Who was the first to cross the river during the closed beta?

Remembered for a long time - there is a fresh breeze in the laughter!

However, cross-server cannot directly add friends.

The only way to contact him is a 10W baht 1 full-service loudspeaker.

The full-service big speaker is a dedicated channel for local tyrant players to tear and pretend.

We're starting from scratch....

Luo Xingji gritted her teeth and sent one!

(Full server big speaker

) Player [Dancing to Clear the Shadow] (Lingnan West District) Speech: @笑里有清风 Little skeleton, how did you cross the river last time?

Player [There is a fresh breeze in laughter] (Shudu

District) Speech: Call dad, dad teaches you ~ Player [a little handsome] (Lingnan West

District) Speech: @笑里有清风 you ** **, I * you * **, you * * no *** player [jack ma] (Suhang District) Speech: Ali guild, heavy money to hire all kinds of sealing and testing masters.

Player [A little handsome] (Lingnan West District) Speech: Ali gang? Dogs don't come in!

Player [Ma Daddy's Good Child] (Fuyun Mountain) spoke: Hehe, a few closed test dogs are installed here, huh?

Player [There is a clear breeze in laughter] (Shudu District) Speech: Gee, how does your father feel when he sees your ID?

Player [Ma Daddy's Good Child] (Fuyunshan District) spoke: I was originally surnamed Ma, are you a **** in charge?

Gotta gotta

The matter did not succeed, but caused a burst of tearing.

Forget it, let's go offline first.

With only 10 stamina points left, it's not enough to do anything.


Back home.

Miss Rabbit was not there, and there was still a warm meal on the table.

Luo Xingji took a shower first, and then opened a private message and asked: "Huahua, are you still in a group row tonight?"

Hua Xiangrong: "No, the gang has just been established, and I am busy recruiting people here, and I have to teach them how to brush the daily tasks of the gang."

Dancing to figure out the shadow: "Okay~"

Then you can only play a single row.

Luo Xingji came to the arena and entered the "MOBA" mode!

Competition rules:

Symmetrical map of the regular "upper, middle, and lower three roads, as well as wild areas and river courses".

Red and blue 5v5 showdown.

Each has 1 main base, 3 barracks, 2 base towers, 3 highland towers, 3 second towers, and 3 first towers.

After the game starts.

3 barracks will send 3 melee soldiers and 3 ranged soldiers every 30 seconds, and every 3 waves of troops will send an additional strong adjutant general to support the corresponding three-way battle, and the team that destroys the opponent's main base first is victorious.

The difference is that it's not as fair as traditional MOBA games.

Because players do not need to buy equipment, do not have to replenish troops and develop upgrades, and can even bring their own pets to help in battle, they can destroy each other's bases at any cost.

The reason why Luo Xingji chose this mode for a single row is mainly because the fast pace can save a lot of time.

"Pre-selected spots..."


"Match successful!"

"You are assigned to the red square - auxiliary."

Entering the preparation room, Luo Xingji first looked at the four teammates beside him...

On the list: Past God Ge

Ta Ye: a little handsome in the single: He'an

shooter: safe and sound

: dancing to find out the shadow

(team voice channel)

a little handsome:

"Aha, brother this is stable!" A

little handsome: "Have you eaten?" My meow ~

" Dancing to find out the shadow: "Brother Point, can you order normally?" A

little handsome: "Enron, I'll change positions with you, you go to fight wild, right?" I'll go down the road to help Meow! Safe

and sound: "Eh, sister Meow? Dancing

to figure out the shadow: "Don't pay attention to him, if you change the line, I'll hang up this one." A

little handsome: "Lying groove, ruthless!" "


This is indeed stable.

In the past, Shenge was in the prime of the MOBA career list.

Even if he switches to the first person now, his awareness and operation are enough to crush 99% of players.

And he borrowed Luo Xingji 500W baht, and the equipment on his body is all top-notch.

Tsuruan's in the single.

In the Beijing circle, he is a well-known spiritual magician, in terms of wealth, he is more handsome and rich, in terms of operation, his control of team battle output is quite in place, and he is also the president of the [Battle Ask Xiaoyao] guild.

He and the shooter are safe and sound, probably in a double row.

Safe and sound, but the number one general of the [Battle Ask Xiaoyao] guild, the role is a loli shooter of the dwarf race.

The countdown to 30 seconds to the end of the preparation time....

Go to the map.

The data of the opponent is also revealed.

Past Shenge, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly revealed a cruel sneer: "Boss He, can I change paths with you?" "

The ID of the single on the opposite side - the goose king!

It's actually the five black teams of the Phantom Esports Club?

He'an was stunned, and then said with a smile: "Yes, do you want to repay the old club?" In

the past, Shenge said lightly: "Reward? The beating is almost the same! "

1 minute 30 seconds.

The first wave of troops began to move out of the base ....

Luo Xingji and An Ran walked side by side to the grass on the lower road and squatted for a wave.

However, the other party was slow to see anyone.

At this moment, in his own red buff wild area, he is diligently chopping wild monsters, and he can get attack buffs by killing the red buff.


Three figures jumped out of the grass behind him, and even the person with the BUFF was all seconds!

Game tip: [Chopping Wind and Thunder] killed [Dian Dian Handsome].

First blood!

A little handsome scolding resurrection in the base spring: "MMP, the 3 people on the opposite side are anti-wild, am I special... Groove? "

Game Tip: [Dancing to Clear the Shadow] killed [Chopping Wind and Thunder].

Game Tip: [Dancing to Clear the Shadow] killed [Ghost Hand Double Dragon].

Game tip: [Dancing to Find Shadow] killed [Lonely King].

Three kills!

However, Luo Xingji is clearly on the next road and Enran is working with the army line to push the tower, and the two girls are still idle to talk and laugh...

What horror story?

The minimap zoomed in and took a closer look....

It was discovered that the one who completed the three kills for Luo Xingji just now was actually a zombie loli with an ID named [Xiaomeow]?!

A red aperture appeared under Luo Xingji's feet, which indicated that the buff effect of the red buff had been transferred to her.

(Attacking towers deals extra damage, and attacking opponents deals constant burns and slowing effects.)

Now, Xiao Meow carried the blood-drinking sword and went straight to the opponent's wild area....

Xiao Meow, who is full of blood defense attributes, wears a 4-star suit, and his survivability even exceeds that of most knight players at this stage.

She has a three-stage displacement raid [Mad Ghost Strike], and it outputs damage based on 10% of her current health.

Xiao Meow's current HP is 6240.

Each mad ghost strike can cause 624 physical output, and the three stages hit more than 1800, which is still without critical hits.

Fighting wild wind and thunder on the opposite side is a [killer] profession, and the defense is not high enough, and he was driven out of his wild area by Xiao Meow!

No way!

Although he can operate, can dodge to the limit....

But the problem is that the damage of the wind thunder hit Xiao Meow, and it was simply tickling her!

Now, only the magician's magic injuries can effectively damage her.

Helplessly, Chopping Wind and Thunder had to flee to the middle with a thick skin, and asked the boss of the magician profession Goose King for help: "With the support of the goose, I can't beat this little zombie!"

Unexpectedly, the boss scolded: "Go away, don't make a mess for Lao Tzu!" "

Opposite the gods of the past, the Goose King is already highly nervous!

I have been under the tower and dare not go out, I can only put a few long-range skills in the distance, and I was startled by the roar of the wind and thunder, and missed the opportunity to dodge!

In the past, Shen Ge suddenly looked happy, directly charged Yue Tower and rode to the face of the Goose King to knock it away, and the wind pierced his protective body spirit shield and instantly completed the second kill!

Immediately after dodging out of the tower, he flew the wind thunder with a backhand upward strike, and Xiao Meow caught up with him to cooperate with him to win the double kill!

"Nakano linkage, one death and one sending?"

"It turns out that without me, the Phantom World Club really has a bunch of smelly fish and rotten shrimp!"

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