The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 939: True love of roses

When Hande entered Auman's battleship, he had already guessed that Auman must be on the battleship, and Rose on the battleship. The war caused the current situation, and he also concluded that it must be related to this ugly woman. So he opened the broadcast mode as soon as he boarded the ship, playing what he saw and heard inside the battleship. The broadcast mode is like all the devices in the galaxy with receiving devices, including worms, and other Holy Light people. All warship fighters can be seen.

The system implemented by the Holy Light is a constitutional monarchy. The emperor is only an official position without real power. The prime minister is the highest power of the entire civilization. The prime minister is elected by the election system, the cabinet is nominated, the referendum is elected, and the emperor is appointed. The prime minister has a nine-year term and can be reappointed for two terms. (Note: The time system is the earth system.)

The Cabinet has the right to impeach the Prime Minister. If the Prime Minister commits any violations during the term of office, the Cabinet can impeach him at any time. If 3/4 votes are passed, the Prime Minister will be dismissed for impeachment.

Prime Minister Auman was in the second term of office, and he was about to retire, but he launched an invasion of Twilight Star. Before the invasion began, he received a powerful counterattack from the magic blade. The losses on both sides will be minimized.

However, Ouman discovered an important secret, that is, the magic blade zerg has the ability to transform the human body. She wants to transform herself through this characteristic of the magic blade, so that she has a super special ability, so she must threaten the cabinet for a long time. It is possible to be re-elected and become a great dictator of the Holy Light.

That's why she lived to catch roses, which led to the escalating war with the magic blade, causing the death of hundreds of millions of creatures.

At the beginning of the war, many officials in the Holy Light cabinet opposed her and continued to expand the war, but Auman did not listen to dissuasion and went all out, desperately desperate, so only the cabinet passed the dethronement of her prime minister.

At this time, Ouman did transform his body through the magic blade creature, making himself a monster, but the transformation was not thorough enough, or it was a second stroke by Rose. This also made Auman become the most failed big boss in the history of Magic Blade development.

This four-day wormhole battle is as unprecedented as the battlefield, the span, the number of participating civilizations, and the number of deaths. It is also unprecedented in the Daming civilization in summer.

A total of four galaxies participated in the war, namely: Twilight Galaxy, Light Star System, Sky Star System, Holy Light Galaxy. Maximum size of battlefield span: 12 light years!

The main battle sides: Holy Light Civilization (Human Race), Magic Blade Civilization (Zerg).

In terms of casualties: Magic Blade has lost 12 mythical beasts, 4,500 hunting angels, a total of 16 billion microworms and worker insects, and other microscopic zergs, such as other detective insects and plants, are countless.

Therefore, this war was a heavy casualty for the Magic Blade, and the vitality was seriously injured. It will take a long time to recover.

For the human civilizations of the Left League, there were also heavy casualties.

The first is the Holy Light Man, including soldiers and civilians, who lost 600 million people. Although this number is much less than that predicted by Magic Blade, even such a number is tantamount to a doomsday judgment for a human civilization! Therefore, some people inside the Holy Light Man gave the magic blade to the myth, and called the Battle of Wormhole the Battle of Judgment Day.

Damages of other civilizations: 1.2 million people died of the Rochelle star, this figure is also more than 90% shrinkage than the 25 million people predicted at the beginning! Luo Kaier's death toll was killed by the magic blade disguised as the Light Fleet, so the magic blade was the direct killer of the 1.2 million Luo Kaier people.

But later, the Luo Kaier and the magic blade reached an understanding, the magic blade is willing to protect the Luo Kaier.

In addition, more than 70% of the civilized military bases stationed on the Guangming 4 of the Star of Lights were destroyed, and the death toll of all civilizations added up to 2 billion! More than twice as many people died in the Holy Light of the main war civilization!

The war caused huge losses for many parties. The civilized members of the Left League had originally planned to unite to revenge against the magic blade, but they were all injured and uncoordinated, so the revenge action was too slow to be reached, and it was pushed forward. He and Magic Blade reached an indefinite ceasefire agreement.

Because of this war, the Star Alliance of the Zuomeng not only did not go to war, but instead achieved a rare scene of peace and harmony. In order to be able to integrate with the Zuo League, Han Bing weighed again and again and applied to join the Zuo League. However, the members of the Zuo League are all human civilizations, and the magic blade is the first non-human civilization. Edged alliance has been pending.

It does n’t matter if he ca n’t join Zuomeng. Han Bing feels that as long as she does n’t fight anymore, she can take a breath and take a rest and recuperate. Once she develops, plus she can unite with Summer and Dongfang A6 in the future, she can beat Zuomeng as well Stunned.

Therefore, a rare era of peace appeared in the Zuomeng League. This era lasted for more than 50 years until the Magic Blade and Daming formed an alliance.

During this time, although the Magic Blade had not been able to join the Left League, the Left League sent observers to the surface of Qiufengxing. In order to stop complaining, Han Bing agreed to this move of the Left League.

This is all a later matter, but it says that the Battle of Judgment Day (Battle of Wormhole) has just ended ...

The evening cloud galaxy, the autumn wind nebula, and a palace, suspended in the sky under the tangles of countless vines, below are the cloud peaks. The palace is open, without walls, surrounded by pillars supporting the roof of the temple, so you can see the inside from the outside at a glance.

Among the pillars of the palace, a swing hung, and roses were sitting on it, gently swinging, and in the distance was the setting sun, illuminating the afterglow, and a cocoon wrapped in a few vines on the roof of the temple behind him was hung and hung With.

The cocoon is light green and translucent ~ ~ is more than two meters long, and inside you can vaguely see a person soaking in it, a man with a fruit body. Roses swing on the swing, looking at the distant scenery in a daze for a while, and then looking back at the man in the cocoon, with a solemn expression.

At this time, a spaceship flew up from the surface, stopped in front of the palace, and a dwarf came down from the spaceship. After the dwarf got off the spaceship, he quickly walked on the steps in front of the hall and ran all the way into the palace.

"Rose, rose! Are you there?" The little man shouted as he ran. When he saw the rose, he walked towards her, the slower he walked to him.

"Rose, you finally got taller," the dwarf came to Rose and looked up at her.

Rose smiled, "Yes, Onnis, and I found ..." He said, looking back at Handesam, who was soaked in green cocoons.

The dwarf Onnis immediately understood everything and said, "Then, what shall we do?"

Rose said: "I'm sorry, Onnis, we are over, I will only be with him in the future."

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