The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 933: Battle of Wormhole (19)

Bright 4, is the fourth planet of the light star system. This planet is a shared planet of the Left League. Thousands of civilizations have stationed troops on this planet, so this planet is basically a huge base planet. Not only fierce battles have been launched on the planets, but even the entire line of defense systems are full of insect swarms and human races. From time to time, warships and fighter planes are destroyed by insect swarms, and sometimes insect swarms are killed.

Swarms not only attack warships, ground structures, but also people exposed to the range. As long as they are targets that can be killed and destroyed, they will not be let go once they are discovered by the swarms. Not only that, some insect swarms will spread spores into the air after entering the atmosphere. These spores will not reproduce immediately. Han Bing knows that with her current ability, she can't beat the Left Alliance for more than 1,000 civilization alliances, so she will let these spores find their own nutrients, such as in fertile soil, deeply Is rooted in the soil and waits for germination and growth one day.

The spores can linger in the soil for a thousand years without decay. When Han Bing starts the war next time, these spores will quickly grow into aggressive plants, which will serve as the magic blade to attack the left alliance.

If you can stand on the ground of Bright 4 at this moment, when you look up at the sky, you will see that the whole sky is covered by insect swarms, insects and beasts are super giant soldiers and insects, they will fly out of the 96G wormhole repulsive surface After 4 and a half circles around the light, go in the gravitational surface of the GS wormhole across the planet, waiting to cross and reach the Holy Light Galaxy?

The light star system is just the transitional galaxy of the magic blade in this star war, and the holy light system is its ultimate goal! Even so, the swarm has caused huge losses to the light star system, especially those powerful civilizations, because only those powerful civilizations have heavy soldiers stationed in the light star system.

While the insects and beasts were on the battlefield, a large number of soldiers and insects were released from inside the insects, and from time to time, a large number of soldiers and insects returned to the insects and beasts.

After about half an hour, the 20 billion insect swarms that have been in transition have basically entered the gravitational surface of the GS wormhole going to the Holy Light Galaxy. At least tens of millions of miniature soldiers and worms stranded in the Light Star system could not complete the transition, and they all exploded under the remote control of orchid and rose!

These soldiers carry a lot of energy, and each soldier's belly is equivalent to a nuclear reactor. The chain reaction caused by the previous battle and the current self-detonation almost destroyed the entire 4 stars of light! The people of the Zuomeng never dreamed that the alliance headquarters planet that they built over hundreds of years was so easily destroyed by alien creatures, even within an hour!

This battle resulted in the death of hundreds of millions of people on the Bright 4 Star, and caused a heavy blow to the entire left knee league.

The Zerg battle mode never calculates its own losses. This is true of all Zerg! Their war thinking is: As long as the enemy is eliminated, or the enemy is hit to the greatest extent, any consequences can be sustained, but the premise is to ensure the safety of the queen.

In the Zerg civilization, except for the queen, all other Zerg units have the ability to act, but they do not have independent ideas. In these Zerg units, there is no emotion of joy and sadness, and there is no concept of fear and death. Only endless obedience!

Therefore, Han Bing's swarm units are rapidly being consumed, and it cannot stop her from advancing. Her philosophy of war is: as long as he does not die, he will do the best to hurt the enemy!

In addition to Han Bing ’s independent thinking, there are three of them, Rose, and three of them. These three were captured by Sato from the earth, and fifty years have passed with her.

Han Bing rescued her at all costs. Even if she lost a lot of insects, she could recover slowly in the future. As Rose returned to the Autumn Wind Star, the resources at the Halo Star Mine did not stop, but continued.

Resources are the most indispensable foundation of a civilization.

But it said that Han Bing's army of insects came to the Holy Light Galaxy from the GS wormhole one after another, and began a crazy killing of the Holy Light 4 planet. Come up and start a life-and-death fight with the swarm!

The Holy Light Man is indeed the most powerful civilization of the Left League, always in a tie with the Magic Blade, although both sides are constantly consuming.

The swarm consumes faster, and the Holy Light is consuming at a ratio of 5: 1, that is, every time the Swarm loses five micro soldiers, the Holy Light will destroy a fighter.

Han Bing did not expect that Shengguang would have such a powerful fighting power! This is still under the premise that the Holy Light has no support. Han Bing can destroy Guangming 4, but he has been unable to win Holy Light 4. The Holy Light people have sent out help to the Left League, but the civilization of the members of the Left League has refused to come to the rescue.

First, because Han Bing destroyed more than 90% of the military strength of the 4 planets of Guangming, it also caused various degrees of heavy damage to the major civilizations of the Left League. The civilizations under heavy damage do not want to revenge, and they are calculating battle damage one by one. And all the responsibilities are pushed to the Holy Light Man. If there is no Holy Light Man to go to the Twilight Galaxy to "find trouble", it will not attract crazy revenge of the Zerg.

The second reason is that although the Zuomeng League is an alliance, the civilizations in the alliance are not united with each other. At this moment, seeing the Holy Light War Zerg, almost all civilizations hold the mentality of sitting on the mountain and waiting for the two. Both sides are injured, so it's time to pick up the ready. What's more, the Holy Light has always been overbearing, and it's the expectation of all civilizations to get rid of it at this moment. They did not know the reason for the so-called death of the lips.

When Han Bing was fighting in the Holy Light Galaxy, Hande was still on the way to the TS Wormhole in the astral system. He was watching the dynamics of the battlefield through quantum biology. When the wormhole was half an hour away, he said: "No. what!"

"What's wrong? Did you find anything?" Orchid asked ~ ~ I didn't find anything. I just felt a bit wrong. "Hand thought.

"What's wrong?" Orchid asked again.

"Can I talk to the Queen?" Hand asked.

Han Bing is now struggling to fight the Holy Light Man. After a long battle, he is anxious and asks: "Speak, I am listening."

"Your Majesty," Hand said, "According to the truth, the 4 Stars of Light should be the Light's nest, so most of their inhabitants should live on this planet. Such a powerful civilization, the population should be large That's right. "

"What do you want to say?" Han Bing asked angrily.

"There is a term in military science called military-civilian ratio. I initially estimated that there are at least 1 billion military personnel of the Holy Light. We will calculate it according to a large ratio of 1: 100. Then it should be 100 billion civilians. But I can't see how it has a population of 100 billion! "

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