domineering side, let me have no regrets in this life!"

108 reconnaissance bugs traversed their respective wormholes, fast or slow, and basically returned their information in about half an hour:

96 # Wormhole corresponds to the light star system, and as expected by Jiang Ping, the corresponding wormhole is far away from the star. After the worms passed through, they did not find any equipment such as ships or detectors near the wormhole.

25 # Wormhole corresponds to the Holy Light Galaxy. Although the corresponding wormhole is not very far from the star, the corresponding wormhole here is on an asteroid belt. This asteroid belt is the same as the asteroid belt of the Earth ’s solar system. Although the mother planet is not close, it is not too far away.

Inspectors found that the Light Man's detector was near the wormhole, and also found a large number of asteroids and meteorites near the wormhole. Crossing the wormhole from this place to the twilight galaxy is not suitable for a large number of fleet actions. Because of the dense meteorite, it is not suitable for a large number of ships to build up.

Among the four wormholes that have been discovered in the Holy Light Galaxy, a large number of warships have been assembled near one of the wormholes, which is obviously a big move.

According to the information obtained on the reconnaissance ship, the wormhole currently assembled by the Holy Light Fleet is leading to the astral galaxy. On the side of the wormhole corresponding to the astral galaxy is a wormhole to the twilight galaxy. Looking at it now, the Holy Light is most likely to invade the Twilight Galaxy!

In the Holy Light Galaxy, there are light warships everywhere, and endless warships are densely assembled near the wormholes corresponding to the star system.

Seeing this scene, Han Bing couldn't help worrying and said, "Brother Jiang Ping ..."

Although Han Bing is the queen of the magic blade and has a powerful worm swarm, she is still a little girl in her heart. At this moment, she needs a spiritual support.

In order to dispel her inner fear, Jiang Ping said: "Relax, Binger, with me, I will make you famous in this battle! Quickly see 31 # corresponding to the wormhole!"

The light star is 12 light-years away from the twilight star, the light star is 6 light-years away from the twilight star, the sky star is 4 light-years away from the twilight star, and the sky star and the holy light star are on both sides of the twilight star.

31 # Wormhole corresponds to the sky star.

According to the feedback from the worms that traveled to the sky star, the corresponding wormhole is really far away from the star, and it is indeed entangled with another wormhole. Obviously, the wormhole that is intertwined must be the gateway to the holy Light star.

The galaxies corresponding to other wormholes are not unusual, but these 25 # and 31 # wormholes are the most abnormal. By investigating the information returned by the worms, it can be determined that the Holy Light Man should use the celestial star system as a springboard to initiate the twilight The invasion of the cloud galaxy, and blame the stars.

A good abacus, but they underestimate the Zerg!

After figuring out the strategic deployment of the Holy Light Man, Jiang Ping began his next battle plan, first asked: "Binger, how many standard combat groups can you conduct Star Wars now?"

The so-called standard battle group, which is equivalent to the fleet of human or machine civilization, consists of the four giant insects that constitute the standard group of Suzaku equivalent to the flagship, the green dragon and white tiger equivalent to the forward ship, and the basalt equivalent to the interstellar fortress, and The number of soldiers and workers is about 100 million.

Soldier insects are mainly three kinds of hunting angels, light insects and iron beetles. Worker insects are one form, they mainly play a role in transportation and maintenance in combat.

But listening to Han Bing said: "216 standard combat groups."

Jiang Ping just thought about it for a while, and then said, "Separate all the battle groups into two parts. Among them, 8 groups guard the autumn wind star. For the 108 wormholes, each wormhole must be assigned a battle group for vigilance. It should be noted that the repulsive side of the wormhole should be extra vigilant, because the enemies come out of the repulsive side.

"The 108 battle groups need to be highly maneuverable. Once a large number of enemy fleets are found in a wormhole, nearby swarms can provide fast support. Well, deploy now!"

The Korean won began to deploy these 116 insect swarms through the stream of consciousness. Jiang Ping asked again: "How many swarms are left?"

Rose immediately replied: "Exactly, there are 100 insect swarms."

"Very good," Jiang Ping said: "Does the intelligence show that the Light Fleet has crossed?"

"Not yet, King Jiang," Rose reported again.

"It ’s great, their speed is too slow. Now, let ’s start with our 100 battle groups, of which 10 are # 96 wormholes, 10 are 25 # wormholes, and the remaining 80 are all assembled in 31 # wormholes. By the side, waiting for orders at any time! "

"Brother Jiang Ping," Han Bing didn't know his intention, so he said a little bit worried.

Jiang Ping said: "Bing'er, believe me."

"Well, okay, Brother Jiang Ping, I will start to deploy." Han Bing replied, and at the same time began to deploy with the stream of consciousness. Sure enough, a large number of insect swarms began to travel from the corners of the evening cloud galaxy to the autumn wind star. The assembly is almost full of space.

In addition, a large number of gatherings have already begun, so the gathering speed is quite fast, Jiang Ping said: "The investigating insects crossing the past should closely monitor the gravitational fluctuations of the wormhole, especially in the sky star system corresponding to the light galaxies. hole."

In the so-called modern interstellar warfare, the battlefield changes rapidly. Jiang Ping saw more and more insect swarms assembled. In order to prevent changes, he added: "80 insect swarms corresponding to the 31 # wormhole are compiled as the main force and must be assembled first. Fill in later. "

Seeing the worm swarm near 31 # wormhole is about to gather ~ ~ The worm swarms in other places are also daring to come quickly. The information returned from the front also shows that the Holy Light Fleet is still clamoring for the wormhole assembly of the corresponding star system. They have not stopped their expedition due to the movement of a large number of insect groups in the Twilight Galaxy.

But this is what Jiang Ping wants, Jiang Ping said with a sneer: "It seems that the Holy Light people are going to fight with us, Binger, can completely control the uncomfortable Holy Light reconnaissance ship."

The reconnaissance ship was quickly controlled, and it also prevented it from publishing quantum messages like the Holy Light Man.

Jiang Ping asked again: "Have you found any wormhole gravity fluctuations?"

The answer was: "Not yet."

Jiang Ping asked again: "Are the worm clusters of 25 # Wormhole finished?"

"Not yet, only five swarms have arrived at the intended location."

"No more, let these five swarms pass!"

(End of this chapter)

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