In the southeast area of the Elven Forest, Bento is exploring with his battle team.

“The box lunch is big, now that the major guilds have started looking for Rivendell, why don’t we go?”

Some players asked curiously.

The bento was silent for a moment, and he said,

“No task.”

No tasks?

The remaining team members were stunned.

However, they soon reacted that the bento referred to the goddess and did not give the relevant task.

A team member sighed:

“The box lunch is big, I don’t think you have to act according to the mission instructions given by the goddess every time, this game has a high degree of freedom, we can explore according to our own actions, in case we can receive a hidden plot.”

The bento was silent for a moment, and then he said,

“We took the task, we should finish it.”


The box lunch was also right, they took over the task of finding the half-orc stronghold from Alice, and indeed finding the stronghold was the priority.

It’s just that…… Knowing it, I saw that the players on the forum were flocking to find Rivendell, and the legendary city that the NPCs called was so mysterious that they would inevitably be affected.

“It won’t be long.”

The box lunch dropped a sentence again, jumped on his feet, and rushed to the front.

Several team members looked at each other and had to follow.

They are already approaching the edge of the Elven Forest, and according to the information obtained from the elves of the Flame Tribe, it is estimated that they will soon be able to find the traces of the orcs.

In fact, if it weren’t for the unwillingness of the black dragon Myrrel who insisted on justice to be a leading party, the players would have touched the half-orcs long ago.

And in the process of traveling, suddenly… The bento stopped.

His expression became very serious in an instant.

“What’s wrong?”

Seeing the captain who was like a great enemy, the other players immediately became alert.

“Someone is approaching, the other party is strong…”

Boxed lunch said in a deep voice.

Several other players listened, and their expressions became solemn in an instant.

The box lunch is a hunter profession, and he has just exchanged the ability to reconnoiter breath recently, coupled with the super consciousness he originally has, the early warning ability is very strong.

If you have a boxed lunch, you will never be without purpose.

“Snap… Syllable…… Snap…”

Just as several people were on alert, there was a sudden burst of elegant applause ahead.

A slender figure slowly appeared in front of them.

Handsome and fair face, scarlet eyes, black single ponytail, and that black robe that never has a trace of wrinkles…

It’s a night wanderer.

“Good, very vigilant.”

He waved slightly, a goblet full of blood appeared in his hand, and said with a sip.

For a while, the players’ faces became solemn.

Because they did not perceive the approach of this person in the slightest!

At this time, they were once again amazed by the perception of the box lunch.

And after the vigilance, they gradually became excited again…

This…… Is it a new NPC? Are you going to trigger the hidden plot?

The Night Wanderers are powerful, not only that, but as a blood clan that prides themselves on being a noble race, they also have a good way of dressing and behaving.

In layman’s terms, it is very pulling and pretending.

His appearance did calm down several players and gave them a trace of reverie.

The box lunch’s eyes were also slightly bright, and he said in a deep voice:

“Your Excellency?”

The night wanderer was a little surprised.

The characteristics of the blood clan are still very prominent, but these elves do not recognize themselves…

Not only that, after he appeared, he did not hide his powerful aura anymore, but in addition to being vigilant, several elves on the opposite side

There is no fear of fear, on the contrary, there seems to be a faint excitement… What an ignorant and strange elf!

A smile appeared at the corner of the night wanderer’s mouth, his scarlet eyes suddenly bloomed with a deep red light, and his voice carried an irrefutable expression:

“I order you… Tell me where you came from, who is behind you, and what is He planning?”

A vague spiritual fluctuation spread out from the night wanderer’s body and rushed straight to the brains of several people!

【Soul Domination】

This is the mind control magic of the night wanderer, which acts directly on the soul.

Anyone whose soul power is lower than his will become his puppet! However, the

night wanderer was surprised that he was not greeted with the submission of a few people, but with a foolish expression:

“Why should we submit?”

“Why are we telling you this?”

Night Wanderer: …

Unexpectedly…… Unexpectedly ineffective?

His eyes widened, surprised.

“This NPC wouldn’t be stupid, would it?”

Looking at his dull expression, one player muttered.

The night wanderer’s face sank.

He snorted softly, and his entire body turned into a virtual shadow.

“Be careful!”

The bento’s face changed.

Before a few players could react, the unlucky bastard who spoke last was choked by the night wanderer who suddenly rushed up.

Several players looked stunned and quickly pulled out their weapons to attack the Night Wanderer, who only raised his hand slightly and blocked their attacks.

“So strong…!”

The players looked horrified.

You know, the average level of the bento squad is definitely the highest among all players!

They looked at each other, nodded, turned around and slipped away.

If you can’t beat it, you run.

Hard bars don’t exist for players.

Not to mention that the number of perfect resurrections is falling less and less, and every life is important to them!

Even the box lunch hesitantly glanced at the player who was caught by the night wanderer, and also chose to escape.

“Gourd… Sorry, the hidden plot is left to you.

Before fleeing, he shouted to the captured player.


Seeing the few people who were about to escape, a hint of mockery appeared in the night wanderer’s expression.

I saw him snort coldly, and countless black bats were released from him, entangled several players who fled, and began to bite them.

Players are shocked to find that their bodies gradually lose control under the bite of bats.

Their bodies froze and they fell to the ground.

The bento’s face changed, and he drew his dagger to destroy the bats that rushed up, but after putting down the other players, all the bats attacked him alone.

Even he slowly softened after holding on for a while. UU Reading The

box lunch gritted his teeth, raised his dagger and stabbed his arm, blood flowing.

But even so, he did not get out of this rigidity …

After bringing down all the players, the bat returns to the Night Wanderer’s body.

This is his bat avatar, capable of secreting a special toxin of the blood clan, numbing the body of the target exposed to the toxin and eventually losing control.

This is also a commonly used toxin by blood tribes when hunting blood supply objects.

Even if it is a box lunch self-harm, I don’t want to be free.

Satisfied, the Night Wanderer shifted his gaze to the player who had been captured by himself.

The player named Hulu looked at his teammates who had been put down with a helpless expression.

However, his face was not afraid, but looked at the night wanderer with pure and curious eyes.


According to Demacia’s experience, when caught, proper coordination can stimulate hidden plots…

Night Wanderer: …

Hulu’s obedient expression surprised him even more, and even snorted coldly:

Ignorant and fearless, and a little disgusting strange elf…

He narrowed his eyes and cast [Soul Domination] again.

This time, the target was only Hulu alone.

However, his spiritual magic was like a stone sinking into the sea, and there was no movement…

“Are you immune to psychic magic…” The

Night Wanderer muttered.

His heart moved, and his eyes turned scarlet again:

“Tell me… Your secrets, and… Just now you mentioned what a hidden task is.

This time, he gave up spiritual magic.

Instead, he chose psychological cues that act directly on consciousness!

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