Ye Fan sent the attributes of the Devouring Armor to the team channel.

"This is a boss above level 120, known as the boss of the catastrophe, I just killed one and exploded, this dress is the best, if you turn the enhanced attribute over, it is estimated to be even more terrifying!"

Wang Qiang was also amazed when he saw the attributes of this dress.

"Ye Zi is amazing, you can do it by yourself with the boss of the Tribulation of the First Heavy Heaven, this level 120 boss of mine here, I still have to fight wits and courage with him, there is a lack of a nurse like Yoyo, it seems a little impossible to get it!" Ye

Fanxin suddenly mentioned it, Wang Qiang is fighting with a level 120 boss, although it is not as strong as the boss of the Tribulation One Heavy Heaven, but it is also not a small difficulty.

"Have you arrived at the county seat? How is it now?" Wang

Qiang was hiding behind a ruin at the moment, panting.

"I'm okay, the main thing is that the level of helpers on my side is too poor, even if there are high-level ones, they don't participate in the battle on my side at all in order to save their lives, damn, I knew that Lao Tzu wouldn't be here!"

Ye Fan also frowned, after all, it is actually very simple to be alone in this environment, as long as you don't cause trouble, just consolidate your own one-third of an acre.

But Wang Qiang still wants to help his hometown, but looking at this, it seems that the strength of the people who fought with him is not good, but the good ones did not follow him.

"If you really can't do it, let's go back to the village, hold on there for a few days, and then recruit some strong teammates, otherwise you will definitely not be able to form a temporary team like this!"

Wang Qiang sighed, he thought that his ability in the game was so strong, facing a level 120 boss was not a problem at all.

But in reality, he found that his self-test ability is not good at facing a level 120 boss alone, in fact, he can't say no, but his teammates can't do it, there is no like Ye Fan and Youyou.

"That's the only way, retreat for the time being, and retain the combat power on this side, but then again, how did you kill this boss who crossed the catastrophe of a heavy sky, I see that the information here shows that the boss of the catastrophe of a heavy sky has gone beyond the normal boss range, and a level 120 team may not be able to handle it!"

"You forgot that he is also a tribulation of the first heaven, and the catastrophe of the first heaven is still somewhat of a chance of winning in the face of the boss of the tribulation of the first heaven, but the combat power of ant leaves in the game is not as high as me and Brother Qiang at the last moment, I think you have gained some benefits!" Wang Qiang

patted his head and thought that Ye Fan was the same as him, he was also level 120, this guy had already crossed the catastrophe of a heavy sky, and he had already opened a notch with himself.

"Look at my brain, I'm overwhelmed by this boss, forget about this stubble, if you can easily handle it here, our county is five hundred and twenty level bosses, as long as you kill all five 120-level bosses in one day, you can get a week's safe time in the county!"

It seems that the county town is a level 120 boss, the highest but there are 5, and the big city is controlled by the catastrophe of the sky, and there are also 5.

I don't know what that kind of super city will be, just thinking about Ye Fan makes me feel sad for the people there, after all, the ordeal they have to face is probably more than several times more difficult than their own face.

Ye Fan said: "I also got a hidden profession, if it weren't for the hidden passivity of this hidden profession, I wouldn't have the ability to kill the boss of the Tribulation One Heavy Heaven, he is much stronger than we thought!"

Wang Qiang frowned, if even Ye Zi found it difficult, it means that this boss is really difficult.

"Then what should I do? Now that the game invades reality, those bosses are even stronger than what we encountered before, and I found that our strength has dropped a notch compared to the game, otherwise in the face of this level 120 boss, I wouldn't be able to catch it!"

But this situation doesn't feel anything in Ye Fan's place, maybe it's because Ye Fan's hidden profession was obtained in reality.

Ye Fan said: "You don't have a big problem there, mainly Yoyo's side, how is your side now?Is there an effective way?"

"Because the school is a safe zone, there are many people crowded into the school now, and the government is also distributing combat power as much as possible, wanting to expand a safe zone again, and wanting to save as many lives as possible, but I heard that this disaster has killed many people, and some of my relatives have not been contacted until now!"

said the voice behind him, all sobbing a little.

Faced with this situation, Ye Fan could only comfort her.

"It's okay, everything will be fine, I'll find a way to get to you as much as possible, by the way, you guys have to collect supplies as much as possible, these monsters are not vegetarians, they will compete with us

humans for supplies!" "Well, the government has sent some super humans to collect supplies, but the situation is still very dangerous!" In

this environment, no one can guarantee that they will be able to be alone and safe.

Ye Fan said: "If you don't have enough to eat, you can come to my private territory, I have stored a lot of things here, enough for us to use, but I will only let you use these things, as for other people, I can't do anything, the first thing I want to ensure is your safety!" Although Ye Fan's

words are a little cold-blooded, it is already rare to be able to guarantee his own safety under the end of the world, not to mention that he has to take care of other people, it is absolutely impossible.

Wang Qiang didn't speak, and Yoyo didn't speak, because they knew that this was their final bottom line, and only if they were alive could there be hope.

"You two don't worry, don't worry, the main thing is to ensure your own safety, equipment or something, I'll fight you, it's just that the soul fragment is a little difficult, and a boss who crosses the sky only produces a soul fragment.

"Ah, can't the boss above level 100 not produce

Divine Soul Fragments?, then if you want to cross the catastrophe, isn't it even more difficult?" Ye Fan nodded and said: "Yes, if you want to get enough Divine Soul Fragments, it is absolutely impossible to fight the boss alone, and it is too difficult to cross the boss of the first heaven, unless the three of us work together, under normal circumstances, we will never be able to defeat it if we are one-on-one, and I just happened to kill him!"

Wang Qiang: "Okay, the equipment matter will trouble you, I'll see how to deal with it here, after handling the meeting of the three of us, I always feel that our combat strength has been lowered a lot, and if you want to survive in this apocalypse, you have to be united!"

Ye Fan and Yu Youyou nodded one after another, they must unite.

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