"Don't worry, I know it. The

fat man looked at the computer screen with a smile, kept typing and communicating, and was completely attracted by this female Taoist priest with a sweet voice.

"You've got a few farts! This girl is deliberately approaching you, most likely there is a problem. "

Ye Qiu always felt that things were too strange, his front foot had just finished pit Nangong Ming's 12 billion gold coins, and there were female players on the back foot to seduce the fat man, according to his experience in two lives, there must be a demon when things go wrong.

"You think too much, Xiaofei is a good girl, we call it fate. "

I said Ye Qiu, you shouldn't be jealous of me, right? Jealous of my fat man finally got lucky.

"But then again, aren't you and Tang Churan also in love?

"Yes, yes, Lao Tzu is jealous of you. Ye

Qiu didn't bother to pay attention to him, some people just don't hit the south wall and don't look back, obviously the fat man is such a person.

In the game, he sits on the throne of the city lord, looking unangry and arrogant, and is reviewing the military strength of Babel City.

Under the formation of the four armies of the Vermilion Bird, Xuanwu, Qinglong and White Tiger, the banners were waving in the wind, looking mighty and orderly.

After Tongtian City was promoted to level 5, not only did it expand its area by more than ten times, but there were many more buildings, and its military strength was also increased by more than ten times.

The city-state, which was originally garrisoned by only a few thousand people, has expanded its military strength to tens of thousands, with more than 10,000 troops in each military array.

"Qinglong Divine

General, meet the City Lord!" "Xuanwu Divine General, meet the City Lord!" "Vermilion Bird

Divine General, meet the City Lord!" "White Tiger Divine General, meet the City Lord!" "


four gods will give up their hands and clench their fists, and the goddess will Suzaku peek at Ye Qiu from time to time, and she shouts in her heart that she is so handsome, I really want to transform into Suzaku and use him as a mount."

Although it was only in the game, Ye Qiu could still feel Suzaku's hot eyes, this game was so realistic.

He glanced at Suzaku's beautiful figure, the long legs were really drooling, fortunately he didn't let the fat man see it, otherwise he would have to give gifts to NPCs and kneel and lick NPCs.

In the game "God Butcher", NPCs have a high degree of intelligence, each of which can be raided, but it needs enough favorability, the easiest way to improve favorability is to keep talking, and then to do tasks, the most effective way is to give gifts to krypton, some players look at a peugeot-looking maid in the city lord's mansion, and they don't go online every day to fight and don't go down the dungeon, and they chatter around this NPC all day long, and they have been enjoying it for many years, and they have witnessed NPC being taken down by a local tyrant who has just known ...... for a day

"The four gods will listen to the order, I order you to guard the four directions of Tongtian City, the Qinglong to guard the east, the white tiger to guard the west, the Vermilion Bird to guard the south, and the Xuanwu to guard the north, there must be no mistake!" "The last general will listen to the order!" The four

shouted in unison.

"Lord of the City, the City Lord's Mansion is not guarded yet, can the last general be transferred to guard it?

Suzaku threw flattering eyes at him vigorously, which made Ye Qiu even have an illusion, where is this NPC, he is a living person at all.

Thinking that after the advent of the game, all these NPCs have come to reality, and the Vermilion Bird God General is known as the most beautiful God General in the world, which is really a bit tempting.

"Ahem! This city lord can protect himself.

After Ye Qiu issued the order, he checked the position interface and found that two deputy city lords could be appointed.

"Fatty, I have two deputy city lord slots, and I plan to give you one.


Although the fat man was talking, he kept staring at the screen and laughing, and the little Taoist priest was singing and dancing to him, fascinated him.

"I said fatty, you don't have the opposite sex and no humanity, Lao Tzu is setting up a deputy city lord for you, this is a position that many people can't ask for, above 10,000 people under one person in Tongtian City, you can receive hundreds of thousands of gold coins every month, and there are a lot of permissions, you don't have to pay taxes to enter the dungeon, there are discounts for buying things, and the guard NPCs have to kneel down when they see you......

" "Sounds good, thank you Ye Qiu." The

fat man typed on the keyboard vigorously, smiled and communicated with the little Taoist.

On the other side, Nangong Ming and the others were simply happy.

Through a private chat with the fat man, the little brother of the hacker invited by Nangong Ming successfully traced the Internet address.

"Ming Shao, I found the address, it's in the Three Little Pigs Internet Café in Tianhai City. "

Okay, follow me to arrest someone immediately, I want this kid to die!" Nangong

Ming was very excited, and took Nangong Feipeng and a dozen other subordinates to sit in a few cars, and went straight to the Three Little Pigs Internet Café.

The two who were surfing the Internet in the Internet café did not realize that they had been discovered.

Ye Qiu plans to brush up on the copy of the God of War Temple, and he must get all the God Butcher suits as soon as possible, the boss in the game has extremely strong defense, and many skills that seem to be very powerful are equivalent to scraping on the boss, but the God Butcher suit skill God Butcher Slash has the characteristics of ignoring defense, and it is a wide range of damage, once the skill of the suit is activated, the strength will definitely increase greatly, and he has to make up a set no matter what.

Just then, the computer prompts that the all-night time is almost up.

"Xiaofei, you wait for me for a while, I'll be back soon. "

The fat man got up and was going to go to the network administrator to recharge.

Before graduation, the school was not strict, and many students did not go to school, especially the fat man, who knew that he could not pass the exam at all, and he fished for three days and dried the net for two days, and it was common to ask for leave.

"Fatty, go back and rest first. Ye

Qiu got off the plane directly, and now that the game invasion is getting closer and closer, he needs to get more money kryptonite.

Last night's city battle made him empty his family, in exchange for a new look in Tongtian City, sitting on the four great generals and tens of thousands of soldiers, becoming a well-deserved first city-state, but he felt that there were still many things that could be improved.

The fat man was still a little unhappy, and he forcibly took him out of the Internet café.

As soon as the two of them left, Nangong Ming rushed into the Internet café with a group of people and went straight to the computer where the two had surfed the Internet before.


Ming picked up a baseball bat and smashed the computer directly, the people around him were scared enough, and several sleeping people woke up and looked at the group of people with a blank face, not knowing what was going on.

"What are you doing?" the

network administrator walked over and was directly pressed to the ground and beaten by Nangong Ming's men.

"Ming Shao, it is estimated that they just got off the plane, and it is too late to chase after them.

Nangong Feipeng kicked the network manager hard

, "Then why don't you chase after it?"

Nangong Ming gave an order, and a group of people quickly rushed out of the Internet café.

Not far away, a taxi had just left.

"See, there's a Maybach parked in front of the door, and I'll buy one when I have the money. The

fat man was attracted by Nangong Ming's luxury car, and his saliva was about to flow out, the car was a man's little lover, and it was a symbol of identity and status, everyone wanted to have such a luxury car.

"Fatty, don't you think it's normal for people who drive Maybach to come to Internet cafes to surf the Internet?"

"What's wrong? I see you're just thinking too much, I guess you're too tired all night, go back and have a good rest."


Ye Qiu looked at the brightly lit city, and the scene of Nangong Ming and the others chasing him out and looking left and right appeared in the rearview mirror, and he vaguely noticed something.

"Are these guys coming for me?"

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