The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 979: Strategic deployment of alliance battle

After the three-day battle, summer embarked on the road home slowly, and it also took three days to use the soul wave to accelerate the Falcon every day, and there were fewer and fewer chasing soldiers behind, and finally gave up the pursuit .

The supply ship No. 3 and the mothership Falcon were also disconnected, but they still followed behind Falcon and formed a formation flight.

Then came the specific deployment of the alliance war. Summer and Han Bing had a secret meeting, of course quantum communication.

I heard that an attack on the Left League will be launched in the near future. Han Bing agreed at the time. For this, she has waited for a hundred years. She has long wanted to beat the Left League hard.

Summer is a war wizard and has participated in many interstellar wars, but Han Bing is not. Before the alliance, the only interstellar war was the battle of wormholes. Without Han De ’s joining, she would not be able to win the Holy Light, nor would she be able to succeed later. The magic blade flourished from a mere standard group to nearly a thousand groups today.

Han Bing's magic blade, the war mode is the Zonghai strategy, which suppresses the enemy by quantity, which is what most Zergs are good at.

The sea of ​​insects with magic blades, coupled with Daming ’s technology and strategy, the combat power is not only a simple superposition, but a geometric-level pattern of growth. It is foreseeable that when the saints join, the Pan-Union will reach the total battle. Force burst table.

Since a war is to be launched and Frost is willing to join in a joint attack, a high-level joint meeting is indispensable.

In the meeting, there were several important officials from Daming's high-level, the five insect kings of the magic blade: Han Bing, orchid, rose, rose and hand.

The heads of several Ming civilizations, including the Bodhisattva ’s June Queen Suitia of the United Kingdom, she was the daughter of the former Queen Vilna, the granddaughter of Xia Deng and the great granddaughter of summer.

King of the Sky Kingdom, the king of the wind race, is the son of Queen Tomorrow. He is the son of Queen Kelly and the grandson of Queen Taote.

The governor of Huatiannuo of Techno Angel. The Techno people are descendants of the Techno II who were captured in the battle of the soul. They have basically been integrated into the Daming civilization. Because they grow wings and only eat Feno plants, they are called Techno Angels.

And the Emperor Yongle of the dawn dynasty.

At the first joint meeting before the war, Zheng Yunyan just happened to be sick, so she also participated in the meeting.

By default, in addition to the five insect kings, there are also two heads of sub-civilizations, one is the archbishop of the autumn wind star litter, and the other is the big president of the celestial star Luo Kaier.

At the beginning of the meeting, Han Bing said: "Your Excellency, although our Magic Blade and Daming are the two main civilizations of the same level, I think you will be the commander of this joint attack."

Summer politely said: "Thank you Queen Han for your trust, but everyone knows that I am far in the star map, not in any of the galaxies in our alliance."

Han Bing said: "Your Excellency Xia can conduct remote command at all. Anyway, there is a quantum communication system, and you have peace of mind?"

After some refusal, Xia Xia said: "Well, then I will certainly not let it go. I will be the leader for the time being."

The so-called ally is the pan-human interstellar alliance, referred to as the ally of the PAN.

Regarding how to fight, Bai Ziying and Han Bing, two "crazy" women, already have a three-day battle experience.

So after some discussion, Han Bing said: "So I think, still implement the worm sea tactics, sudden attack, blitzkrieg, and hit the enemy hard. In doing so, it will have a good effect, can be quickly determined, to the enemy The pressure on our hearts is more conducive to the war process. Once the strategic direction is set, we can discuss the specific deployment. "

After Han Bing finished, Xiaoying did not speak immediately. She did not express her opposition clearly, because the three-day battle did have a huge effect. She was one of the two commanders and experienced it personally.

Unexpectedly, Yun Yan said: "But Queen Han, have you thought about it? Our Pan-Union together has only two main civilizations and six sub-civilizations. Although we have a sea of ​​insects and a sea of ​​people, we have no territory.

"We only have six galaxies ..." Yun Yan said that the six galaxies are the dark sun, the other shore, the sun, the twilight, the dawn, and the Holy Light that has just occupied for a long time.

"Although we have defeated the strongest light of civilization in the Zuomeng," Yun Yan then went on to analyze, "annihilated the light man of the light galaxy, and also blocked the light man of the galaxy galaxy. Union removed.

"But there are nine strong civilizations in the Left League, and a thousand ordinary civilizations. Although these civilizations ca n’t be compared with us, how about they unite? Then we only have a pan alliance of two main civilizations, that But it's not an opponent. "

Yun Yan's remarks were reasonable, almost irrefutable, and Han Bing was also speechless.

Bai Ziying just thought a little and thought about what she said, "Princess Yanxia said very reasonable, but what Queen Han said was not impossible. The art of war is cloud: avoiding the truth is false, each one breaks down. We Try it out.

"To be more specific, we might as well concentrate all our strengths. UU reading to conquer galaxies one by one, anyway, there are wormholes connected, and I am not afraid to beat them all."

Yun Yan nodded and agreed, but did not give up her argument, "It is indeed a good way to break down one by one, but General Baizi, have you thought about it, there are more than a thousand civilizations, one by one, you need to fight How long will it take for a hundred years? The date to welcome the consul back home will be extended for another hundred years for nothing. "

Bai Ziying only thought of how to win at that time and neglected to greet the summer. In that case, summer would be "accounted" by Zheng Yunyan for another hundred years.

The two of them argued, and the others also expressed their opinions, including both civilizations who spoke, and some of them even advocated abandoning the war, and even said that the war is evil, waging the war to destroy other civilizations is A robber behavior is not what a high-level civilization should do.

Summer is still the final summary. He summarized this time as the leader of the alliance: "Let ’s talk about it. Before talking about my strategic thinking, I would like to say a little bit: Like our pan-League, the Left League has also begun to deploy attacks. That is to say, if we do n’t wait for nothing, we will encounter a joint attack by the Left League in ten days. Do you believe it? "

In the summer, when I looked at the crowd, no one opposed his opinion. Except that he was Daming's governor, the former commander-in-chief of the Ming Navy, and the pan-League leader, there was also a possibility that he guessed it was very high, and according to information reported by the intelligence department At least one hundred civilizations with certain forces in the Left League began to gather forces, and they gathered forces towards their galaxies.

"So we don't have many days to wait, and we can't wait too. The peaceful coexistence between the Pan-League and the Left League is about to become impossible, then only war! Well, let me start to introduce my strategic deployment."

(End of this chapter)

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