
Luo Xingji jumped up with her tail between her legs.

Just now, he was slapped on the butt by Hua Xiangrong.

Miss Rabbit was stunned: "This has not been achieved?"

"I'm a cat, not a tiger!"

"Isn't the tiger commonly known as the big meow?"

Despite the lack of achievements, a few male teammates next to him were a little jumpy....

However, thinking of Sister Meow's fame, I had to dispel this absurd idea.

Luo Xingji led the team out of Yongcheng and entered a deep mountain and old forest.

Since the Abyss Demon Mist was dispelled, the surrounding scenery has been restored as before, and there is a faint howl of tigers and wolves in the green mountain forest, which feels like an extremely dangerous high-end leveling place.

Game Tip: You have entered [Shirono Mountain].

(Note: The current average level of a party is quite dangerous to enter this map!)

The teammates were very entangled.

The minimap shows that this is a leveling area of level 35~40.

To be honest, with the level of 20~25, you really shouldn't rush in.

But Sister Meow came to this map feeling like going home, and she didn't care what was strange in it with a step that the six relatives didn't recognize.

In the end, everyone gritted their teeth and decided to take the risk and follow her inside.


A golden shadow shuttled through the dense forest, and the footsteps stopped in front of everyone with a proud head, the dark green pupils exuded a fierce cold light, and the Adam's apple surged to emit a majestic tiger roar...

【Nagano Tiger】A few of the level 40 elite monsters

have begun to weaken their legs and feet.

Luo Xingji didn't care: "What is there to be afraid of Big Meow?"

"Go! Little meow! Little

Meow flew out of the pet space and was greeted by a mad ghost slamming into the head of Nagano Tiger.


Nagano Tiger slapped off 1/4 of Xiaomeow's HP with one paw.

At the same time, Luo Xingji knocked Nagano Tiger away with a savage charge.

Then look up and confirm carefully....

No problem, this is a mother's big meow.

Don't ask the male why not, you can get your hands on that big bubble of bird eggs?

When the tigress landed, Luo Xingji raised her hand to the butt and slapped it down....


"Achievement [Tiger Butt Can't Touch] Achieved!"

Get rewards: Life Potion x10, Baht 2500, XP 10000.

The damage value caused by this slap is very low, and the target of Nagano Tiger's hatred is still tightly locked on Xiao Meow,

taking advantage of his unpreparedness...

Luo Xingji jumped up, rode on the back of the tiger, grabbed the hair on both sides of the tiger's neck with both hands, and shouted: "Give me honesty!" "


Nagano Tiger became angry and lay down and rolled on the ground, wanting to shake off Luo Xingji.


The attributes of the little cat lady suppressed the Nagano Tiger, and although she was pressed underneath, her hands were tightly wrapped around the Nagano Tiger's waist, making it belly up.

"What are you doing stunned? Hurry up and touch it! Hearing

Luo Xingji's words, everyone reacted.


Everyone slapped the tiger's ass ....

Hey, the achievement is in hand, comfortable!

Nagano Tiger's sad and indignant expression seemed to say: "You can kill Ben Meow, but you can't insult Ben Meow!"

"Lean, stuck!"

"Little meow, knock it away!"

Although the Nagano Tiger couldn't move, Luo Xingji couldn't move until Xiao Meow's crazy ghost hit Big Meow away.

Luo Xingji stood up suddenly, and the Abyss Crossbow shot a set of silky small combos of "stun arrow + eagle eye + random arrow scattering", and instantly completed the second kill.

The high damage value seemed as if this cat lady was a level 40 elite monster.

Hua Xiangrong was stunned: "Ji Ji, how did you discover these achievements before?" Speaking

of which, Luo Xingji was also quite embarrassed: "When I did this achievement last time, my attributes were not as outrageous as they are now, and I met a male tiger at that time..."

Of course it's not really snapping, in short, it almost hangs.

"I can't use my skills, I can only struggle desperately, and I accidentally touched the tiger's butt..." Everyone

: "Hahaha, is this the black history of Sister Meow?"

"Don't spread it, or Ben Meow will kill you!"


Next, there are many more strange achievements.

Stealing honey from the nest of human-loving demon bees....

Throw snakes into the hole and catch rabbits that are driven out of the hole....

Steal the eggs of the Yongcheng falcon, and set fire to the bird's nest without being detected....

Strange achievements like this, and many, many more!

This is an inappropriate thing, but the kitten lady is skilled and distressing.

The eyes of the teammates looking at Luo Xingji gradually began to become weird.

It seems that I can finally understand why, out of 1,000 closed beta players, only she can achieve full achievements.

It is necessary to have the awareness and operation of the boss without injury.

The progress of land reclamation still has to be ahead of all players, or the liver will fight for the first kill day and night.

The most important thing is that there must be a clear brain circuit.


What normal player can think of throwing a snake into a hole to drive a rabbit out and catch it?

Steal a bird's egg, and set fire to the bird's nest with your backhand?

This is special... Is it really something that people can do?

In the past, the corners of Shenge's mouth twitched a few times, and he said boldly: "Sister Meow, I doubt now, is the achievement of this game designed by you?"

Orange Orange Orange Duck thought deeply: "That's it, I also think, these achievements can really be triggered by people?"

Luo Xingji was stunned, didn't know how to explain, and asked rhetorically: "Don't you think it's fun to do these things in the game?" "

After 100 achievements are completed.

On the occasion of parting, the past Shenge sighed: "If I can participate in that closed beta, maybe I will focus all my energy on map opening and raiding bosses, and will not focus on irrelevant achievements..."

Luo Xingji smiled: "I'm here to play the game, not to let the game play." "

Hua Xiangrong seems to have suddenly thought of something!

She pulled Luo Xingji to a no-man's corner, gently pressed her shoulders, and asked very seriously: "Ji Ji, I have a question, I hope you answer me honestly..."

Cat: "Don't call me Ji Ji anymore, call me again and turn my face with you!"

Rabbit: "Meow, you used to... Is your home in a mental hospital? "


Luo Xingji exploded and roared, "You think I'm like a mental patient?

Hua Xiangrong nodded very seriously: "Uh-huh!"

"I didn't realize it at first, until I found out that you are autistic and very resistant to normal social interaction..."

"We've known each other for so many days, and you've never mentioned your past to me other than games."

"And your brain circuits are different from ordinary people, and your thoughts are always so fantastic..." Miss

Rabbit is still counting suspicious points....

The little cat lady quietly moved her finger to the trigger of the abyss crossbow: "Huahua, you know too much!" "

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