The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 930: Battle of Wormhole (16)

Despite a fifty-year interstellar career, Rose, whose real name is Li Meier, is still inexperienced. He was easily grasped by the Holy Light man on behalf of An Ruisenbao and asked dumbly. She hated herself a little now, couldn't help her desire, and did that kind of thing with the Roquelles, so that she couldn't look like a dwarf.

It is not a good thing to restore the original shape. Jiang Ping chose her to execute the divisive plan because she has the height of a dwarf, but she has now given up this "advantage", what should she do next?

At this time, using quantum biology to get in touch with Han Bing has become impossible. She did not expect that the people of the Left League will actually have the ability to shield quantum communication!

"And you!" Andrisenberg suddenly pointed at Rose and said loudly: "It's not a little dwarf at all! Even, you are not a human at all!"

"You bullshit!" Rose retorted.

There was a lot of noise at the hearing.

Andrisenberg said: "If you want to prove that you are human, there is no way, a very ordinary ultrasound machine can be seen, do you say you dare?"

Rose is now a Zerg. Although her appearance is human, she can speak human language and can have various interactions with humans including X-crossing, but her body structure is completely not human, including cells, nerves, blood , Genes, etc.

As Anrisenberg said, an ordinary medical ultrasound machine can see that her body is different from the structure of ordinary people, and can even judge that she is not a "carbon-based organism" in traditional biology.

"A lot of nonsense!" Rose defended: "As we all know, there are more than a thousand civilizations in the Left League, the human races are different in color, and the air they breathe is different, so I fight ultrasound to see that my body is different from others. It's really too arbitrary! "

"Did I say that you are a Zerg?" Andrisenburg immediately confronted each other. "I only said that you are not a human, but you said you are a Zerg. You wouldn't really be a Zerg?"


"Then let the ultrasound take a picture, what are you so afraid of? Even if it is far away from the human beings of our left, it doesn't matter, it can only show that you are a new human being."

With the encouragement of Anderson Castle, the hearing really decided to take a medical ultrasound machine to irradiate her. Now even the Luo Kaier who came with her looked at her with a little surprise and expressed to her Be suspicious.

Rose sinks to her heart. She has already thought about it. If she reveals her identity, even if she has fought her life, she has to make a big fuss here. A few can kill a few!

She began to summon the swarm through the stream of consciousness. When she passed the wormhole on the Rockell ’s spaceship, she had already attached some insects to the spaceship and came together. In order to hide her identity, she did not dare to carry too many insects, but only took part of it. come.

Just as she summoned the swarm, several people at the hearing were whispering and talking. Rose was really worried that they would not find a swarm coming to this planet, right? She has quietly arranged some insect eggs lurking in the soil of the bright 4 planet earth, and will breed later when needed.

Soon, the medical ultrasound machine was pushed over. This ultrasound machine does not have to face the belly like our B ultrasound machine, and it also needs to apply ultrasound cream. The ultrasonic machine here only needs to hold the probe several meters away from the target to scan, and the scan result will be displayed soon.

There are more than a thousand human civilizations in the left knee alliance. The appearance of each civilization is very surprising. For example, the Holy Light Man is a scale armor, and the head is like ET. There are a pair of tentacles on the head, and The skin is like bubbles, like goldfish eyes, and so on, and so on, and so on. At this moment, these strange-shaped Zuomen tribes are curiously waiting for the ultrasound results.

The ultrasound machine began to irradiate the roses, and the inspection results were displayed on the large screen in the center of the council hall. Everyone looked at the display results, and soon the results came out. It showed a very strange creature, not human at all!

"Sure enough, you really are!" Andrisenberg shouted at the rose.

Rose sneered: "What is it?"

"You, you are a monster!" Cried Anrisenburg. "This is exactly what I guessed at the beginning. I didn't dare to say it. I'm afraid of inaccuracy. Now there is an instrument inspection to prove that my guess is indeed true. of!"

Rose saw that a soldier rushed in with a weapon, and at this moment, the communication function of quantum creatures was restored, and Han Bing's voice came from his ear: "Withdraw, Rose."

"I'm sorry, Queen, I failed." Rose said guiltily.

"Don't blame you, quickly retreat!" Han Bing ordered.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Rose said, and suddenly dozens of tentacles broke through the clothes and grew out of the back. One of them shot directly at Andrisenberg, and with a snap, the tentacle was inserted directly into his chest. Senborg screamed, and blood came from the corner of his mouth.

Rose twitched her tentacles violently, bringing out a large chunk of flesh and blood, and Anlisenburg was paralyzed. Immediately there was a commotion in the hall of the council, the screams continued, and the rose flew, and the soldiers started shooting with weapons. At the same time, under the call of the rose, many small soldiers broke through the window, rushed in, and flew everywhere .

From time to time, some people were killed by soldiers and insects with light or impact, screams continued, and flesh and blood were splashing around. A colonnade fell down and smashed towards the representative of Roquelle. Rose looked in the eyes, swooped down, grabbed the man, and flew up. The representative of UU reading was horrified.

Rose smiled at him, and said: "Relax, even if I am a devil, I will not hurt you Roker." After all, put him in a safe place, and then continue to flutter, She intends to break through the hall, and then directly out of the atmosphere under the protection of the insect swarm, and then the gravitational surface of the wormhole once crossed to Roquelle, as long as she reached Rochelle, she was safe. Er Xing has her biological legion and can take her home to return to her home in the Twilight Galaxy. but……

Just as she was about to fly to the dome of the hall, ready to fly through the skylight, dozens of rays hit her, and then she fell helplessly from the sky. When she fell, she heard Han Bing say in her ear: "Began to attack the light star system and rescue the rose. If you can't save it, wipe the entire light star system!"

"Crack!" Rose fell heavily on the ground. The Roquelle representative rushed up to see how she was, but was blocked. Some soldiers shouted, "Come on, grab it, take it away!"

Rose looked at the representative, full of helpless eyes.

At this moment, Han Bing has assembled 200 standard groups, began to traverse the 96 # wormhole on a large scale, and began to fully attack the light star system!

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