The originally clear sky suddenly changed color, and blood-colored red clouds began to crawl all over the sky.

Ye Fan stood in front of the window, quietly watching the changes in front of him.

At this time, many people have already noticed the change in the sky, and the blood-colored red cloud is not a good sign.

A large amount of relevant information has appeared on major short video platforms, and even officials have begun to ask everyone to pay attention to safety.

With such abnormal weather, abnormal natural phenomena are bound to occur.


A thunderclap sounded, and the whole world seemed to have fallen.

"Drain!" The

rain began to fall, Ye Fan frowned, this was not ordinary rain, but red blood rain.

For a moment, there was a noisy sound downstairs.

"What the hell is this weather, how does

it rain red!"

"The air quality is not so bad, I heard that the red rain is acid rain, it is really going to appear, the government has long reminded it, what's going on." "

I don't know, this red rain is getting heavier and heavier, let's go, let's go!"

At this time, Ye Fan and the three of them sounded in the group chat, and the call invitation sounded.

Ye Fan clicked on it and said, "It's all open, it's about to start!" "

Oh my God, Ye Zi, you are too godly, what will happen next?"

Wang Qiang's voice was a little excited, and it was more about the factor that he would not be beaten.

"Don't worry, it's just an appetizer, it's going to be an earthquake and tsunami soon. Sure

enough, at this moment, in the depths of the sea, huge waves have been set off, and earthquake and tsunami warnings in various countries have sounded.

"Urgent news, urgent news, earthquake and tsunami warning sounded, in the center of the sea area, there was a 9.8 magnitude super earthquake, and the tsunami warning arrived in coastal cities within 2 hours, please evacuate all coastal residents as soon as possible and in an orderly manner. "

Urgent news, urgent news, earthquake and tsunami warning sounded, in the center of the sea area, there was a 9.8 magnitude super earthquake, and the tsunami warning arrived in the coastal city within 2 hours, please evacuate all coastal residents as soon as possible and in an orderly manner. "

Urgent news, urgent news, earthquake and tsunami warning sounded, in the center of the sea area, there was a 9.8 magnitude super earthquake, and the tsunami warning arrived in the coastal city within 2 hours, please evacuate all coastal residents as soon as possible and in an orderly manner.

Ye Fan's mobile phone directly popped up several pieces of this information, and the coastal city directly became a pot of porridge.

In extreme weather, extreme natural phenomena are bound to occur, which is absolutely a huge disaster.

The red blood rain fell indiscriminately all over the world, and in less than half an hour, the blood rain turned into hail the size of an egg, which brought huge trouble to the people retreating along the coast.

All of a sudden, the entire Blue Star was a mess.

The rest of the world was caught off guard by this sudden change.

Deep-sea fishing boats are the first to encounter accidents, human beings are like ants in front of nature, even the aircraft carriers that human beings are proud of, are overturned by huge waves, and deep-sea submarines are like headless flies washed away by the sea water to lose their control direction.

The war-torn areas of the Middle East were also on fire at the first time, and when they wanted to go to war, they found that all the thermal weapons of mankind were dumb, whether it was guns or cannons, none of them could be used.

In the sky, a flying plane, like a bird that has lost power, slammed straight into the ground.

"Boom !!"

burst into flames and screamed again and again.

"Ye Zi, you guys watch the news quickly, the world is really messed up, and suddenly I am a little panicked!"

"Ye Fan, are you okay, it's really the end of the world."

Ye Fan: "I'm fine, our location will not be affected for the time being, but soon the communication system will collapse, we just need to wait patiently!" Wang Qiang said: "Wait patiently

? My hands are shaking now, although I am prepared, but I am still a little panicked, hey, it's snowing, it's snowing."

Yu Youyou: "The first time I saw the snow, I didn't expect it to be on the day of the end of the world."

Ye Fan: "The temperature is about to drop dramatically, you pay attention to the cold and keep warm!" Ye

Fan, who was standing in front of the window, unconsciously retreated to the living room, closed the window and door, and quickly found clothes from the wardrobe, and then the global temperature will drop to minus 20 degrees, yes, it is the lowest place in the world, and even drops to minus 100 degrees.

All the news is reporting on the change of bad weather, and the official is also asking residents to stay at home as much as possible.

Two hours later, the tsunami arrived, but humans underestimated the power of the tsunami.

Everywhere the tsunami went, it destroyed all the buildings in front of it, and this was the real end of the world.

Just as the catastrophe began, humanity had already lost the initiative.

Ye Fan took a deep breath, he had already experienced all of this, but even so, it still made his chest uncomfortable, after all, these are all living lives.

"Yezi, this is too cold, haha!" Wang Qiang wrapped himself in the quilt, he never thought in his life that the sky in June would be snowing heavily and the temperature would be minus 20 degrees.

"When we lose communication, it means that it begins!" "

The moment the space station in space, the satellites are out of use, the invasion officially begins.

Before that, the government began to comfort the people in various ways.

Some people are glad that they don't have to go to work tomorrow, and some people are sad and may not be able to eat tomorrow.

But this sentiment will soon subside, as something more fearful is coming.

As a brilliant flame appeared in the sky, the flames of the satellite and space explosions, the communication signal began to become extremely unstable.

Ye Fan said in a deep voice: "Ready to start!"

[Ding![Metaverse] is loading...

] [Ding!Loading is over, the game is officially started!

] Two mechanical sounds sounded, and before people could come out of the harsh meteorological environment, the game interface of [Metaverse]

popped up in front of them.

It is also the case that real-world communications are completely shut down and the signal is lost.

Ye Fan initiated a team application with Wang Qiang and Yu Youyou at the first time.

The two looked at the team pop-up window in front of them, and they never thought that this would be the case.

Team Channel: Ye Zi, I admire you for the five-body cast --- Wang Qiang

Ye Fan, has it started now?---- Yu Youyou

, it's started, close the door, always pay attention to the movement outside the house--- Ye Fan

And in the chat channel, people are crazy, and the sudden game comes to the real world, making them feel unreal.

"It's fierce again, how can I see the game interface of the metaverse? I'd better sleep for a while, it must be too cold!"

"What's the situation, am I in the game, or in reality?"

"Born chaotic, the game comes to reality, this is to cause chaos in the world." "

This is pulling everyone into the [Metaverse], what the hell is this trying to do?"



Everyone be careful, the wild monsters of the [Metaverse] have also come to our world, who will save me, it's a level 90 boss, help!"

Help, our entire community is surrounded by wild monsters, my equipment can't be carried, ask nearby players for support!"

Ye Fan looked out the window, and in a clearing in the community, a pair of sharp claws tore through the space, and one after another [Metaverse] wild monsters crawled out of it.

"Roar !!"

a male lion covered in flames jumped out and roared angrily in the sky.

Flaming Lion: Level 90 boss!

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