
, in the dark cave, Luo Xingji grabbed a handful indiscriminately, how could there be a faint smell of milk in addition to the softness?

The offended Miss Rabbit seemed to be angry!

Her eyes were like two brilliant rubies, illuminating her hideous expression, and she picked up the short sword in her hand and stabbed it.

Luo Xingji's dexterous body dodged to the side, and the lancet aimed at Miss Rabbit's neck and slashed twice

! "Poof!"


Game prompt: You killed the player [Hua Xiangrong], the sin value is +10

! Ang

? It was too dark just now to see clearly!

It turns out that she is not a shadow demon rabbit, but a rabbit player of the Ten Thousand Demon Clan?

Luo Xingji, who saw the game prompt, reacted after realizing it.

Oops, it seems to have rubbed people's big Leilai ~


Luo Xingji inspected the cave and found that the monsters had been cleared by Hua Xiangrong, and the incense burner that should have appeared here was also missing.

In this case, Luo Xingji will take one less achievement!

She thought about it and decided to cheekily apply to add "Hua Xiangrong" as a friend.

Verification information: If you refuse, I will squat you at the altar, and if you dare to come back, I will kill you in seconds!

Seeing this arrogant friend verification information, Hua Xiangrong was immediately angry and corrupted

! First the chest was slapped by the little cat lady, and then she forcibly killed her, and now you actually dare to threaten me?


!" "Dance to find out the shadow, this hatred I have written down!" Game

prompt: "You have refused to add the other party as a friend!"

A few Terran male players who gathered in a team in the Birth Square next to them happened to hear Hua Xiangrong's cursing.

Qin Shou was also among them, he led the team over, and asked: "Beauty, you also have a feud with Qingying?" Hua

Xiangrong turned her head and glanced at their IDs and froze!

Qin Shou, Chu Sheng, Zha Zong

, she was stunned: "You guys are..."

Qin Shou grinned: "It's easy to feed by a, I'm the boss of the Three Madness Studio, fortunately!"

Are you the enemies who dance to find out the shadow?" Qin

Shou nodded and gritted his teeth: "That's right, I was defrauded by that stinky cat for 1,000 baht, and when I asked her for an explanation, she not only refused to pay back, but also dared to shout at me, so I called these two buddies to plan to go to the wild to block her!"

I was killed by her PK for no reason when I was on a mission.

Qin Shou suggested, "In that case, you might as well team up with us to settle accounts with her, but the map is so big that I really don't know which way she is running."

Hua Xiangrong said: "Actually, I know where she is, but her damage is ridiculously high, are you sure?" Qin

Shou smiled confidently: "Of course, the people in our Three Madness Studio are all retired e-sports players!" Luo

Xingji was certainly not idle!

There are a total of three roads to the altar in the outside world, in order to block Hua Xiangrong, she led the monsters inside the altar to block the entrance of the middle and upper roads, and she ambushed on the lower road and squatted to guard.

I'm not afraid that Hua wants to come back and take revenge, I'm afraid that she will take the incense burner to another place to level up.

Then I don't know how long I have to keep it.

Luo Xingji knew that he did this thing really unorthodoxically, but when it came to whether he could get full achievements again, he could only stand in the way of robbery with his conscience.

Luo Xingji now has a 20% damage increase effect, and also presses the HP volume at 10% in exchange for a 90% critical strike chance!

Hua Xiangrong could find the altar and incense burner so quickly, Luo Xingji never expected it.

If he is one step late, this achievement may be preempted, so he involuntarily began to doubt Hua Xiangrong's identity.

"When 1,000 players were invited to participate in the closed beta, could Hua Xiangrong be one of them?"

the little cat lady couldn't help but fall into deep thought.


Hua Xiangrong and the people of the Three Madness Studio are on their way to the altar...

Qin Shou held the incense burner in his hand and looked carefully and couldn't see anything tricky, and said suspiciously: "Flower beauty, how did you find this incense burner?" Hua

Xiangrong thought back with a dumb expression, and said: "When I ran the map just now, I encountered a level 15 minotaur elite monster who was asleep, I don't know who was so lacking in virtue and shot an arrow in its head, and that minotaur woke up and almost stared at me.

"I was so scared that I pulled my legs and ran deep into the map, and I got lost as I ran..."

"Then I found an altar and was about to go over to take a look, but I stepped on the crack in the ground and fell into the cave.

"I killed all the monsters in the cave and picked up this incense burner, and it was in that cave that I met Dancing to find out Qingying and was killed by her back to the city." "

Speaking of this, Hua Xiangrong gritted her teeth with hatred

! I don't know if it's an illusion, there is still a little numbness in the chest~

Qin Shou can't help but feel a jump in his heart!

The various behaviors of dancing to find out the shadow are extremely strange, like the operation that only players who have experienced the closed beta will have.

Since she was willing to give up leveling for this incense burner and squat at the altar, it was enough to show

that this incense burner must have a vital role! So she moved her crooked heart: "Flower beauty, you can make a price for me to collect this incense burner, right?"

Hearing Qin Shou say this, his mind that was carried away by anger suddenly calmed down.

Just now, that little smashed into the incense burner to kill people, and now this beast also started the idea of the incense burner....

Hua Xiangrong replied coldly: "No, I don't lack this money!" She

shook the short sword in her hand with a faint blue light at Qin Shou.

2 Star Weapons!

It is sold in weapons shops in Beiliu Town, but the price is 1.5W baht.

Take a closer look, the protective gear on Hua Xiangrong's body is also a 2-star suit, and this equipment cannot be won without a small 100,000.

No wonder the monster that can brush the cave alone turns out to be Bai Fumei of krypton gold!

"Have you seen enough? Give it back to me!"

Hua Xiangrong reached out to him to return her incense burner.

Qin Shou hesitated.

Although he really wanted to take the incense burner for himself, he did not know the exact location of the altar.

Moreover, he may not have been able to fight Hua Xiangrong, who is full of 2-star equipment.


people in the Three Madness Studio are only level 4, and the equipment is all the cheapest 1-star garbage entry.

Qin Shouman reluctantly returned the incense burner to her, but in his heart he was calculating how to grab it later!

"Chu Sheng, President Zha, don't rush to start when you see someone next

!" "When this Krypton Golden Girl and that smelly cat fight and lose, let's take over again, we must snatch that incense burner over!"

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