The Game Must Be Won? The Country Develops Games For Me

68. Return To The Sea! The Zulong Is Actually A Nuclear Fusion Aircraft Carrier! !

Longguo Spring Festival Gala live broadcasts the new aircraft carrier.

Some people are happy and some are sad.

The audience in Dragon Country is naturally extremely happy.

Being able to have a new type of super aircraft carrier, increase sea power, and better guarantee national security.

However, the neighbors were not in a good mood.

The stronger the Dragon Kingdom, the less secure they feel.

In a military forum of Bangzi.

At this time, there was a wail.

"Where did the people of Long Kingdom get this kind of aircraft carrier?"

"How many ships are these? Dragon Kingdom has four aircraft carriers, aren't you satisfied?"

"The people of Long Kingdom are all warlike and dangerous elements, otherwise why have so many navies?"

When Dong Qing read out the various data of Zulong.

The mentality of the sticks exploded even more.

Seeing that Dragon Kingdom's aircraft carrier data is so powerful.

They are more uncomfortable than their own aircraft carrier sinking.

Oh yes, they don't have aircraft carriers.

Thinking of this, the sticks felt even more uncomfortable.

In order to comfort their fragile self-esteem, Bangzi netizens are looking for various news speeches, wanting to see jokes about the Dragon Kingdom aircraft carrier.

At this time.

A military talk show by Bangzi became popular.

It just caters to the psychology of these sticks with frustrated self-esteem.

"Don't worry, go and see expert Cui's analysis."

"I've been watching it all the time. Expert Cui's analysis is really good~"

It is currently on the "World News" program that ranks among the top ratings in Bangzi Country.

A military expert named Cui Fuzhen was talking eloquently about the new aircraft carrier of the Dragon Kingdom.

"The Dragon Kingdom's Ancestral Dragon, in my opinion, is not something to be afraid of at all."

"Looking at the size is amazing, but in reality, it's all flashy stuff."

Behind him, a picture of the Dragon Kingdom aircraft carrier was displayed on the screen.

It was just intercepted from the live broadcast of the Spring Festival Gala.

On the photo, Cui Fuzhen also "intimately" pasted the data.

"Look, everyone, the Zulong ship is more than a thousand meters long."

"It's amazing, right, but in this case, the aircraft carrier won't be able to turn."

"Once there is an emergency turn, I expect the hull to split in two.

"That kind of scene is so terrifying."

While speaking, Cui Bangzi shook his head.

It seems to have seen the Zulong split in two.

The host sitting next to him took up the conversation at the right time.

"Then if the aircraft carrier drives slower, can't this problem be avoided?"

"No no no."

Cui Bangzi shook his head like a rattle.

"This aircraft carrier in the Dragon Kingdom can't be started at all!"

As he spoke, he took out a piece of paper.

It records the data of an aircraft carrier.

The director pulled the camera in and showed the audience the content on the paper.

"This is the data of Ford, the most advanced aircraft carrier in the world.

"We can see that the tonnage of the Ford is 100,000 tons, and it uses two pressurized water nuclear reactors.

"According to the people of Longguo, the Zulong has 2.2 million tons."

"Wouldn't that require forty nuclear reactors?"

"It's a very simple arithmetic problem. Think about it, is it possible to install forty nuclear reactors on an aircraft carrier?"

After finishing speaking, Cui Bangzi showed a smug smile at the corner of his mouth.

The presenter, and the guests in the studio.

They all applauded for this wave of speeches.

Before today, Hui Bangzi was not very polite.

But today, he experienced the feeling of being sought after.

This feeling made him a little bit flustered.

Excited, Cui Bangzi said something earth-shattering.

"If you ask me, the so-called Dragon Kingdom aircraft carrier is nothing more than a large iron coffin!"

The host looked a little embarrassed.

Is this saying a little too much?

But these words hit the hearts of Bangzi netizens.

"Expert Cui said well, what kind of aircraft carrier is completely funny."

"The people of Long Kingdom are too stupid to spend so much money to build a large iron coffin."

"Sure enough, we are the most far-sighted, not to engage in these bells and whistles.

"It is recommended that the people of Longguo learn from us, step by step, and develop slowly is the right way.

The sticks on the Internet.

Listening to Cui Bangzi's words, one by one regained their fragile self-esteem.

And in the process of mocking the Dragon Kingdom aircraft carrier, I also got a lot of satisfaction.

It seems that belittling others can make oneself stronger.

Just when they were immersed in the Great Cold Empire in their fantasy.

A siren sounded.

Pull the sticks back to reality.

Zulong is about to set sail!

Hearing this, Cui Bangzi's face flickered.

But he quickly covered it up.

Cui Bangzi's voice became more impassioned.

"Everyone, please be optimistic, without power, the aircraft carrier of the Dragon Kingdom will definitely not be able to set sail.

"Just wait and see the Dragon Kingdom aircraft carrier rot in the dock."

Netizens in Bangzi were aroused by Cui Fuzhen's words.

Following Cui Bangzi, he frantically taunted at Longguo's aircraft carrier.

"Hahaha, I really want to see the expressions of the people of Long Kingdom and see how they regret it.

"The steel coffin still wants to go to sea, but I'm already laughing."

"Don't worry, let's laugh together."

The sticks held the mentality of watching a joke, and bit the Longguo Spring Festival Gala.

At this moment, in Zu Longchang's control room.

After completing the launching ceremony, Su Chen returned to the control room and personally commanded the Zulong's first sailing.

"How is the reactor running?"

"Fuel is sufficient and the reactor is operating stably."

"Where's the engine?"

"The engine self-inspection is completed, and it can be started randomly."

After asking a few questions at the end, Su Chen gave the order.

"Start the engine and drive out of the dock."

"Go to the target point."


After receiving the order, the technicians of the Navy quickly started to act.

As the commander-in-chief of today's plan, what Su Chen said was the highest order on the Zulong.

With the engine started.

The power system of Zulong also started to operate.

It is different from previous aircraft carriers.

Sea behemoths like the Zulong are not driven by propellers.

It's a ram thruster.

After sucking seawater into the propeller at the bottom of the ship, it is ejected backward in the form of high-pressure water flow.

And then push Zulong forward.

This propulsion method is more powerful and faster than propeller propulsion.

Also need to consume more energy simultaneously.

But for Zulong, which has a fusion reactor.

This extra energy expenditure is nothing at all.

In terms of energy, Zulong is extremely arrogant.

After the engine made a low mechanical sound.

The thrusters on the bottom of the ship started working.

In the view of the live broadcast, the thrusters below cannot be seen.

But viewers can still see one thing.

....The Zulong is moving!"

"It's started! The startup speed is so fast!"

"I'll go, it's coming out, I haven't had time to react yet."

under the watchful eye of a global audience.

The Zulong sailed out of the dock smoothly.

Officially entered the ocean of Dragon Kingdom.

Return to the sea!

"This, is it really starting?"

Watching the Zulong sailing out of the dock, Commander Yingjiang exclaimed in a low voice in disbelief.

Although I had expected it in my heart, Longguo would not fight unprepared battles.

Since Longguo dared to broadcast live to the whole world, they must be ready.

At least it won't happen that the aircraft carrier can't start.

But I saw a sea monster sailing out of the dock with my own eyes.

The commander-in-chief still couldn't help being shocked.

In shock.

A question came to the commander's mind.

How did such a large steel creation work?

How much power is needed to send the more than two million tons of Zulong into the sea.

If you have any questions, you should ask them, and the director of the National Intelligence Service happens to be by your side.

The commander-in-chief asked.

"What is the power source used on the Zulong?"

"Cough cough."

The intelligence chief, who thought he had been forgotten, was in a panic at the moment.

But the commander-in-chief (Li Wangzhao) had to answer the question.

He could only answer in a low voice.

"I'll have someone investigate it right now, please wait a moment, Sir Commander."

Hear the answer from the Chief of Intelligence.

The commander-in-chief was furious.

"What time is it, and you still have someone to check?"

He wanted to grab the documents and throw them at them, but the commander found that the documents on the table had been thrown away last time.

The Grand Commander took a deep breath.

He put down the ceramic pen holder in his hand.

It's not that I'm afraid of hurting this waste intelligence chief.

Rather, this pen holder has been used by the great commanders of all dynasties, and it has a history of hundreds of years.

The commander-in-chief was reluctant.

"Mobilize all overseas forces, at all costs..."

The commander-in-chief hadn't finished speaking.

It was interrupted by the live broadcast of the Spring Festival Gala on TV.

It was still the host's voice.

"The Zulong has sailed successfully."

"Let us warmly welcome Dragon Kingdom's first fusion aircraft carrier to enter our territorial waters.

"Starting his first voyage mission!"


Hearing the English spoken by the translator tremble.

The pupils of the leader of the eagle sauce shrunk.

Did I hear you right?

Fusion aircraft carrier??

Longguo installed nuclear fusion on the aircraft carrier???

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