The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 976: Meet and hate

The single computer Qiling and the host computer of the Dreamcatcher have paired quantum communication, which can carry out point-to-point real-time communication regardless of the spatial distance. Now the communication is Bai Ziying.

In the summer, Qi Ling and Yang Niu were docked, and Bai Ziying's video was also projected on the big screen.

"Lao Xia, what are you doing now, are you okay?" Bai Ziying asked, with a heavy tone, she knew that there would be no one in a hundred years and summer.

Yes, it ’s 100 years, not the 450 years that summer said, because she has a better way to make summer return time significantly reduced, but she has n’t said it yet.

"I'm alright," Xia answered, and his expression was a bit frustrating. Xiaoying thought he was uncomfortable because he couldn't meet for hundreds of years. "I now have a 10,000-meter flagship. All the bare people also got out of the boat. "

Later, I will give a brief overview of the current situation of the Falcon. One of them is very important, and I have not forgotten to say it in the summer. That is, there is no hibernation system suitable for Chinese people on the entire flagship, that is to say, the summer and the two will be living on the Falcon in a normal way for 100 years!

After hearing about this situation, Bai Ziying was silent for a moment. For a hundred years, alone men and widows lived together without a third person. What would happen?

Summer also realized that Xiaoying might be thinking about this problem, and he also fell silent, saying that it was useless at this moment, and any explanation would be pale and weak.

The two stared at each other for a while. In the summer, they saw Xiaoying standing on the screen and walked into an unmanned cabin. The camera followed her. Summer understood that she must tell him something private.

Sure enough, a long silence waited for Xiaoying to say: "Otherwise, you and Yunyan have a good life. For a hundred years, it is an unbearable suffering for you and for her."

"Xiaoying," Xia Xia said, "How can I be allowed to do this? I am pure in feelings, you know that."

"I do not mind."

"But I mind."

The two fell silent again. Summer was a brave and ambitious person, but his feelings, as he said, were simple and not good at work.

But one thing, he did n’t tell Xiaoying, that is

Yun Yan's "illness" now. He didn't know whether to say it or not, and his mood was very complicated.

Summer broke the silence and asked: "You just said a hundred years, why a hundred years?"

"Oh, that's what it is," Xiaoying said. "The nearest left galaxy to you is the Limit star. Although it has no civilization to survive, it also has a left wormhole."

"Yes, I plan to go to the Limit galaxy, which will take about 450 years."

"No, it won't take 450 years," Xiaoying said. "The speed of Dreamcatcher is 0.35X. I plan to take the Dreamcatcher from the Limit galaxy to welcome you. My 0.35X plus your 0.1X, so We can meet each other in more than 90 years. Let's be conservative, even for 100 years.

"After we meet, let Cang Yue fix your vault secret code, and then we can use the secret transmission to quickly return to the dark day."

After listening to Xiaoying's words, it was summer that she understood what she meant by one hundred years. It was indeed possible to return to Daming quickly and see Xiaoying quickly. The original 450 years has shrunk to 100 years, which is undoubtedly an exciting time, although 100 years is still very long.

However, there are many problems with this scheme that Xiaoying said. Summer said: "Xiaoying, have you thought about it? The maximum transmission diameter of the secret realm is only one kilometer. The Dream Chaser is a 10,000-meter flagship. It cannot enter the secret realm.

"And the Dreamcatcher as the flagship of the First Fleet, you can't just take one to greet me? It also has forward ships, frigates, four interstellar fortresses, 12 battleships with many industrial fortresses, and a large number of fighter , Various other equipment, the most important thing is that it still has a population of 500 million! We are gone, what about these ships and population? "

The words of summer, Xiaoying said dumb, she missed and worried too much about summer, so she had such a plan. As for the specific implementation of the plan, she had not considered that for the summer, she did everything. Can do it.

Xia Xia said again: "I can't take a fleet to take risks for me alone. It is my fortune. We can't spoil our fortune!"

"Then ..." Xiaoying said anxiously for a moment, "Then I will drive the gourd baby to meet you. Is this the headquarters?"

The Huluwa is her private exclusive warship. At that time, she and Xia Deng went into the sine wave lair and made contributions to defeating the sine wave by Daming. The Huluwa was awarded to her in recognition of her merits.

The Huluwa was seriously damaged in the sine wave battle, and it was restored after several repairs and strengthened.

Regarding Xiaoying's plan this time, he once again met with opposition from the summer: "No, how can a small warship travel such a long distance? And, without Cangyue, we still have to go back through Xinghang after meeting."

"Xinghang is just Xinghang ~ ~ I just need to see you soon!" Xiaoying said her true thoughts.

The summer at this time was very calm and analyzed why she couldn't: "Xiaoying, I know you love me and I understand your mood, but I can't let you do that!

"A hundred-year voyage, although it is an empty cosmic space, is still dangerous. It is difficult for you to be a small battleship to deal with emergencies. I cannot bet on your safety, I cannot afford to lose.

"Moreover, you are the best candidate for my acting commander-in-chief of Daming Naval. You cannot ignore the entire Daming Navy and come to me alone."

"But I just wanted to come to you and want to see you soon. Am I wrong?" Xiaoying said and wept.

Summer was silent for a while, and Xiaoying clearly knew that summer would be with Yunyan for a hundred years or 450 years. It is impossible to have nothing at all. But she just didn't say it. She only buried that kind of vinegar deeply in her heart, because she knew that letting summer endure a hundred years of suffering was a kind of almost cruel request.

This is also the wisdom of Bai Ziying, her clever way of doing things makes summer like her.

"Actually, I have a bolder idea," Xia said.

"What is it, you say it!" Xiaoying couldn't wait to ask.

In the summer, he expressed his thoughts: "The holy light man ’s nest is in the Bryal Galaxy, and he has been disconnected from the artificial wormhole of the Holy Light galaxy. If we want to win the Bryal galaxy, we only have to leave the nest and go through the Star Flight Enter the Bree Galaxy. "

"Lao Xia, do you mean that we will kill the whole army directly? That's good! I think so!"

"But before the expedition, there is a lot of work to be done, and it must be coordinated with the magic blade. This will be a relatively long stage."

?? These days to paint the wall, let me know what is sweating! !



(End of this chapter)

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