Greystone is a valiant half-orc warrior.

As one of the few upper-ranking warriors in the cave tribe, he is not only known as a powerful half-orc warrior, but also has his own independent squad.

He is fifty years old this year, has an incomparably rich combat experience, and kills countless enemies.

Even the elves have been successfully hunted by him.

And for the evaluation of the elves, in his words, it is a bunch of naïve and simple, pitiful and pathetic cargo!

In his memory, he had participated in more than one hunt and hunt of elves.

However, this is the first time that he has been attacked by the elves.

What is even more unbelievable is that this time it was the elves who launched an attack on their tribe!

This…… It’s just ridiculous!

Just by their numbers and combat effectiveness?

A thousand years ago, it was just that, and now the elves are a bunch of toothless tigers, no… It’s a rabbit!

The rabbit actually wanted to attack the falcon?

Graystone thought the elves must be crazy.

Even if it is attacked with them, there is a black dragon!

Maybe…… Did the black dragon hold the elves hostage? Take them as dependents? Forcing them to do so?

Graystone even had such an idea at one point.

And the appearance of the priest as if he were approaching a great enemy also puzzled him.

The chief priests don’t even let them stay alive!

This is an elf, catch one, even if it is a male, you can exchange a cart of food!

In fact, in order to prevent the half-orcs of the tribe from panic, the giant mountain has not revealed the matter of the Elven Forest, so until now, ordinary half-orcs have not known what happened.

Not only that, but the giant mountain did not even dare to tell the warriors that these elves were likely to be resurrected…

Because in the face of enemies that can be resurrected, even the strongest warriors will have a trace of fear.

However, as qualified muscles with limited brain capacity, they do not need to know why, they just need to obey orders.

So, under the order of the chief priest, Graystone also integrated into the large army with his own team and charged the elves on the hillside!

Closer, closer.

To Graystone’s surprise, these elves were not afraid when they saw the half-orcs rushing up like a torrent.

On the contrary, from a distance, he saw the excited look on the elf’s face.

That look, Graystone is all too familiar!

This is the expression every time he finishes hunting, excitedly wrestles with other warriors in the tribe, gambles money and fines alcohol!

It’s the excitement and anticipation of immersing yourself in entertainment.

This…… How can it be?

Could it be that I saw it wrong?

Before he could think of anything, many brilliant magic spells smashed at them!

A lot of magic!

Do the elves have so many aggressive mages?

Graystone pupils constricted.

Elves are natural magical creatures.

Even elven warriors possess a certain amount of magic and can learn one or two trick-like spells.

However, as peace-loving people, elves rarely learn highly aggressive magic.

But the magic brilliance that has just risen is a pure attack magic!

Not only that, but they are also the ones with the most explosive attacks in the first ring magic!

When did the elves become so radical?

Graystone’s expression changed, and he immediately raised his shield.

The shield has been defensive by Lord Priest, which can reduce magical damage to a certain extent.

The magic was instantaneous, and immediately there were violent explosions and screams around them.

In an instant, several half-orc warriors were seriously injured and fell to the ground.

However, their positions were quickly filled by the half-orcs behind.

Graystone’s luck was good, but it was only scratched by the wind blade with a few scars.

He licked the blood on his arm, his eyes were red, and ordered:

“Spread out the formation!”

The formation is too concentrated, and it is too easy to be set on fire by magic.

And with an order, the half-orcs in front immediately transformed into a scattered queue and rushed towards the elves!

At the same time, the elven warriors at the front also let out a roar of “Ula” and made a charging posture.

Charging from the bottom up, at a disadvantage.

But top-down is different.

With his majestic physique, charging should have been a must-kill move for half-orcs.

But the terrain has greatly weakened their strength.

But even so, they did not put the emaciated elves in their eyes.

The two sides collided and immediately fell into a melee.

And as soon as the battle was fought, Graystone discovered that something was wrong with these elves.

As a long-lived species with a sparse population and low reproductive ability, elves have always been cautious and conservative in battle.

But these elves attack with a wide open and closed style, and the painting style is rough!

For a moment, Graystone even suspected that they were actually a group of half-orcs dressed in elven skins!

Although they will also pay attention to defense, they are more inclined to attack.

Not only that, they fought extremely crazy, as if they had beaten chicken blood, while screaming, slashing and slashing at the face, throwing all kinds of skills desperately, seemingly ignoring the rapidly falling magic and physical strength. Even if they are

injured, they don’t care.

Even though the druids in the rear were treating them, their injuries were rapidly increasing.

If there is one word to describe it, it is –


Graystone looked at these elves and said subconsciously.

These elves are very strong, and they have no experience in lasting combat.

They don’t know how to advance or retreat, they only know how to attack wildly, like a group of berserkers.

Is this still the group of elegant elves?

This kind of fighting may be rapid at the beginning, but it will soon completely consume physical strength and become the target of slaughter.

At this moment, with his rich combat experience, Graystone had already sentenced these elves to death in his heart.

Such a stupid and unknowing way of playing without preserving physical strength, how many people are sent to death!

Actually, it’s not that players don’t want to play lewd.

Instead, as a defensive side, behind is the teleportation array, and there is no way to retreat.

In the face of tough half-orcs, they can only fight desperately to gain the advantage. Due to the

terrain, players have no way to fully expand the team.

However, players cannot form formations, let alone the large number of orcs.

In fact, only some people are fighting on both sides, and more people are still waiting in the back for the people in front to fall and then make up for it.

Of course, it was the madness of the players that blocked the pace of the half-orc team for a while.

Graystone snorted coldly, backhanded an elven warrior in the front row to the ground, and roared:

“Charge! There are very few of them and they won’t last long!

And as soon as he finished his order, a scene that surprised him appeared.

I saw that the elven warriors in the front row suddenly gave up their positions, and dozens of elves wearing only big pants rushed out from behind them.

They looked fiercely excited, and rushed towards the half-orcs with a whoa.

This group of guys… What to do?

Send to death?

Looking at these neurotic elves, Graystone was confused.

He stabbed one of the elves who rushed towards him and slashed it to the ground.

However, not all half-orcs have the strength of Graystone that can kill each other in seconds.

There were many elves running naked in their pants, directly rushing to the weaker half-orcs and hugging them to death.

However, because they had no weapons, they were immediately cut and seriously injured by the angry half-orcs, and blood flowed.

But even so, they still did not let go, but entangled the half-orcs to death.

Not only that, their expressions did not have the slightest pain, nor did they have the slightest fear of death, but they were full of joy at success.

“These guys … Crazy?!

Graystone’s eyes widened in disbelief, and he looked at the elf who was naked and holding the half-orc smiling, and subconsciously snorted.

Before he could think of anything, an even more unbelievable scene appeared. UU reading a book

I saw the elves coughing up blood and shouting excitedly:

“Shoot me!”

Open…… Fire?

Graystone was stunned.

Then, he saw the brilliance of magic rising from behind the elves, turning into a series of controlling magic, controlling the elves and half-orcs who were not wearing equipment.

Immediately afterwards, another strong burst of offensive magic, accompanied by arrows with skill blessings, pointed directly at those elves and half-orcs, drowning them in an instant!

For a time, more than a dozen elves and half-orc warriors were torn apart by magic at the same time, or shot into hedgehogs…

Graystone opened his mouth wide and looked at all this in shock:

“Crazy… They’re crazy!

What kind of tactic is this? Suicide? Change lives?

Are these elves really crazy?!

To be honest, even if he looked down on the combat power of the elves in his heart, he still had some respect for the elves, a former silver race, especially the rare longevity species, and graystone. The life of

an elf, the life of a half-orc…

Don’t say how the elf sees it, just let him see it, he will also feel that the life of the elf is more precious than that of a half-orc!

In the black market of slave trading, ten half-orc slaves cannot be exchanged for an elf!

But…… What is the situation with these elves?

Are they really dead?

Aren’t they the most life-loving and peace-loving ones?

Just to kill a half-orc? Fill with your life?

This…… How much hatred, how much hatred?

How many people do they have left?

How many of them were able to die like this?

They…… Neuropathy?!

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