The Game Must Be Won? The Country Develops Games For Me

76. Iron Sky! Zulong Is Invincible In The World! ! The Stick Is Scared To Pee!


The moment you see the missile.

The audience in Dragon Kingdom were obviously frightened.

This is the live broadcast of the Spring Festival Gala, who dares to attack the aircraft carrier of the Dragon Kingdom with missiles at this time?

It wasn't just the Long Country audience who were shocked.

At this moment, it is not others who are most panicked, but the heads of other countries in the world.

After Li Shicai saw the missile, he immediately asked.

"Is this the missile we fired?"

The Minister of Defense was also in a hurry.

After receiving the information from his subordinates, the Minister of Defense replied quickly.

"According to the analysis of experts, these missiles have reached the flight speed of Mach."

"It belongs to the category of hypersonic missiles, and our army does not have such advanced missiles at all.

"So it's definitely not a missile we fired."

Hearing the answer from the Minister of Defense, Li Shi was obviously relieved.

It’s better not to call out from your own home.

Launching missiles to attack other people's aircraft carriers is tantamount to declaring war with the Dragon Kingdom.

As the leader of the stick country, Li Shi was so crazy that he didn't dare to do this.

If Bang Country and Long Country were to face each other, they would be turned into scum in seconds.

After knowing that it has nothing to do with me.

Li Shicai sat on the chair relaxedly, gloating at the Zulong being locked by five missiles.

The Minister of Defense just said that supersonic missiles cannot be defended against.

Here it comes.

"I don't know how many holes these missiles can blow up the Dragon Kingdom aircraft carrier." Li Shicai said to himself.

His current mentality has completely turned into a mentality of watching the excitement.


"Who is this brave enough to attack Dragon Kingdom's new aircraft carrier at this time?"

While watching the live broadcast, Li Shicai thought to himself.

Thinking about "630".

Possesses hypersonic missile technology, but at the same time is at odds with the Dragon Kingdom.

Li Shicai could only think of one country.

"Is this the handwriting of the leader of the eagle sauce?"

What Li Shi didn't know was.

In the lighthouse commander's office at this time.

The commander of Yingjiang is also a panicked group.

"Quickly check! Which base launched the missile!"

The Grand Commander roared.

The moment he saw the missile, the commander-in-chief was the one who panicked the most.

Although I know I didn't give the order.

However, it is not certain that those military bases acted on their own.

If it was really a missile launched from the lighthouse base, even if the commander had a hundred mouths, he would not be able to explain it clearly.

If Zulong is hit by a missile.

The people of the Dragon Kingdom will definitely not let it go, and maybe it will become the fuse of the world war.

Thinking of that scene, the commander became even more anxious.

After a while.

Reports were given from military bases around the world.

They all said they were not missiles launched by themselves.

This confused the Grand Commander.

It's not us, could it be Mao Bear's side?

It shouldn't be, what's the benefit of Mao Bear doing this?

Haven't the relations between the two countries always been good?

This is when the Grand Commander is trying to find the suspect.

The report sent by his subordinates answered the commander's doubts.

"According to the shape and size analysis of the missiles, these five missiles are Chibi-17 missiles."

"Belongs to the Dragon Kingdom!"

Look at the report analyzed by experts.

The commander-in-chief was at a loss.

"What's the situation? The people of Longguo attacked their own aircraft carrier with missiles, or the aircraft carrier just launched?"

"Dragon Kingdom people are crazy?"

"Is this a missile?"

Sitting on the viewing platform, Su Weiguo exclaimed.

The shock caused by the deformation of Zulong's main gun just now was replaced by fear at this moment.

The viewing platform is at the height of Zulong.

Viewing angles are excellent.

Su Weiguo could clearly see the trajectory of the missile.

And, these missiles.

It seems to be aimed at the core position of the aircraft carrier!

"General Zhang, what's the situation? Is there going to be a war? Why are there missiles?"

Su Weiguo asked nervously.

Seeing missiles flying towards them is the reaction of normal people.

But Rear Admiral Zhang Guozhong beside him showed no expression of fear.

Just pain written all over his face.

"Five Chibi-17s, the ones used by the Navy are still in stock.

Holding a telescope to observe the missiles coming from the sky, Zhang Guozhong said to himself.

Then he suddenly reacted and said hastily.

"Old Su, what did you just say, I was distracted."

"I said these missiles, don't we need to dodge them?"

Su Weiguo pointed to the missiles in the air and asked.

"Mr. Su, you are worrying too much." Zhang Guozhong slapped his forehead and said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, Mr. Su, I forgot to explain to you in advance.

"You can rest assured that nothing will happen."

"It's all under control."

Zhang Guozhong patted his chest and promised.

After all, Zhang Guozhong added another sentence.

"It's all under Mr. Su's control."

"All right..

Hearing Zhang Guozhong's assurance, Su Weiguo didn't say any more.

Even a dignified rear admiral can be so calm.

That must be knowing.

And looking at General Zhang's appearance, he seems to have known for a long time that there will be missiles coming?

Su Weiguo relaxed slightly.

Finding a comfortable position to sit, he followed Zhang Guozhong and picked up the binoculars.

The appearance of the attack missile through the binoculars.

He wanted to see how the Zulong dealt with these missiles.

Not only Su Weiguo.

Now the whole world is watching the Zulong to see if the Zulong can survive the missile attack.

It is also recognized as a hypersonic missile that is difficult to counter!


In the control command room of Zulong.

Commander-in-chief Su Chen looked at the incoming missile at high speed, without any fluctuations in his heart.

He even took a sip of tea calmly.

It wasn't until the operator reported that Su Chen's expression became serious.

"Report, the missile has reached fifteen kilometers from the Zulong."

On the radar map, around the Zulong.

There are five light spots, which are moving fast.

Fifteen kilometers, already beyond the line of sight.

The viewers of the live broadcast were still able to see the missile clearly only by relying on the filming ship arranged in advance and the flight trail of the missile.

The speed of the missile reached Mach nine.

Nine times the speed of sound, three kilometers per second.

The operator has just reported fifteen kilometers.

In an instant, it became another twelve kilometers.

"Activate the Iron Sky device to intercept missiles. 17

Su Chen ordered.


The moment Commander Su said to start, the operator pressed the start button.

Iron Sky defense system, activate!

In the live view.

The audience only sees.

The densely packed gun barrels on the Zulong ship suddenly adjusted their angle.

Aimed at the sky.

Then there was a scene similar to when the main gun was fired.

From the gun barrel, a light blue arc was emitted.

Immediately afterwards.

In the sky above Zulong.

Five fireworks were lit.

No, those are not fireworks.

That was the missile exploding ahead of time, and the explosion flare in the air!

Like a god of death, hypersonic missiles, which are internationally recognized as difficult to intercept, were intercepted in mid-air.

Until the last moment of the missile.

They are still five kilometers away from the Zulong.

In this range, the shock wave from the missile explosion will not pose any threat to the Zulong.

"What's the situation? The missile is gone?"

"Is the Zulong safe?"

"Great, I knew Zulong would be fine."

Seeing that the missile exploded ahead of time, the Zulong was safe and sound.

The Longguo audience, who had been on tenterhooks for a long time, finally let go of their hearts at this moment.

The host Dong Qing's voice also sounded at this time.

Tell the audience what is going on in this scene.

"Friends in the audience, what you have just seen is the effect of the Iron Sky after it has been activated.

"The five Chibi missiles launched by our navy were all intercepted."

Just after hearing Dong Qing's words, the audience of Longguo were dumbfounded.

Most of the viewers around the world who are watching the program also reacted in the same way.

"What's the situation, the missile was launched by Longguo itself?"

"Navy firing missiles at itself?"

"Aren't you afraid of sinking your own aircraft carrier?"

Soon, the audience reacted.

"I see, this is an experiment with missiles! Let's see how Zulong intercepts missiles!"

"So that's the case. I said which country would dare to shoot missiles at the Zulong."

"If you do the experiment yourself, it makes sense."

"What I'm most curious about now is how the Zulong intercepted these missiles, I didn't see clearly.

After reacting, the audience poured into Zhang Shaozhong's live broadcast room one after another.

He frantically asked Zhang Shaozhong, trying to figure out what happened just now.

Zhang Shaozhong is an old tool man.

No problem. Watch the live broadcast of the Spring Festival Gala. If you don’t understand anything, just go to this room and ask the experts.

Looking at the massive bullet screens flowing through the live broadcast room, Zhang Shaozhong replied.

"The most common question I see is how to intercept missiles."

"Actually, the principle is very simple."

As he spoke, the screen on the big screen behind Zhang Shaozhong changed to a picture of a missile exploding...

Pointing to a black dot in the picture, Zhang Shaozhong said.

"These black spots are the key to intercepting Chibi missiles."

"They are actually metal bullets fired by the Zulong, no, they should be shells."

As he said that, the young master released the shells prepared by the navy in advance.

"That's the kind of shell."

Zhang Shaozhong pinched it with two fingers and showed it in front of the camera.

The so-called cannonballs are only the size of a fingernail.

In terms of size, they do look like bullets, but what fires them is a genuine electromagnetic gun.

"When the artillery shells form a dense barrage, they are like an iron net, trapping the missiles firmly."

Zhang Shaozhong clasped his hands together and simulated the scene.

Listening to what Zhang Shaozhong said, the audience became even more confused.

Just such a small steel ball can stop missiles.

Regarding this question, Zhang Shaozhong explained calmly.

"A metal projectile naturally poses no threat to the missile."

"But what about a thousand, ten thousand?"

"Let me tell you a non-confidential data, the side gun on the Zulong has a rate of fire of 1,500 rounds per second.

"And there are tens of thousands of such electromagnetic guns on the Zulong."

After a little calculation of the data, the audience couldn't help swallowing.

Such dense projectiles are no different from an iron wall.

"As for the lethality, it depends on the speed of the missile itself."

"A Mach 9 missile, when it hits something, will suffer the same damage itself."

Zhang Shaozhong said, and also cited the example of a plane hitting a bird.

Speaking of this, the audience no longer has any doubts about the Zulong intercepting missiles.

at the same time.

The Spring Festival Gala program group also released a special picture.

It was the processed interception screen of Iron Sky.

Because the picture is too big, it was shot at night.

The program group used special effects in the video playback.

Through slow motion and panorama simulation.

The audience finally saw what had just happened.

Tens of thousands of small-caliber electromagnetic guns on the Zulong ship fired at the same time.

Countless projectiles were poured into the sky.

And these high-speed flying projectiles formed a dense and large net.

Look from the panorama.

Those metal projectiles formed a hemispherical dense barrage around and above the Zulong.

From a distance, it looks like a shield made of steel bullets!

When the missile hits the shield.

It will be destroyed by its own high speed.

It is guaranteed that the Zulong will not be damaged by missiles.

See here.

The audience finally understood what Dong Qing meant by the Iron Sky.

For the Zulong surrounded by barrages, the barrage made of metal bullets is not just a man-made sky!

And what does the phrase defensive weapon mean.

"I'll go, it's really a defensive weapon."

"A defense against 4.8 guided missiles is also a defensive weapon."

"Can even defend against missiles? Is there any way to threaten the Zulong?"

Thinking of this, the Dragon Country audience was very excited.

The missile is recognized as the most powerful spear in the world.

And this most powerful spear, in front of the steel sky of Zulong, cannot advance half a step!

Green brick platform.


"Why did it explode!"

Missiles were seen exploding over Zulong.

Li Shicai, the leader of the stick, shouted in disbelief.

He had been looking forward to the scene where the Zulong was blown up.

As a result, the Zulong was not bombed, but the missile was bombed first.

what is happening??

"Didn't you say that hypersonic missiles cannot be intercepted at all?"

Li Shicai roared at the Minister of Defense.

I just heard him guarantee that hypersonic missiles can deal with Shenlong.

Less than two minutes.

The Zulong performed a wave of missile interception live.

This made Li Shi just let go of his heart, and stood up again.

"I,, I don't know either...

The Minister of Defense whispered.

This wave of operations on the Zulong really challenged his cognition.

He is the one who most wants to know the answer to the questions raised by Commander Li.

Look at the Minister of Defense.

Li Shi was so angry that he didn't hit one place.

But this anger quickly disappeared without a trace.

Because Li Shicai's heart was full of fear at this moment.

The scene of the Zulong intercepting the missile and the main artillery bombarding the Pingshan Peak continued to reverberate in his mind.

Hypersonic missiles are useless.

So what kind of weapon can counter the Zulong?

Could it be that.

Zulong is invincible in this world?.

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