The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 953: war machine

Every fleet has standardized weapons, resources and population, except the 8th fleet.

The 1st Fleet, the flagship Dreamcatcher, is the commander of the fleet under the command of the Daming Chief Executive and the Commander-in-Chief of the Ming Navy in the summer. The population composition is a mixed fleet of Chinese civilizations, followed by other civilizations, followed by other civilizations.

The 6th Fleet, the flagship Queen Minor, the fleet commander is Queen Weinada of the United Kingdom in June, and the population composition is a multi-civilized mixed fleet mainly composed of Audrey Bodhi. Queen Vera Nada, also known as Xia Weier, is Xia Deng ’s biological daughter and summer ’s biological granddaughter. Her origins have been introduced before and will not be repeated here.

The 10th Fleet, the flagship Phoenix, the fleet commander is Queen Kelly of the Sky Kingdom, she is the daughter of the former Queen Dote. The population composition of the 10th Fleet is a multi-civilized mixed fleet dominated by wind giants.

The 18th Fleet, the flagship Kirin, the fleet commander is Bai Zixiong. The population composition is also a multi-civilized mixed fleet dominated by China. The name of the flagship Kirin is to commemorate when Bai Zixiong led the team to participate in the execution of the Devil's Cave operation, and found that the universe we are in is called Kirin Universe, and it is also to commemorate the brothers who died in that operation.

The 19th Fleet, the flagship battle song, the fleet commander is the Xia Ming Dynasty, formerly known as Q tomorrow. The population composition is also a multi-civilized mixed fleet dominated by Chinese people. Most of the sub-civilized Taino people live in the 19th fleet. The name of the flagship Warsong is also an allusion. It is to commemorate the high war sergeant who was sacrificed in the battle of the soul of the battle of the bean. Gao War was sacrificed to save Zheng Yunyan, and War Song was also the nickname for Zheng Yunyan.

As I said just now, the 20 fleets of the Daming Navy have implemented weapon resource and population standardization, with the exception of the 8th Fleet. Because the 8th Fleet is the Dawning Fleet, the fleet commander is Emperor Yongle, and the deputy commander is Princess Yanxia Zheng Yunyan. The 8th Fleet is stationed in the Samsung Department on the other side. The population composition is a multi-civilized mixed fleet dominated by dawn.

The 8th Fleet has another title, that is Yongle Tianshi. The total population is only 3 million, so it cannot constitute a standard fleet. Although Yongle used the former fleet name again, he did not restore the old system, because he understood that the old system would only allow the separated Yongle angels to face destruction again. At the same time, he also knew that it was really difficult to survive without the dependence of the main civilization. Therefore, Yongle Tianshi is still a sub-civilization under the Ming civilization.

Among the 20 fleets, except for the 8th Fleet, which has not yet reached the standard structure, the other 19 fleets are all standardized. Three of these fleets are in alien galaxies. The 11th and 12th fleets are in the sky star system, and the 13th fleet is in the dusk cloud system.

So far, Daming has 20 standardized fleets with a total population of 10 billion and 40 million military personnel. The military-civilian ratio is 1: 250. There is still a big gap between the 100 million people with the minimum standard of the summer locust plan.

Of the 10 billion people, there are 7 billion Chinese civilizations, 2 billion Feng giants, 900 million Audrey Bodhi people, and the remaining less than 100 million are the Dawning people and the Taino angels.

The Chinese civilization is the main civilization of Daming, so it is a matter of course that the population accounts for the largest proportion. However, the wind giant who had the smallest population had reached 20% of the total population, actually as much as 2 billion. This large population is mainly inseparable from the wind population plan proposed in the summer of that year.

The Feng ethnic population plan was put forward mainly to develop and cultivate more soul divisions. Now there are 100 million soul divisions in the Feng family, which have met the requirements of the summer.

As for the Taino, the 600,000 captives who have been surrendered for more than 100 years have grown to 20 million today. Because the Taino people have two pairs of wings and can fly, the Tiannuo people are also called the Taino angels to distinguish the Taino civilization.

The main civilization of Techno is in the alfalfa galaxy 120 light-years away from the lighthouse star. It also has a civilization called Techno 1 civilization. I do n’t know where it is at the moment. The original Taino II civilization was destroyed by Daming in the battle of the soul.

When 20 fleets were established, Daming had entered the heyday of the golden age. Its next goal is to launch a coalition battle for hegemony, with a view to bringing civilization into a new era through war, which is more brilliant than the golden age of the heyday, that is: the platinum age!

In Tianyuan 201, the dark sun galaxy. In the space of the Xingxing Satellite System, the 19th Fleet is anchored, the flagship Warsong, also known as the title. In the command hall, the commander Lieutenant General Xia Ming held a big pipe and stood on the big screen, watching the air of the snow world star, flying two Taino, they are Tai Xiaoneng and female who just woke up Techno China Xiaowen.

180 years ago, in the battle of the soul, Tai Xiaoneng was bitten by the leapfrog, and was rescued by Daming and then frozen. Recently, he was awakened and cured only because of medical breakthroughs in blood radiation disease.

Hua Xiaowen is the daughter of Chief of Staff Hua Tiannuo, and Hua Tiannuo is the Chief of Staff of the 19th Fleet of Taino, and is standing by the Xia Ming Dynasty at this moment.

Hua Tiannuo folded his wings and stood next to Xia Ming Dynasty tomorrow, asking: "The commander is very interested in this pre-war Taino."

Tomorrow smiled and said: "Tiannuo, you have not experienced the battle of the soul?"

Hua Tiannuo nodded.

Tomorrow said: "The battle was very tragic, I fell into a lifelong disability, many of my good brothers died in this battle, but these can not be compared with the destruction of the Techno 2 civilization, a full 60 billion Techno war In the dead sand field, although the war was initiated by them, we also fought to survive. But these 60 billion yuan is also a living life. Often, I will wake up in a nightmare ... "

Tomorrow, he shook his head ~ ~ Hua Tiannuo said: "The commander does not have to be too concerned, war is like this, all for survival, if you do not resist, you will perish."

Nodded tomorrow: "This Thai Xiaoneng survived that battle and saved all the memories of that battle. I was worried about whether he could come out of the shadow of the war, don't hate me for being bright and happy Life goes on. "

"Relax, commander, he should be grateful, I will persuade him if there is a chance."

The two were talking, and the computer warned that your consul was anxious that all fleet commanders and chiefs of staff would go online for meetings. Conference level: Top secret!

The two looked at each other and hurried to a secret small cabin of the headquarters to open a quantum communication link with the naval headquarters. After a while, all the commanders and chiefs of staff of the 20 fleets came online, including Yongle and Zheng Yunyan of the 8th fleet, and three fleet commanders in the Celestial and Twilight constellations.

Chief of Staff Bai Ziying presided over the meeting and saw that everyone was here. He said: "After fifty years of development, we have a certain scale in Daming, and it is time for our war machine to start."

(End of this chapter)

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