The center of the city was originally a monument, but it has been shattered, and the original memorial tower of more than 10 meters has long since ceased to exist.

Here came the Nine-Fold Celestial Tower and a Reincarnation Messenger.

Ye Fan in the distance came here waving his Kunpeng wings.

Ye Fan still remembers that when he came to this city for the first time, the first place he visited was here.

But now I see a different scene in front of my eyes.

On top of the dilapidated memorial tower, a nine-story heavenly pagoda was rebuilt.

This pagoda is divided into nine floors, and it looks like the pagoda of King Tota Li.

From the bottom to the top, gradually decrease.

Next to the Nine-Fold Heavenly Tower, stood an old man with white hair.

The old man was holding a book with unknown titles in his hand and was looking at it with relish.

Ye Fan's arrival did not attract the attention of the old man.

On the contrary, it was the old man that Ye Fan paid attention to at the first time.

Ye Fan stepped forward.

"May I ask if you are a

reincarnation envoy?" The old man just hummed lightly, and didn't pay much attention to Ye Fan!

Ye Fan was very curious, who is this old man?"

"Senior excused me, are you from Blue Star? I have collected all the Red Moon Fruit and Beast Bones, and I am here for the first reincarnation!"

Hearing that Ye Fan was about to turn around, the old man put down the book in his hand.

The old man looked Ye Fan up and down, his eyes full of surprise.

"Young man, you are very remarkable, you are already a master of the Tribulation of the Second Heaven at a young age, give me your materials, and I will reincarnate for you!" Ye

Fan respectfully handed over the materials in his hand to the other party.

"Senior, I haven't asked where the seniors are from!" the

old man took the materials and looked at them carefully.

"I'm just an old man, it doesn't matter where I'm from, it's not from you Blue Star anyway, in fact, I didn't expect that you Blue Star could produce such a master as you, giving you time to develop, maybe you can grow into a real master!"

Sure enough, this person is definitely not refreshed by the system, but a real person.

And behind this person, it is very likely that it is the group of people who planned to invade Blue Star.

As for why he wants to help himself be reincarnated, this is really a bit difficult to understand, after all, it is really not good to help the enemy improve his strength, and it is really not good to say whether this person is friend or foe.

"Young man, this world is very complicated, it is not as simple as you imagined, it doesn't matter who I am, which side I am on, my existence is only to provide you with reincarnation, as for what you Blue Star people are fighting for with others, it has nothing to do with me!"

Ye Fan had a smile on his face, at least the old man in front of him was not here to threaten them.


you, senior!" "Your strength is very good, but compared to those geniuses, stretch out your hand, I will give you a reincarnation ceremony now!"

Ye Fan stretched out his right hand, and the old man put the two materials into Ye Fan's hand again.

Do you think that's all there is to it? No, of course not.

These two reincarnation materials have changed after passing through the old man's hands.

Ye Fan could clearly see that inscriptions appeared on the Red Moon Fruit and the beast bones.

The moment these two materials fell into Ye Fan's hands again, everything changed.

"Yin and Yang change, turn the tide!" The

two materials in his hand turned into a streamer and disappeared into Ye Fan's palm.

In just a moment, Ye Fan felt that his body was warm and comfortable.

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for successfully completing a transformation, the current reincarnation level is level 1!】Ye

Fan opened his character attribute page version.

The initial page of your character has changed dramatically.

The base attribute of any player is at 10 points, the hidden class is at 15 points, and the base attribute of Ye Fan's super god class Sky Dome is 20 points.

This base stat is already twice as large as the others.

But now Ye Fan's basic attribute is no longer 20 points, but has directly doubled to 40 points.

In this way, the overall attributes have undergone a terrifying change.

The attack power of nearly 200,000 was originally increased to 300,000 due to the change in basic attributes.

In just one turn, there have already been such big changes, and Ye Fan's overall attributes have been raised by a notch.

Even if he encounters the boss of the Tribulation Duotian, the assassin's night fan will not have any panic, because now his attributes are among the top in the Tribulation Duotian.

"Yes, the young man is indeed good, with your current ability, it is more than enough to compare with ordinary people who cross

the Tribulation Triple Heaven!" Ye Fan was a little surprised, in his own cognition, he may be considered powerful in the Tribulation Triple Heaven, but it is not comparable to the Tribulation Triple Heaven.

However, the old man in front of him told himself that he had been able to compare to the ordinary Tribulation Triple Heaven, which showed that he had the qualifications to fight across levels.

"Senior, the power of this reincarnation is too strong, how many reincarnations can we have?"

"Haha, young people don't be too ambitious, it's not easy to complete one reincarnation, even the old man, I'm only 10 times!"

Ye Fan was frightened for a while, 10 reincarnations, so the ability of the old man in front of him, I don't know how terrible it is when I think about it.

At this moment, Ye Fan was even more respectful when he faced the old man in front of him.

"What the seniors taught me is that it's just that we Blue Star people have just come into contact with this industry, and we know very little, please don't blame the seniors for our ignorance!"

"Haha, you kid is quite modest, I'll explain it to you for free, old man, there are a total of seventy-seven and forty-nine reincarnations, and I'm just just getting started, do you still think I'm strong?"

Ye Fan was a little surprised, this is too incredible, every tribulation can bring terrifying attribute growth, but the tribulation is only 9 times.

But the effect of reincarnation is even more terrifying, but reincarnation can be reincarnated up to 49 times, and if you really complete 49 reincarnation, then you can't break the sky.

Looking at Ye Fan's stunned appearance, the old man laughed.

"Young people, don't think too much

, 49 turns is a legendary thing, the highest known reincarnation is 40 turns, that is already the existence of the universe overlord level, as for the legendary 49 turns, so far, only the legendary person has reached it!" Ye Fan was a little curious, 40 turns is already the universe overlord level, so who is the person who turns 49

?" "Senior, who is that person in your mouth?"

Children should not ask too much, knowing too much will not do you any good, okay, hurry up and go, old man, I have said enough today!"

After speaking, he no longer paid attention to Ye Fan, and continued to pick up the book in his hand and read it.

With a simple conversation, Ye Fan got a lot of information.

That is, there are many powerful people in the universe, and the most powerful is the cosmic overlord level.

is a small blue star, but he has attracted so many strong people, and I am afraid that there are many ulterior secrets.

As for what it is, Ye Fan doesn't know yet, but one day he will know.

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