The Game Must Be Won? The Country Develops Games For Me

36. Milky White Sonic Boom Cloud! The Extreme Speed Of The Dragon Scale!

"Dragon Scale has taken off and is currently at an altitude of 300 meters."

"Dragon Scale has entered a level flight attitude, and the current altitude is 700 meters."

In the broadcast of the observers, under the watchful eyes of the expert group, the Dragon Scale flew into the sky.

I saw that the Dragon Scale entered a stable level flight attitude.

The experts breathed a sigh of relief.

For fighter jets, the very beginning is also the time when accidents are most likely to occur.

As long as the fighter can fly stably.

Then the probability of problems can be greatly reduced.

It can be said that this test flight has been stabilized by half.

"Let's start the performance test."


"First test: flight stability test."

"Comrade Wang Dong, please make the following actions."

After receiving the command from the ground command center, Wang Dong immediately drove the Dragon Scale and started a series of tactical actions.

Roll to the left ten times.

Roll ten times to the right.

Then the fighter plane changed direction urgently.

The altitude climbed rapidly and dived.

Every tactical action of the fighter is perfectly completed under Wang Dong's control.

"You did a great job, you deserve to be our ace pilot."

Air Force Major General Xu Tian's praise came from the communicator.

But Wang Dong didn't feel complacent in the slightest.

He who personally piloted the Dragon Scale understood that this praise should not belong to him.

Ninety percent of the credit for being able to complete such a perfect tactical move lies with the Dragon Scale.

Whenever Wang Dong makes any operation, the Dragon Scale will immediately and accurately execute it.

Nothing sloppy.

Not only that, but I can also feel the real-time feedback from Dragon Scale.

Such an operating experience.

There is only one feeling in Wang Dong's heart.


"Let's start the second test, the speed test."

"Comrade Wang Dong, please accelerate the fighter plane to Mach 3 after adjusting the flight attitude."


Mach 3 is three times the speed of sound.

At present, the fastest flying fighter can break through 2.5 times the speed of sound.

When the Dragon Scale came up, it mentioned a speed of Mach 3.

It can only be said that this is the arrogance of a sixth-generation machine.

Following the instructions, Wang Dong adjusted his posture.

Then pull the accelerator.

The speed of the Dragon Scale soared instantly.

In just three seconds, the sound barrier was broken.

A milky white sonic boom cloud was produced behind the wings of the Dragon Scale.

"So fast."

Although he had already expected it in his heart, Wang Dong still couldn't hold back his emotion when he saw the Dragon Scale's extremely fast flight.

What is fast is not only the speed, but also the speed of acceleration.

It can accelerate to break the sound barrier in three seconds.

This kind of acceleration is unique.

It also proved how powerful the pulse blast engine of the Dragon Scale is.

"Report, the speed has reached Mach 3, requesting instructions on the next step."

Wang Dong reported the situation of the Dragon Scale.

Seeing the white clouds flying past beside him, Wang Dong felt a little regretful.

Years of flying experience made Wang Kineng clearly feel that Mach 3 is far from the limit of Dragonscale.

Wang Dong really wanted to continue to accelerate and unleash the full performance of the Dragon Scale.

But he is a soldier, and he should give priority to orders.

Although he felt a little regretful in his heart, Wang Dong didn't make any request.

Just waiting for the next step from the command center.

In the command center, I watched the Mach 3 speed displayed on the speed radar.

Many experts smiled.

Mach 3 has surpassed all fifth-generation fighters.

In terms of speed, the test is complete.

Since it is the first test flight, the test plan formulated by Air Force experts is conservative.

"Chief Su, can we proceed to the next test?" Xu Tian asked.

"No, not enough."

"Major Wang Dong, continue to accelerate."

Holding the communicator, Su Chen commanded.

Here, Su Chen, as the developer of the sixth-generation aircraft, has the highest command authority.


Hearing Chief Engineer Su's command, Wang Dong's expression became excited.

This is exactly what he wants to do most at this time.


Accelerate to the limit!

Pull the accelerator, and the speed of the Dragon Scale increases again.

In the command center, the experts looked at Chief Engineer Su worriedly.

Xu Tian persuaded: "Mr. Su, is this too anxious? After all, we are only testing for the first time."

"I believe in the Dragonscale."

Su Chen didn't explain too much, just said this sentence lightly.

Hearing this, Xu Tian stopped talking.

Mr. Su said yes, so it is possible!

Su Chen's self-confidence is not groundless.

Su Chen knows the various data parameters of the sixth-generation machine Dragon Scale best.

A mere Mach 3 flight speed.

For the Dragon Scale, it can only be regarded as a warm-up.

And before taking off, Su Chen personally inspected the Dragon Scale and found no problems.

That being the case.

Then why hide your clumsiness?

Since we want to test, then directly test the limit of Dragon Scale!

The Dragon Scale should bloom with its brilliance!

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

PS: Ask for flowers, please evaluate

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