Miserable, really miserable....

The three mad studios collectively fell back to level 1, and the only thing that made them feel a little comforted was that they achieved the achievement of dying 5 times in a row.

"Achievement [I'm going to carve a tragic word on your thigh] Achievement - 5 consecutive deaths in 1 day."

Qin Shou's mentality completely collapsed, squatting in front of the resurrection stone and crying.

"Woo-woo, the main line is done in vain, the monsters are all brushed in vain..." The

initiator also squatted down and comforted: "Eh, beast, don't cry!"

"You have to think on the bright side, the sooner you complete the achievement of dying 5 times in a row, the less experience you will lose!"

"Don't cry~

" "Let's go kill Chief Bullhead, right?"

"For the sake of you being my first batch of customers, I'll give you a discount, don't charge you 150,000, how about 100,000?"

"You can just pay me 11250 on time every month, and if you promise, I won't bully you in the future!"

Does Qin Shou still have the qualifications to refuse?

If you don't agree, I'm afraid you won't even be able to get out of the starting town in the future.

The seemingly cute cat lady in front of her is even more devil than the evil spirit of the abyss!

He nodded aggrievedly: "Okay, I will pay back on time, sister meow, can you put the sword down?" "


" Luo Xingji removed the blood-drinking sword on his neck and said with a smile: "How good is it to be so sensible earlier?" After losing so much experience in vain, go back and find some clothes to wear, I'll wait for you outside the north gate in half an hour."

After they left, Luo Xingji sat on the stone steps by the fountain pool, looking at the group of players who came to chase her in the distance.

These people's eyes are clearly full of greed and desire, and they seem to have regarded her as a walking bounty, but no one dares to take the lead, for fear of being killed by Luo Xingji in seconds, and even more afraid that they will be picked up by others if they bleed.

At this time, a level 9 male player with an ID named [Lu Thirteen] separated the crowd...

He walks in the front and leads the way for the NPC guards in the rear!

"Lord Guard, that wanted criminal is in front, go and take her down on the spot, we will also assist from the side!"

"Dance to find out the shadow, I advise you to tie up your hands!"

Others also gathered together, all wanting to use NPC guards to beat Luo Xingji into blood, and they waited for the opportunity to pick up a ready-made human head.

The idea is not bad~

Luo Xingji looked at himself to stack to 520% damage bonus....

It's okay, this wave of advantages is in me!

Lu Thirteen faced Luo Xingji and said with a cheerful voice: "Dance to find out the shadow, you can't run away anyway, it's better to give your head to make some contribution to everyone, right?"

Luo Xingji laughed and replied with a savage charge!

"Bang! Bang! Bang..." The

little cat lady who forcibly broke through, shining with skill light effects.

Like a speeding truck, it kills and kills a group of players who surround her on the spot....

Damage bonus: 600

% damage bonus: 650

% damage bonus: 730%

those level 20 NPC guards, which are still difficult points to deal with.

Luo Xingji doesn't want to entangle in the city, because NPCs will continue to replenish their forces until they capture her.

She just wants to lure those players who don't know the so-called outside the city, but the north and south gates are still heavily guarded, and there are level 30 gatekeepers sitting in the town, and the red name players breaking through the city gate are almost certain death.

After breaking through, Luo Xingji used his high movement speed to shake off the pursuers and came to yesterday's slum isolation area.

Due to the achievements of brushing [Robbing the Rich and Helping the Poor] and [Thief also has a way], the NPC residents here have a very high favorability towards Luo Xingji.

A beautiful young woman wearing a headscarf, after looking left and right, beckoned to Luo Xingji and whispered: "Cat girl, come to my side!"

Luo Xingji accelerated towards her and followed her into the house.

The little young woman led her through the hall, pushed open the back door of her house, pointed to the cellar outside, and said: "Cat girl, there is an underground passage used to transport daily necessities in the quarantine area, if you want to go out of the city, go here, it's safe."

Luo Xingji nodded: "Thank you, Sister Lili~" Lili

was stunned: "How do you know my name?"

Luo Xingji smiled and said nothing, this road she walked during the closed test.

The secret passage under the cellar, leading to the material transfer point outside the north gate, is a shortcut for red players to enter and exit the starting town, and the trigger condition is to brush the favorability of NPC residents, and forcibly breaking in before that will only attract the guards outside.

And now, the whole village keeps secrets for her.


It has been 30 minutes since the jailbreak was successful.

Regional announcement: [Dancing to Clear the Shadow] is currently located near the [North Gate], players can go to chase, successful capture will get a huge bounty reward!

The second coordinate announcement is here!

Luo Xingji was not far from the north gate, quietly waiting for her first batch of customers.

However, it was the group of players who arrived first.

The leader was still that [Lu XIII], who stood at the front of the crowd, like a critic standing on the moral high ground.

"She's definitely a closed beta player!"

"These closed beta players are selfish, refuse to share strategies, and bully us new players who have just entered the pit."

"Look, with more than 2,000 guilt points, how many innocent people died at her hands?"

"Send her to jail and eliminate harm for the people!"

"Come on, brothers!"

There were about three or two hundred people like this, generally around level 9, and a few who had risen to level 10 to complete the transfer.


Several vines broke out under Luo Xingji's feet, wanting to bind her in place.

It was a confinement skill played by the "Holy Witch" profession, but it was easily dodged by Luo Xingji with a small move.

The corner of the little cat lady's mouth hooked a dark smile again.

"There are a lot of people!"

"Are you all here to help me fold the BUFF?"

An extreme dodge dodged the charge of the two knights at the same time, Luo Xingji landed next to the elf holy witch just now, and a sword slashed at the opponent's neck!


didn't make a critical hit.

The other party also brought a few nurses - Tianyin.

The healing techniques that flew from all directions instantly refilled that holy witch's blood volume.

Luo Xingji, who was beaten by the group, began to slowly decline in blood volume...



Second Sword, critical attack seconds to kill the Holy Witch, while absorbing 84 health points.

Relying on the characteristics of the Blood Drinking Sword, Luo Xingji can basically maintain the balance of blood volume.

Her gaze kept searching the crowd for players in the "Holy Witch" class, which had controls on almost all of its skills.

Slowing down, confinement, silence, flying and the like....

If they are unfortunately hit by their chain of control, the consequence is that they can only wait for death in the same place.

Many times with the experience of outnumbered fights, he told Luo Xingji that he must give priority to solving these annoying spirits before opening the killing ring.

The blade shook, Luo Xingji suddenly launched a savage charge, crashed a bloody road into the back row of the opponent, and about 7~8 auxiliary players of the Holy Witch and Tianyin profession gathered here.

They have not yet realized the horror of "barbaric collision", and such an overly gathered position will only be taken advantage of by Luo Xingji.


The thin-skinned and crispy auxiliary player was knocked up by her, and the blood-drinking sword slashed wildly, setting off a series of staggering damage numbers...

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