One gram!

With a cold gaze, he put on the mask of his combat uniform, and pulled out a light string from behind to pose in a fighting stance.

Suddenly the temperament of the whole cat lady shooter came out!

Rushing towards the city gate, he attracted the hatred of the four Abyss Demon Soldiers at the same time.

The other party wore heavy armor and wielded a cold long knife to kill.


Luo Xingji suddenly disappeared in place and jumped into mid-air with an elegant somersault.

Head-down, legs facing the sky, while falling downward, it fiercely pulled the bowstring, sweeping a mess of arrows above the head of the Abyss Demon Soldier!

-475 -483 -477 -499

damage may not seem high, but the Abyss Demon Soldier is an elite monster, and it is no longer impeccable that the non-critical damage that is 15 levels behind can be beaten like this.

The heavy armor of the Abyss Demon Soldiers can withstand a large amount of frontal damage, and only by attacking their heads can they cause effective output.

Is it so high that jumping to make it easier to hit their heads?


In fact, you can also hit it standing on the ground, but the operation of bells and whistles will look cool in front of the girl.

Wait a minute....

Does Xiao Meow know what is cool now?

In short, the blood volume of several Abyss Demon Soldiers dropped a little.

Unexpectedly, we also have a time for gua sha.

The next step is to put on Hawkeye, then use a savage charge to get out of their range, and then use the general attack to continue to drain blood with the ignition effect of the Fire suit.

It's a little slower, but it's safe to brush up.


, snap..." The Abyss Demon Soldier burst out a lot of things when he died.

Two level 40 3-star demon soldier long knives.

Low-level Abyss Spirit Crystal x13

Intermediate Abyss Spirit Crystal x4 Abyss Spirit Crystal

is one of the materials required for Xiao Meow's breakthrough, under normal circumstances, it is impossible to ship so many goods, it is Luo Xingji's explosion rate that forcibly increases the quantity.

After entering the city gate, I will not fight with these thick-skinned SBs.

Otherwise, you won't be able to finish fighting until dark.

The city is a run-down scene, with dusty streets and buildings covered with cobwebs.

The huge city was shrouded in an eerie aura, and the concentration of the Abyss Demon Mist was several times that outside the city, and the visibility was only 5 meters.

However, the vision of the Abyss Demon Soldier was not limited by the magic fog.

Luo Xingji was careful, using the abandoned houses in the city to jam the view, and slowly detoured to the north of the city.

There is an abandoned restaurant here, and there is an oversized spider nest in the cellar of the restaurant, which occupies about 20 square meters of cobwebs, and a spider monster larger than a cow hangs in the middle.

Spider queen

, although the level 40 female spider will not actively attack people, as long as it is attacked, it will keep laying eggs, and countless small spiders will be born continuously to gnaw intruders....

The minions have a high output and are a persistent type of bleeding damage.

But they are also very fragile, with only 500 HP points, and Luo Xingji can kill in seconds with one arrow.

This was originally the place where the [Resume Restaurant Operation] task was received after unlocking the main city.

The difficulty of this quest is how to get past these endless spiders and kill the spider queen.

But Luo Xingji didn't want to kill her at all today, she just wanted to use her descendants to stack the layers of [Soul Extraction].

"Little Meow~

" "In..." "

You stand in front of me!"

"Yes..." Luo

Xingji stood behind Xiao Meow and shot an arrow at the Spider Queen's huge tailed buttocks!


The spider queen hissed and mourned, her small eyes glared angrily at the cat lady in front of her, and she opened her bottom mouth to madly give birth to a violent little spider the size of a slap on the ground....

The little spider instantly pounced on the zombie loli.

Xiao Meow's blood bar was like a jump, and with the slash of the blood-drinking sword, it sometimes skyrocketed, sometimes plummeted...

But the return is always tenable, even if there is danger, Luo Xingji can use the blood bottle to help her pull back to the safety line.


Snap..." The arrows full of attack speed frantically harvested the life of the little spider one by one.

As long as it doesn't kill the spider queen, it can live forever and can't stop at all.


..." 1 hour later....

Luo Xingji looked at his remaining physical strength, and there were still 35 points, that is, 3 and a half hours of online time.

Death of the Soul: 5453

is almost.

After all, after killing the Abyss BOSS, it will take some time to deal with the post-tasks.

Left the life of the spider mother.

Luo Xingji exited the abandoned restaurant and came to the city lord's mansion behind the Yongcheng City Hall.

The original vermilion gate of the City Lord's Mansion was stained with a layer of evil gray by the magic mist over time.

The two door panels are sprayed with the totem logo of the Abyss Demon Soldier, which looks like a simplified avatar pattern of some kind of Abyss Demon Beast.

On both sides of the gate, there are also demon soldiers wearing heavy armor and higher ranks.

Despite the bonus, Luo Xingji still didn't want to fight them.

First, it is time-consuming and laborious.

Second, it will also alarm the bosses in the city lord's mansion, as well as the constantly refreshing demon guards.

Breaking in will only make it infinitely more difficult for yourself.

Although the wall is too high to climb into, there is a row of head-sized observation holes on the side of the wall.

People who are not rich or expensive have this configuration, and they can observe the enemy situation or release cold arrows in wartime, but no one will stand guard here in peacetime.

Luo Xingji tiptoed to the place where the observation hole was, poked his head in and tried it, just enough to stick his head in.

As we all know, cats are fluids.

Hard squeeze!

Finally, I tucked my shoulders in, but my feet didn't touch the ground, and there was no force point stuck there.

Luo Xingji tossed down and said, "Little Meow, you push me from behind!" The

zombie loli tiptoed and said helplessly: "Little meow is not tall enough..." "

Then you jump up and hit my ass directly with the crazy ghost!"


Waited 2 seconds....


The violent impact sent Luo Xingji forward a distance.

Although it is still stuck at the waist, his hands have been released, and he has pulled the wall with two handfuls hard....


Xiao Meow hit it again and directly shot Luo Xingji out of the observation hole.


rolled on the spot, awkwardly but gracefully stood up.


Do you really think that the Great God of Achievement is a master?

We've been more embarrassed than before!

The little meow was small in size, and with a slight jump, he drilled into the observation hole.


Luo Xingji motioned for her to whisper, following her own quiet actions.

The usual haunt of the Abyss Boss is in the back garden of the City Lord's Mansion.

Looking down behind the rocky rockery in the back garden, Luo Xingji looked up and observed.

Abyss Mage, a level 50

Abyss Mage who does not look young, wearing a black cloak and holding a sexy and enchanting succubus, seems to be admiring the Abyss Maze blooming in the garden, but in fact he is kneading the dough up and down his hands....

Underneath the health bar visible to the naked eye, there is also a white shield value.

You can't deal any effective damage to the boss until you break his white bar.

Luo Xingji recalled the strategy again....

The succubus in the arms of the boss is only level 30.

Although she has no combat effectiveness, she will use the escape skill to rush out to move the soldiers at the first time when the boss is opened.

Luo Xingji failed several times during the closed test, all because he failed to kill the succubus in time, resulting in being surrounded and beaten by the abyss demon soldiers and abyss guards who poured into the back garden.

Therefore, the moment of opening the monster, you have to first drop the succubus in seconds....

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