The Galaxy Spokesperson

Chapter 994: Battle of Locusts (15)

Whether it ’s a hedge wormhole DC, or a circular wormhole XC, a single wormhole has a common feature, that is, each wormhole has a gravitational surface and a repulsive surface, which have been introduced before, Here, we will introduce a new wormhole: dial wormhole BC.

After the Pan-Emperor persisted for three months in the Eternal Department and three months after the strategic shift between the Flyman and the Zuomeng. Breakthrough progress has been made, and this breakthrough development is the development of the dial wormhole.

The technology of circular wormhole and dial wormhole comes from the door of time and space, that is, our unicorn universe, the snow world of the Suzaku universe, and the door of space and time connected to the gluttonous universe.

It's just that the Gate of Time and Space is connected to the multiverse, and the dial wormhole can only connect different galaxies in the same universe. What they have in common is that through dial-up transmission, a group of dial-up wormholes and a group of time-space doors are all 12. All can be sent to 11 other targets in the same group at will, provided the dialing procedure is started.

That is to say, dial wormhole BC needs to be controlled by the device. In this case, it can also turn off the transmission function casually like the loop wormhole.

Among the 12 wormholes in a group of dialing wormholes, if a pair of wormholes has dial-up transmission enabled, the pair of wormholes cannot be dialed by other wormholes in the wormhole group.

As mentioned earlier, no matter what kind of wormhole, it is composed of a gravitational surface and a repulsive surface. The gravitational surface attracts the object into the wormhole and transmits it to the target wormhole. The repulsive surface will repel the nearby object and eject the object transmitted from the source wormhole.

When the transmission function of the circular wormhole or dial wormhole is closed, the gravitational surface and the repulsive surface of the corresponding wormhole still exist, and the object will be sucked in near the gravitational surface and pass through the same wormhole, ejecting from the repulsive surface In other words, there is no transmission effect.

When the Pan-Union composed of Daming Magic Blade stalemate in the Eternal Department for three months, the experts of Daming's space research group presented the feasibility report of the dial wormhole. When I received this report in the summer, I was obviously surprised and delighted.

The dialing wormhole group selected the best choice of 12 galaxies: Brei, Limit, Holy Light, Bright, Eternal, Tianming, Twilight, Samsung, Dark Sun, and Blue, Tianlong system, solar system.

Of these 12 galaxies, the Bree system is not a dream galaxy, and it is 41 light-years away from the Limit system, which is the closest dream system. At the same time, the Buri system is also the holy light man's nest outside the Zuomeng star field.

In addition, the other shore system and the solar system do not belong to the Zuomeng star field, so these three galaxies do not have symmetrical wormholes leading to the Zuomeng star field.

Because of these 12 galaxies, only four galaxies are actually controlled by the Pan-Meng, namely the Limitian system, the eternal system, the other side system and the solar system. The main force is in the eternal system, that is to say, the occupied eternal system has now become the pan-Lao's nest. There is a weak force on the other side, that is, the 19th Fleet of Ming Dynasty, and the commander is Emperor Yongle.

A small number of troops are stationed in the solar system, that is the 20th Fleet of the Xia Ming Dynasty, and more than one hundred swarms of the magic blade. As for the Limitian line, there are only some scattered soldiers.

Therefore, it is very difficult to build a dial wormhole composed of 12 galaxies, because those eight galaxies are not controlled by the Pan-Union, and individual galaxies have also deployed heavy soldiers of the Left Alliance.

However, the suggestion of the research group is to build a circular wormhole first, namely the LYT wormhole group under construction. Although the dial wormhole group can not be built in one click, it can be arranged in advance, that is, in the 12 galaxies, a single wormhole is built first, and after the 12 wormholes are built, dial transmission can be performed.

After a stalemate for three months, the Left League never attacked the eternal system, but deployed a large number of troops in the four galaxies of light, annual ring, junyu and long heaven, which can be transmitted to the wormhole of the eternal system.

The Pan League is also stationed in the eternal system, and it is not transmitted to any of these four galaxies. In this way, a stalemate is formed. If the Left Alliance does not enter, the Pan Alliance does not come out, and the enemy and the enemy cannot fight.

In the three-month period, the mining in the eternal system has also been half done, and in the x6w17 star of the eternal system, the circular wormhole group built by the Earth of the solar system and the maid star of the Limit system has also been half, and it only takes three months. After that, large-scale strategic transfer began.

In the past three months, although the Left League and the Pan League have been in a state of stalemate and hostility, communication is also indispensable. The Pan League has repeatedly asked for a truce, on the condition of contact with the Pan League, and on the basis of the civilizations within the Pan League. Joining the Left League alone is a requirement, but all are rejected by the Left League.

Because the former Magic Blade had asked to join the Left League during the battle of the Left League in the wormhole, but it still caused a heavy blow to the Left League. Although the Zuomeng at that time refused its request to join the league on the pretext of the magic blade being a Zerg.

In the past history, the Ming and Magic Blades that constituted the Pan-Union have caused many devastation to the Left League, destroyed the Holy Light ’s old nest in the Star League of the Left League, destroyed almost half of the Light League ’s garrison, destroyed The eternal nest makes the eternal fly man homeless.

Therefore, under the intervention of the Flies, ~ Zuomeng did not agree to a peaceful settlement with the Pan-League.

In the past three months, in addition to the remote command of Daming and the Pan-Union in the summer, life in the mothership is particularly comfortable and comfortable, because he "is not a person fighting," he also has a partner, that is Ming Toward Princess Zheng Yunyan.

Dawning Daming has changed its name to the Ming Dynasty, but it still belongs to the Ming Dynasty, because Emperor Yongle knew that it was very difficult to survive independently in the universe if he wanted to break away from Daming.

Zheng Yunyan, a physical age of 800 years old, although 600 years older than summer, but her biological age and body age are younger than summer, because she hibernates for too long. Therefore, she and summer are not "eating tender grass". In terms of biological age and body age, summer is older than her. There is nothing wrong with her calling him "Tian Ge".

During the three months, the two got along very happily, and Xiaoying also avoided him intentionally, as if deliberately creating space and time for the two.

In the command hall of the Hunting Shadows, the two snuggled on the big bed in front of the huge porthole, Yun Yan snuggled in his arms, and said happily: "Tiange, I will give you a monkey!"

Summer ticked her nose and smiled: "I don't want a monkey, I want a son!"

Yun Yan nodded and said, "Well, I gave you a lot of sons and daughters. Let them be my Da Ming's talents! Just as good as their father!"

The entanglement of the two was interrupted by the foreign girl, and the report said: "Sir, General Bai Zi sent a message, and Zuo Meng may launch an attack on the eternal line."

"Yo, there is something to do," Xia Xiaoxiao laughed, "I haven't fought in three months, these flies are all tickling. Yang Niu, help me connect with the Pan League. By the way, don't forget to help me Get this big bed into the cabin roof. "

(End of this chapter)

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