The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 941: The magic blade settles in the star system

In this interstellar war that many people call the "Judgment Day Battle", the Holy Light civilization has suffered the most losses. A full 600 million Holy Light people died in the war, and more than 3 billion Holy Light people were injured to varying degrees. , There are burns, physical trauma, corrosion, radiation damage, nerve damage, and so on.

The military facilities of Holy Light 4 were completely destroyed, but even so, Holy Light still has strong star wars strength. The key to the problem lies in its first satellite, commonly known as Holy Moon S4-1, such as Han Deyi As presumed at the beginning, there was an artificial wormhole on the holy moon, which was the military installation with a huge shield that was last encountered when Ouman was pursued.

The artificial wormhole is 120 kilometers in diameter and appears as a huge pothole with a depth of 15 kilometers in the center. This is the gravitational surface of the artificial wormhole. Since the wormhole has a gravitational surface, it must have a repulsive surface, and the artificial wormhole is no exception. Therefore, the repulsive surface of the artificial wormhole is also built on the other side of the holy moon.

This repulsive surface is also a huge pit, as huge as the gravitational surface.

The Holy Light tried to hide the artificial wormhole they built on the Holy Moon in order to hide their true strength. Through this artificial wormhole, they have a more powerful military and survival base in another world. As for where they are, it is not yet known.

After the Battle of the Wormhole, Holy Light used the artificial wormholes on the Holy Moon to continuously transport their reserve forces in another world to the Holy Light Galaxy.

This is the secret of the rapid recovery of Holy Light!

And now the Holy Light actually wants to send troops to the Celestial Star system, under the pretext of protecting Luo Kaier. The reason for the Holy Light Man is simple: the last wormhole battle, the Magic Blade caused a huge loss to the Roker, who has not yet had the ability to sail interstellar.

For a civilization that does not have the ability to interstellar navigation, it cannot be regarded as a real interstellar civilization. Although interstellar navigation among the civilizations of the Left League can be reached quickly, interstellar navigation is also applicable to the standard of examining the development degree of a civilization.

The Rokers were unable to resist the Holy Light and could not refuse the Holy Light. Therefore, after repeated discussions, President Rochelle and the Parliament decided to ask the Magic Blade first before the Holy Light had sent troops.

Han Bing asked the messenger: "Why do you Luo Kaier inform me at this time?"

The messenger said: "Because, we know that the Holy Light Man's purpose is also ulterior motives. They protect us from being false, and the possession of our galaxy is true."

Han Bing pondered that once a civilization was forcibly stationed by other civilizations, it would be tantamount to losing sovereignty. The Rockiers are definitely not willing to station others' troops on their own territory. In that case, how would they develop? But why do they ask me the magic blade again?

‘“ What do you want me to do? ”Han Bing asked.

The messenger immediately replied: "Into the star system!"

"Haha, that's weird," Han Bing smiled. "It's also a high-level civilization, and it's also a stationed army. Why did you choose my magic blade and abandon the Holy Light? Moreover, the Holy Light is a human race, and my magic blade is a Zerg! "

"This ..." The messenger was a little stunned.

Hande immediately took the words and said: "Because the Holy Light will hinder the development of Luo Kaier, and the Magic Blade will not. And the Holy Light is actively requesting to send troops, then it must have ulterior motives. It is recovering by itself, so it will Careful about others. "

Han Bing listened to Hande and asked, "What does that brother mean? Do we want to go?"

"Go, then go!" Han De said, "Sister Wang, we went to the Celestial Star System this time, there are two major benefits. First, let's talk about the Rochelle civilization:

"The Luo Kaier civilization is relatively backward, and it should be regarded as a weak civilization in the Zuomeng Star Zone. If it is stationed by the Holy Light, there will be no room for development. So I actively invited me to join the magic blade to protect Luo. Kyle, the two can meet the Holy Light.

"And Magic Blade will only help Luo Kaier develop, right?

Han Bing nodded and said, "I have said it before. I will never be embarrassed with Luo Kaier again. Even if I wipe out the entire Left League, I will not be an enemy of Luo Kaier!"

"Very good, messenger, have you heard? My Queen of Magic Blades, Jinkouyuyan, never say anything, and now I am the General of the Magic Blade, and I am originally a Rochelle, I work for the Magic Blade, but I never Will harm Luo Kaier.

"Okay, let ’s talk about the second benefit: That ’s for my magic blade. The magic blade can be borrowed from the Celestial Star System to help Rochelle develop your opportunities, and gradually expand your own power. The Celestial Star System There are many planets and abundant resources, which can provide the Roquere and the magic blade for common development. "

Several people discussed it, and Han Bing made the final decision: "Okay, that's it. So, messenger, you go back and say to your big president, my magic blade promises to be stationed in the star system. As for the specific joint development of the star system, The matter will be discussed later. Hande, Rose, I ordered you two to lead the team to the Star Department. How much insects do you two need to carry? "

Rose replied: "10 standard groups will do. Your Majesty, the star system is rich in resources. I can develop three times more power in less than ten years."

"Well, very good, but you must always beware of the Holy Light Man. The Luo Kaier rejected the Holy Light and accepted us. This Holy Light man will never give up, so you have to be careful. But Han De is here. I am more reassured, if there is an urgent matter, you must get in touch with me, do not carry it by yourself. "Han Bing repeatedly asked.

At this time, even after such a decision was made ~ ~ The next day, Han De and Rose led 10 standard groups to the celestial star system through the wormhole.

After arriving in the Celestial Star System, the two began a intensive strategic deployment. First, they sent the swarm to defend the wormhole at all times to prevent the invasion of the Holy Light Man. They also sent the swarm to collect resources from several outer planets to develop a team of worms. .

At the same time that the Magic Blade entered the Celestial Star System, the Luo Kairen delegation stated at the joint meeting of the Left League that the Luo Kaier people will invite the Magic Blade to enter the Celestial Star System and jointly defend the Celestial Star System with the Luo Kai People!

This decision caused an uproar in the Left League and was met with opposition, but Luo Kai people disregarded the opposition and insisted on it.

However, the consequence of this is that the Holy Light Man really hasn't thought of the star system anymore.

From this moment, the magic blade has been resting for fifty years. It has two galaxies for development, one is the Lao Chao Mu Yun galaxy, and the other is the celestial galaxy.

Although there haven't been any major interstellar wars in these fifty years, it hasn't been calm, but a lot of big things have happened.

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