The Game Must Be Won? The Country Develops Games For Me

78. Battle Mode! ! The Zulong Is Armed! !

Guard mission?

What guard?

The first mission of the Zulong is actually a guard?

Listen to Dong Qing's introduction.

The Dragon Kingdom audience was stunned.

Just now they were still excited because the Zulong aircraft carrier started its mission.

It became like this when I heard the specific content.

The content of this task sounds a bit too outrageous.

If it is going to the sea to display, or to cruise in the waters of the Dragon Kingdom.

They can still accept it.

But this escort mission?

To protect what?

The whole world has seen the invincible force of the Zulong that transcended the times.

The main combat power of the Zulong is the Dragon Scale carrier-based aircraft, and the carrier-based aircraft alone is extraordinary.

The carrier-based aircraft are currently the only sixth-generation fighters in the world.

The sixth-generation fighter jets of other countries are still on the blueprints, and I don’t know how long it will take to get out of the laboratory.

So owning a dragon scale fighter is equivalent to controlling the air supremacy.

The Zulong, which has air supremacy, has almost no possibility of losing when confronting the fleet at sea.

The extreme speed and maneuverability of the dragon scale fighter can ignore the defense of those air defense ships.

Moreover, the Zulong also has an electromagnetic railgun that is as powerful as a nuclear bomb.

Can directly attack the enemy's coastal defense from the sea.

and various important buildings.

Although the power and destructive power are comparable to nuclear bombs, they are still electromagnetic guns, which belong to kinetic energy bombs.

It does not violate the "International Nuclear Convention" and still belongs to the category of conventional weapons.

The main naval gun of the Zulong has achieved the ultimate of conventional weapons.

In addition to being aggressive.

The Zulong is also unique in terms of defense.

Iron Sky can intercept missiles and detonate this strongest spear in advance.


What else is there for a target that needs this kind of force to protect?

Military base? Huge tanker with supplies?

The audience was thinking about it, and they couldn't think of anything in Longguo that could have such value.

In the doubts of audiences all over the world.

Zulong turned its bow.

When testing the main naval gun before.

The Zulong aimed its bow at the Luohan Mountain shooting range on the mainland, but this time it turned to the left.

Sail to the deep sea area of ​​​​Dragon Kingdom.


"The people of Longguo brought a new aircraft carrier, where are they going?"

what the hell are they doing

The commander looked at the screen in front of him, confused.

What is displayed on the screen is nothing but a satellite image.

The commander gave an order.

Several spy satellites of the lighthouse were turned around.

From space, monitor Zulong.

Originally, these satellites had their own key monitoring targets.

But as soon as the Zulong was released, those goals became less important.

And the reason why the Grand Commander is so confused.

Mainly because. ,

On the satellite, the direction of the Longguo aircraft carrier Zulong is heading, and there is a vast ocean.

Nothing but a few islands.

In addition to the sea, or the sea.

There is nothing there, what is Zulonglu trying to protect?

Guard the fish in the bottom of the sea?

Or is there some extra mineral treasure out there?

shook his head.

The commander-in-chief denied his own ideas.

Even if oil is found on the bottom of the sea, wouldn't the Zulong ship be dispatched to escort it?

After all, it was in the sea area of ​​Longguo, and only crazy people would have such crooked thoughts.

It's not worth breaking face with Longguo for oil or gold deposits.

Then this is even more strange.

In the doubts of the great commander.

The Zulong sailed into the southern waters of the Dragon Kingdom.


Looking at the Zulong, the Grand Commander discovered a problem that he had overlooked just now.

"What is the speed of the aircraft carrier Zulong?"?"

Hearing the commander's words, his experts quickly started calculations.

"Report to the Commander, according to the satellite images and island reference, the speed of the Zulong is around 100 knots."

The commander frowned, not feeling much about the hundred festivals.

So I asked again.

"What is the speed of our USS Ford aircraft carrier?"

The military experts under him said the data of the Ford without thinking.

"32 knots, the general sailing speed of an aircraft carrier, because most of them are within this range.

After speaking, military experts realized the problem.

The speed of the Zulong just calculated is 100 knots??

Triple the size of Ford??

"This is impossible!"

The military expert blurted out in shock.

"How could it be so fast, didn't they consider the strength of the hull?"

"Even if the strength passes the test, where did they get such a big motivation??"

Realizing that he had lost his composure, the military expert quickly apologized.

"Sorry, Lord Commander, I shouldn't have said this to you."

The Grand Commander waved his hand.

"You're right, that's exactly what I want to know.

Power, still power!

From the first time he saw the Zulong, the Grand Commander has been thinking about this issue.

It's just that there has been no clear answer.

Roberts, who is engaged in nuclear fusion, said it is a new type of nuclear fission.

The group of nuclear fusion experts insisted that it must be nuclear fusion.

The opinions of the two sides are different, which makes the commander a little embarrassed.

After all, he is not an expert, and he has only a half-knowledge about these things.

In the command room of Zulong.

Su Chen looked at the electronic map, estimating in his mind how far he was from the target location.

"Report to Commander Su, Zulong is only five nautical miles away from Yanggu Sea City, and is expected to arrive at the mission location in half a minute."

Listening to the observer's report, Su Chen smiled slightly.

This is about the same as I calculated.

"Get ready to slow down."

Su Chen commanded.


Received Su Chen's instruction "The engine of Zulongchuan gradually reduced the power output.

The thrusters for deceleration on the Zulong were also turned on.

Because the tonnage of the Zulong is too large.

Slowing down with a traditional anchor is nearly impossible.

When the Zulong decelerates, it must first turn off the forward thrusters, and then turn on the reverse thrusters to complete the deceleration.

And when the Zulong is stationary at sea, it also relies on the propellers on the bottom of the ship to constantly fix its position.

Looking at the "empty" sea, Su Chen thought to himself.

"I don't know if Director Zhao and the others at Jinwu Power Station are anxious to wait?"

"Friends of the audience, Zulong has arrived at the mission location."

"The escort mission is about to start."

Just when the commander was puzzled, Dong Qing's voice sounded again on the TV.

And Zulong, also after Dong Qing said this sentence.

Slowly slow down and stop on the sea.

see this.

The commander-in-chief was stupefied.

Another glance at the satellite image.

Judging from the pictures sent back by the satellite, the Zulong was standing alone on the sea.

Surrounding except for the filming ship responsible for filming.

Nothing at all.

There are no islands, no offshore mining platforms, not even a larger ship.

What is this protecting?

Not only the Grand Commander, audiences all over the world are puzzled by this.

The live broadcast screen scanned around the Zulong.

Ordinary viewers can't see the satellite image, but they can also see a gap around the Zulong.

Except for the sea water illuminated by the lights of Zulong.

"What is this for?"

"Why did you stop?"

"Is Zulong protecting the air?"

The audience is scratching their heads.

And at this time.

The Zulong, which has come to a stop, has undergone a deformation that the audience has only seen.

The flight deck opens, raising the electromagnetic ejection device inside.

The dragon scale fighter that has completed the flight show is taking off again!

"...What's the situation?"

"Why did the dragon scale fighter take off again?"

"Is it the new air show?"

Seeing the Dragon Scale take off, the audience asked questions one after another.

in the audience's questions.

The Dragonscale fighter stopped taking off.

After two minutes of electromagnetic ejection.

A total of 100 Dragonscale fighters took off from Zulong.

Fly into the sky.

Compared with the last air show, it is directly less than half.

The audience was also keenly aware of this situation.

"In front, you are wrong, this is not an air show, how can an air show fly like this?"

I saw the one hundred fighter planes that took off directly flew into the sky after takeoff.


During the last flight show, there was also a Dragonscale fighter plane that followed the live broadcast of the whole process.

Nothing this time.

There is only darkness in the night sky.

And this kind of flight mode, military experts can see it at a glance.

"This is the official attack!"

"Only when it is a show of force like an air show, will all the fighter planes take off.

"In actual combat, only part of the aircraft will take off at a time."

"The ones outside and those left behind take turns flying to ensure that the aircraft carrier has no gaps in combat power.

In the commander's office, military experts exclaimed.

"Official attack?"

The commander-in-chief was even more puzzled when he heard this.

What are you doing?

But not for long.

The Grand Commander was once again attracted by the live broadcast.

Because (okay) the guns of the Zulong ship are deployed.

It's not the main ship's gun, but the steel dim assistant on the side of the ship.

The expansion this time is not fully expanded.

Instead, one side is unfolded in half.

Keep half of it, don't know what to do.

The commander turned to look at the military experts.

I can't understand it myself, there are experts around, of course it depends on him.

"Open half and keep half, this is to leave room for buffer."

"Once something unexpected happens, the remaining half can quickly take over the battlefield."

"This is also the mode of formal combat."

The expert explained.

Looking at the half-deployed Zulong in the picture, the leader felt a sense of oppression.

"That is to say, the current Zulong is in official combat mode?"

"But who are they going to fight with?"

This question from the commander-in-chief made the military experts just shake their heads.

Based on the military theory he has studied all his life, he still can't figure out this problem.

From various places, whether it is a satellite image or a live broadcast image.

Nothing could be seen that might threaten the Zulong.

"Perhaps, the Zulong deployed its arms to protect something?"

The military experts thought for a long time, and finally came up with a reason.

And this is also the mission content announced by the Zulong before.

After saying this, the military experts themselves felt ridiculous.

The empty sea.

What is there to protect?.

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