After showing his strength, the box lunch released the control of the elf girl.

And as soon as he was together, the elven girl subconsciously got up, rubbed back to the other side of the cargo box, like a frightened little squirrel, and looked at him vigilantly.

Lunch box:……

He took a deep breath and asked,

“Your plan.”

Listening to the words of the box lunch, the girl was slightly stunned.

After seeing his serious expression, the elf girl smiled sarcastically, and then said:

“Plan… It’s just to sneak in and find an opportunity to take someone to escape! ”

Bento: …

“Hey, hey, hey! What a fool’s look you are!

Seeing the speechless expression of the boxed lunch, the elf girl instantly puffed out her cheeks and said breathlessly.

“I don’t know where the humans caught my younger siblings, so they must have sneaked in!” Don’t underestimate my ability to escape, there is no lock in this world that I can’t unbreak!

She explained as she proudly straightened her chest.

Unfortunately, some are too flat.

Lunch box:……

He sighed and didn’t comment on anything more, but picked up the rope that had just bound him and handed it to the elven maiden:

“Tie-it up again.”

“Oh… Well?

The girl looked at him in surprise.

“You want humans to know that you can get out of trouble?”

The box lunch asked rhetorically.

Listening to his words, the girl scratched her head, laughed dryly twice and said:

“Okay, okay… What you said makes sense, in fact, I originally planned to ‘tie’ myself up again after you escaped… Hehe, my camouflage skills are still superb. That said, do you also think my plan is the best plan? ”

Bento: …

He was silent for a moment, and he said,

“I called reinforcements.”

And then he pointed out:

“There’s silver.”

White…… Silver!

The girl’s pupils shrank slightly.

She covered her mouth in horror, and her voice trembled slightly:

“Bai… Silver? You mean that there are silver-level powerhouses in the caravan?

The box lunch glanced at her, and the look in his eyes seemed to say—”Otherwise.”

And the box lunch knew because he had eavesdropped on human conversations before.

During the human conversation, he learned that there was a mage in Sauron’s caravan who had reached the lower rank of silver, and a warrior of the middle rank of silver.

They are the most powerful combat force in the entire caravan.

Seeing the determined expression of the boxed lunch, the girl’s face changed, and she suddenly became a little depressed:

“There is actually a silver-level powerhouse… This is bad! I’m fine alone, but if you want to lead someone to escape under the noses of a silver-level powerhouse… It’s so hard!

“It’s over! If we unfortunately bump into it during the escape, I’m afraid we will have to ride in!

“Silver… How could a caravan have silver! The Sauron caravan is so famous and the background is so deep, are they still afraid of being attacked? Who dares to attack them!

The girl said as she chattered anxiously through the cargo box.

Lunch box:……

He sighed and said again,

“This is the canyon of the dark mountains.”

“The canyon of the Dark Mountains…” The

girl muttered and repeated, then patted her head and said in annoyance:

“I’m really stupid… If there were no strong people with silver strength, how could the human caravan walk unharmed in the dark canyon infested with Warcraft?

After that, she looked at the box lunch again, and when she saw his calm expression, she was suddenly a little anxious:

“Hey! I said wood, aren’t you worried? Silver!

The bento glanced at her,

Repeated: “I called reinforcements.”

“What if you called reinforcements, that’s silver!”

The girl grabbed his shoulder and shook it.

Lunch box:……

He backhanded the girl’s arm, grabbed her wrist and pressed her arm, controlling her.

“Ouch! It hurts, it hurts, it hurts…” The

girl subconsciously exhaled softly.

“Calm down, do as I say.”

Bento said.

He felt so tired from communicating with this NPC…

After that, he explained:

“The reinforcements I called also have silver.”

Also…… There is also silver! The

elf girl’s eyes widened for a moment, and she subconsciously forgot the pain caused by being captured by the other party.

Wait a minute……

How did he contact reinforcements?

How did he know the powerhouse of silver strength?

Elves… Is there still a strong person with silver strength?

He…… Who the hell is he?

At this moment, the image of the box lunch in her heart suddenly became unfathomable…

From a stupid wood that does not know how to be evil, it has become a mysterious wood full of fog!

…… At the request of the

boxed lunch, the two were quickly tied up again.

To the surprise of the bento, the girl did have a special skill, she restored the binding almost 100%, but the bento found that this time her power was not imprisoned by the rope.

He can break free whenever he wants.

And the girl’s skillful self-binding made him raise his eyebrows several times…

This guy… I’ve never tied myself up before, have I?

Of course, the big hole at the bottom of the cargo box was also re-covered by the elven girl, but the goods and treasures that took along the way, well… Just go with it.

Not long after the two resumed the “binding”, the entire cargo box suddenly shook and gradually stopped.

There was a commotion outside, and the conversation of humans could be faintly heard, and the atmosphere seemed to be much more relaxed.

Got to your destination?

The two were in good spirits. UU Reading

They looked at each other and fell silent, but their hearts remained vigilant. With a ”

creaking” sound, the locked door on the cargo box was opened from the outside, and a dim light was cast in.

Two large-waisted human mercenaries entered the cargo box, one by one, and escorted the box lunch and the elf girl from the car.

And when the box lunch got off the bus, I finally saw clearly what place it was.

His pupils shrank slightly, and his eyes suddenly bloomed with brilliance, faintly with amazement…

He…… See a spectacular valley!

It is a deep canyon with cliffs and the valley floor covered with large and small architectural remains.

There are ordinary buildings, there are crisscrossing minecart tracks, densely packed and impressive, and the tallest dilapidated minaret is even nearly 100 meters!

All the buildings are elven in style, which seems to have gone through a long time, and the top has long been covered with black moss, and the damage is quite serious, and the tone of the entire ruins is a deep blue-black.

Coupled with the original black geology of the Dark Mountain Range, it looks even more eerie and terrifying…

But even if it has long been dilapidated, it can still see some of the former glory of the ruins.

This…… It’s a lost elven city! At the end of the

valley floor, you can also see a deep huge cave, faintly heard by the eerie wind and the roar of monsters, which seems to connect another unknown world…


This must be Rivendell!

At this moment, there was no trace of doubt in the heart of the boxed lunch.

He took a deep breath, took a few screenshots, and uploaded them to the game’s forum.

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