Looking at the strange elves rushing up, the nightingale was startled.

What are these guys going to do?

She subconsciously protected her younger siblings in her arms and looked at the players vigilantly.

However, the players’ performance surprised her.

I saw that their faces were full of smiles, and they looked at her with smiles one by one, and their eyes were shining:

“Hello young sister! ”

“Young sister, we are here to save you, you have suffered! ”

“Hey… Truly, these evil humans, look at the scares of children!”

“Hey… Miserable… It’s really miserable…”

“After being locked up for so long, you must be hungry, right? ”

“Come on, come on! Uncle, there are some fruits here, all produced in the Elven Forest, which tastes great! ”

“Candy? Big brother here with delicious honey candy! ”

After that, the players licked their faces and took out the berries they carried with them and the sugar cubes they made from honey.

They smiled kindly and stuffed them into the arms of the young elves as they wore them…


Young Elves: …

It’s just that…… The blood stains from the battle with the mercenaries are still on the player’s body, especially on the face.

That mottled blood stain on their faces…

Plus caught off guard, and even looked a little lewd with a smile…


Don’t say it’s close.

Let’s be honest… It’s kind of scary.

And a little disgusting…

Several young elves are about to be frightened,

The youngest girl even cried.

They retreated in fear and hid behind the nightingale.


“Hey, hey, hey! Look at you, you scared people! ”

“Is that you? Who gives fruit to someone as soon as they meet? Did you wash your hands? You still have a hand of blood! ”

“Hahahaha! He just called himself uncle! Hahaha! Laugh me to death! ”

“I’ll go, you have a lot of blood on your face, don’t laugh, it’s terrifying!” No wonder it scares people! ”

“Poof… Hahahaha! Don’t you too! Burst…… Hahahaha! ”

“Still laughing? Still laughing? Quickly wipe your face, and the NPC’s good feelings will not be able to be saved for a while. ”

“I’ll go, bad bad…”

“Nope… No way…… Hahaha… Although I know not to laugh… Hahaha… But I still want to laugh what to do? Hahaha…”

The players quarreled.

Lunch box:……


I saw that the eyes of the box lunch flashed slightly, he was silent for a moment, and kicked the ass of several team members one by one, and his voice was low:

“Go down! Wipe your face clean! ”


Seeing that the captain spoke, they shrunk their necks, smiled sarcastically, and then took a few steps back and began to wipe their faces.

The box lunch also wiped the blood off his face, and then came to the nightingale.

Several young elves subconsciously shrank again.

Lunch box:……

He was silent for a moment and said:

“We have no malice. ”

The nightingale looked strangely at a few elves giggling in the distance.

She nodded reluctantly and pulled out a smile:


“You can probably see it. ”

It’s just that the brains of these clansmen don’t seem to be normal…

She added in her heart.

After that, she couldn’t help but ask:

“Are you really not bandits? ”

Lunch box:……

“We are the Chosen One summoned by the goddess. ”

He said.

“Female… Goddess? ”

The nightingale was slightly stunned.

What goddess?

The box lunch did not immediately explain, but asked:

“What’s your plan for the future?” ”

“Intend? ”

The nightingale was stunned, and then understood that the box lunch was asking them about their future plans…

She was silent for a moment and said:

“It should… I should be looking for a new retreat. ”

Speaking of this, her expression was a little gloomy:

“The one we were hiding in before has been discovered by humans, and I’m afraid we won’t be able to go back.” But…… As long as you live, there is hope. ”

The box lunch listened and nodded.

He pondered for a moment and said:

“That… Might as well go home. ”

“Go home? ”

The nightingale was stunned and looked strange:

“Back to what? ”

“Elven Forest. ”

The bento is concise.

“Elven Forest? ”

The nightingale’s expression froze slightly.

She glanced at the box lunch strangely, her eyes as if she were looking at a fool.

After a moment, she sneered and asked rhetorically:

“What are you doing there? Self-casting? ”

“Who doesn’t know that the half-orcs are staring at the Elven Forest every day, waiting for the elves who have fallen behind to be caught by them…”

“There… It’s no longer the home of the elves…”

Her expression was a little lost.

No matter how powerful the wood is, it is also wood…

Didn’t he know about the Elven Forest?


Obviously, he was also arrested near the Elven Forest.

The nightingale sighed, in mixed mood.


How long has it been since I heard this word.

For as long as she can remember, her family has been adrift.

If Elven Forest is home…

Then this home has long since fallen with the true god of the shelter elves.

If the place where the family is is home…

Then her home had disappeared long ago under those human attacks.


I don’t have a home for a long time.

“No, Elven Forest is the home of the Elves. ”

Just as the nightingale was saddened, a crisp voice interrupted her thoughts.

She raised her head and saw a familiar figure.

Rare pink hair, a gorgeous mage equipment, it is Xiao Xian Meow.

The nightingale recognized it at a glance, this is the elven mage who rides on the back of the black dragon and has strong magical strength, but he can’t beat the other party!

“Hello! My name is Little Salty Meow. ”

Looking at the nightingale, Little Salty Meow smiled slightly.

“Strange name…”

The nightingale muttered softly.

She nodded and introduced herself as well:

“My name is Nightingale. ”

“It turned out to be Sister Nightingale! ”

Xiao Xian Meow smiled sweetly and continued to explain:

“Sister Nightingale, it’s different now, the half-orc power of the Elven Forest has been uprooted by us. ”

“There… Already completely safe. ”

Is Elven Forest safe?

The nightingale was slightly stunned.

“Impossible! There is a large half-orc tribe entrenched nearby, how can it be destroyed? ”

She subconsciously retorted.

“You mean the cave tribes, they… It’s already history. ”

Xiao Xian Meow continued.

Turned into history?

The nightingale was stunned.

“Impossible! I was arrested by them the day before yesterday! I know some of their secrets… Behind them is the support of the true god, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Without the power of other true gods, they cannot be eliminated at all! ”

“Nothing is impossible. ”

Xiao Xian Meow smiled slightly.

After speaking, her expression became extremely reverent:


She drew a tree-shaped symbol on her chest, and her voice was solemn:

“Our true God… Also back. ”

True God?

See that somewhat familiar tree symbol.

The nightingale’s pupils shrank slightly.

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