The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 936: Battle of Wormhole (22)

Inside the giant mythical creature Suzaku, protected by a biological cockpit, is actually that huge rose. Hendtham looked up and saw a huge vortex selected above his head, and Suzaku came with hundreds of millions of soldiers and worms.

This vortex is the gravitational surface of the TS wormhole. Once the entire swarm enters the gravitational circle of the wormhole, it will change into a free-falling method and fall into the gravitational surface, traversing the space to the Holy Light 12 light years away. galaxy.

Originally, the huge wormhole was overhead. Suddenly, Hande felt that the sky was spinning and the gravity shifted. The wormhole above his head became the direction of his feet, and the Suzaku carrying him was also gravitating toward the wormhole at high speed. The face fell.

Hande didn't have time to feel fear. He fell into the wormhole with the huge Suzaku and began to cross. When he felt that it was just an instant, he had crossed the past, but in the big universe, it has passed for more than half an hour.

During these half an hour, the spaceship that had promised to keep the rose in motion was kept intact, but the Holy Light man suddenly changed his mind, and a large number of warships sent the warship to fly to the holy moon.

The holy moon is also the satellite S4-1 of Holy Light 4, and it is speculated that the planet with the universe gate may be hidden. Of course, Han Bing can't let Rose be sent to the Holy Moon. Once he goes to another space through the mysterious door of the universe, then it is difficult to save her again.

Therefore, Han Bing summoned all the swarm units in the galaxy and launched a crazy counterattack towards the spaceship of Holy Moon and Rose.

For the sudden attack of Han Bing, the Holy Light Man also immediately counterattacked. Suddenly, the Xingwei Department became the interstellar battlefield again, and a large number of Great Light Ships and Demon Blade Swarms were slaughtered and destroyed by the other party!

Although both sides have a casualty speed with a geometric upward trend, Han Bing is hard to imagine, the Holy Light people will actually be stubborn. There are many living lives of the Holy Light people in the destroyed aircraft. To know the human race civilization, the most fancy is the value of the individual's life. It is a huge loss to die without a person! Now that the war is in progress, Han Bing has, according to the most conservative estimate, at least hundreds of millions of people died.

The Holy Light is a human race. With so many people dead, how could it not know how to retreat?

Han Bing's worm swarm has killed at least 3 billion worm swarm units. Although the number is huge, Han Bing is not worried. She is a zerg, and she will be added after the war.

The war was in full swing, but with Ren Hanbing ’s efforts, her army of worms could not break through the defense line and entered the range of the holy moon. Seeing that the warships that had escorted the rose had already entered the gravitational circle of the holy moon, they were about to land on the lunar surface . And all the ships of Holy Light began to retreat towards the Holy Moon.

Han Bing understands why Shengguang wants to seize the roses steadily, because roses are Zerg, and have very powerful power. Although this power is far less than Han Bing, but once this Zerg power is used by Shengguang, then Holy The light will become more powerful! Therefore, the Holy Light Man must do his utmost to turn the rose back regardless of casualties.

Judging from the current war situation, the holy moon has a greater possibility of hiding the door of the universe. They want to completely abandon the Holy Light Galaxy after taking away the rose.

Just when Han Bing was unable to break through the defense line and felt anxious, Hande had already crossed the wormhole. ST Wormhole is one of a pair of wormholes that connects the celestial star system and the Holy Light Galaxy. The pair of wormholes are called TS in the Celestial System, and ST in the Holy Light System.

In the celestial galaxy, this wormhole is very far away from the Rochelle star, separated by several planetary orbits, while in the Holy Light Galaxy, it is close to the Holy Light 4, just in the Holy Light 4 line satellite system, or even The companion star of the holy moon revolves around holy light 4 together with the holy moon.

But it said that for half an hour in the universe, it was an instant for Hand in the wormhole. After he came out of the ST wormhole, he was ejected by the repulsive surface of the wormhole immediately. As soon as he got out of the wormhole, Hande shouted loudly: "Fighting the Holy Moon with all your strength! Give me the location of the rose immediately!"

After the Suzaku carrying Hande was ejected by the repulsive surface, it immediately crossed an arc and flew towards the surface of the holy moon, mixed with endless insect swarms. For the sudden intrusion of Hande, the Holy Light Man was a little helpless. When they reacted, Hande ’s Suzaku had entered the gravitational circle of the Holy Moon, and it was about to fall into the Moon.

Soon Hande got the exact position of the rose, not far in front of him, flying at a height of less than a thousand kilometers from the lunar surface of the holy moon, and flew towards the lunar surface at a speed. At the same time, the intelligence given by the Scout shows that there is a powerful source of energy at that preset point.

Hand immediately ordered: "Attack point B at all costs!"

The so-called point B is the name from Hande, the place where the battleship escorting the rose is going to flee. The swarm really listened to Hande's words, and madly launched an attack towards point B. Various rays were launched. Many more iron beetles directly hit and hit point B at high speed from space.

Seeing the radiance of point B, the explosion continued, and it was about to be completely destroyed. Hande again ordered: "At any cost, biological invasion of ship A!"

The warship that kidnapped Rose was called the A ship by Hande ~ ~ The so-called biological invasion refers to the dispatch of insect swarms close to the enemy ship, releasing the vines to the enemy ship, and using the vines to control the enemy ship This is what Hande calls biological invasion, and in just two days of contact with the Magic Blade, Hande has learned a great deal about the Magic Blade: a special Zerg civilization in the universe.

In order to prevent Han Bing from invading the Holy Moon, Holy Light expelled all of its troops to block it, so they simply did not expect that by default a strange soldier would suddenly emerge from the wormhole and quickly enter the inner circumference of the Holy Moon. Therefore, at this time, the defensive force of the lunar surface was very weak. It could neither effectively block the invading Hande insect swarm nor launch an effective attack on it. It could only allow the outer fleets to respond quickly.

How does Hande help Holy Light to return, once the return is successful, he will give up his efforts! Point B has a strong protective cover, but no matter how strong the protective cover can't withstand the continuous attack, it is about to be penetrated by the shield, the protected internal facilities are also facing the end of the destruction, and the explosion has been one after another.

Ship A was about to reach point B, and suddenly made a sharp turn and flew towards other places. The principle of the shield is that it can only go out, that is to say, it can not only block the enemy's attacks, but also block the entry of friendly forces. The intensive attack on the B point by the Hande Swarm makes it impossible for the shield of the B point to open the gap for the A ship.

So ship A had to be transferred.

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