Carlos Flame is over nine hundred years old.

Not legendary, the lifespan of an elf is about twelve hundred years, and the adult is two hundred years.

Although the elves have a long youth, they age very slowly, and they gradually show old age after the age of eight or nine hundred.

But if converted into a human being, Carlos is already equivalent to an old man of fifty or sixty years old.

Carlos often listened to the thousand-year-old elders of the clan talk about the prosperity of the elven kingdom, but unfortunately, since he can remember, he has only experienced leaving home, hiding and wandering.

After the fall of the World Tree, the elven race still persisted for hundreds of years.

It’s just that as many races approached step by step, they finally had to choose to leave one after another. It

has been seven hundred years since the Flame Clan left the Elven Forest.

Being able to come back here, to be able to see the revived World Tree, he felt like it was a dream.

But the truth is that they really came back and made a home in the holy city of Jade Cold Jade!

The Elven Forest is still as rich as it is in memory.

Or rather, with the recovery of the mother god, it became more abundant. Except that the

number of animals around Jade Cold Jade was smaller than Carlos expected, the products here were so rich that they didn’t even need to think about food.

Because just take a walk through the forest and you will find countless berries.

And if you know some natural magic, you can even ripen some plants in the forest. The magic of

the Elven Forest is quite abundant, and many fruits can be easily ripened, and all that is consumed is a trace of guiding magic.

If there is a plant in the yard that can produce berries, the elves do not even need to go out, and when they are hungry, they only need to ripen the plant.

This kind of day, Carlos could not have imagined before.

Because when he was born, the mother goddess had fallen, and the Elven Forest was not as good as before.

At this time, he also knew why those older elves missed the past so much, and why they called the Elven Forest the elven heaven on earth.

The Elven Forest after the revival of the mother god is so rich, it is indeed like heaven!

At the same time, this also allowed Carlos to vaguely imagine how powerful the elven kingdom was a thousand years ago…

And Carlos knew that they were able to return precisely because they had regained the blessing of the mother god. The protection of the

true God is the greatest reliance of the intelligent race in the world of Segers.

At this moment, Carlos’ belief in nature became more devout.

He also finally grew from a shallow believer to a true devout disciple.

“If you want to continue to live here, if you want the elven race to rise again, you must strengthen our race and strengthen the power of the mother god!”

Carlos decided that the remaining three hundred years of his life would be dedicated to the future of the Mother God and the Elven Clan!

After thinking about it, he planned to open a small forging shop in Jade Cold Jade.

He originally inherited his father’s forging skills, and was a highly skilled forger, with rich experience in the production of magic tools and equipment, and most of the equipment of the Flame Clan was also from him.

It’s just that the ups and downs of these hundreds of years have made him gradually relax his craft.

But after coming to the Elven Forest, he planned to pick up these techniques again.

The development of intelligent races is inseparable from tools, and weapons and equipment are needed when fighting.

Under Carlos’ observation, he found that these large numbers of Chosen, although most of them were equipped and some were quite gorgeous, were poorly maintained.

Not only that, but the weapons and equipment in the hands of many people are broken, and they don’t seem to think about repairing them at all.

Of course, he didn’t know that this was because players fought too often, and equipment breakage was common.

And it’s not that players didn’t think about patching, but they didn’t patch at all… The

Contribution Marketplace is able to patch equipment,

But that price seems too distressing, and it’s almost time to redeem a new set of equipment. Therefore, many people finally choose to secretly sacrifice the waste to the goddess after the equipment is scrapped, and at the same time exchange the contribution for a new set.

Therefore, the equipment that Carlos sees players with is not maintained and repaired.

And when Carlos plans to reopen a forging shop, he has another headache. Because there are

too few people in the Flame Clan, and everyone has just arrived in the Elven Forest, and they are very busy.

He actually found that he couldn’t find an apprentice who could assist him for a while!

At this time, Carlos thought of the Chosen.

But there was a hint of doubt in his heart:

“Lord Alice once mentioned that I could ask the chosen ones for help, but… Are they willing to come as apprentices? The

Chosen ones are all beings personally summoned by the crown of the mother god, and their status seems to Carlos to be like that of the gods.

The apprenticeship of the forge shop is a dirty and tiring job, and Carlos does not seek profit, and if he comes to be an apprentice, there is no other benefit except to learn some forging skills.

The Chosen One is so powerful that they can even build a city as miraculous as the Chosen City.

In this case, they… Would you like to come?

After hesitating for a day, he did not make up his mind until he went to sleep at night…

During the night, Carlos had a dream.

In his dream, he saw the kind and generous Mother Goddess.

The Mother God praised his faith and gave him the ability to give tasks to the Chosen.

“When your heart calls my name, you can open the relevant permissions.”

The Mother God instructed in a dream.

When he woke up the next day, Carlos looked in a trance.

He felt that he must have thought too much during the day yesterday to have such a strange dream.

He smiled and was about to get up, but suddenly stopped.

“Mother God…”

He pondered for a moment, with the attitude of giving it a try, and called out reverently in his heart:

“Praise nature, praise life, praise the great elven lord – Eve Eukterahill!”

With a movement in his heart, Carlos was shocked to find that his vision had changed!

In front of his eyes, a translucent white frame suddenly appeared, and UU read a book on which “task management permissions” were written in elvish language.

“The Mother Goddess is on top! This…… Not a dream!

He gasped and drew a symbol of Mother Nature on his chest.

After some research, he found that this “task management authority” is the ability to issue tasks!

Not only that, but the manipulation of this strange ability only requires his consciousness, and can be hidden at any time, and will reappear when called. The permissions include “task setting”, ”

reward setting”, “favorability adjustment” and other functions that he has never heard of, in addition to a usage instructions.

After reading the instructions for use, Carlos also learned more or less about these abilities.

“This is really an ability to issue tasks to the Chosen! And all the functions are aimed at the Chosen!

Carlos was shocked.

The mighty power of God!

This is the power of the true God!

The Mother God is so generous that she has given believers such great powers!

After learning more about the rules, Carlos understands that the true intention of the Mother God is to let the Chosen One help them revive the race and increase the power of the Mother God.

Of course, believers can also use this to let the Chosen One help them do something.

And the strange rewards called experience points and contributions are aimed at the Chosen.

The introduction in the manual says that those rewards are the goals that the Chosen ones are striving for, and believers can exchange them for doing things for themselves!

Carlos looked excited.

He suddenly wanted to give it a try.

“These rewards … Maybe help me get two… No…… An apprentice!

His eyes lit up.

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